Biography of Capt. Joseph Thompson McCracken

CAPT. JOSEPH THOMPSON MCCRACKEN. Among the well-known farmers and stock dealers of Marion County, Arkansas, none has a better or more thoroughly cultivated farm than he whose name is here given. He is a product of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, where he was born November 29, 1830, a son of Joseph R. and Isabelle (Thompson) McCracken, the former born in North Carolina in 1776, and the latter in Virginia about 1780. They were taken to Rutherford County, Tennessee, in their youth and were there reared, married and made their home until 1851, when they came by wagon to Marion County, Arkansas, the … Read more

Biography of John H. Gass

JOHN H. GASS. This gentleman is one of the most prominent farmers of Boone County, Arkansas, and there is no one who more fully illustrates in his career the unbounded energy and activity of the agriculturist of his section than does he. His birth occurred in what is Clay County, Tennessee, in 1839, and he received very little schooling, much of his time being spent in the arduous duties of the farm. On February 1, 1858, he was married to Miss Susan J., daughter of Lewis and Abigail Pipkin, natives of South Carolina and East Tennessee respectively. Mrs. Gass was … Read more

Biography of James Le Grand, M. D.

JAMES LE GRAND, M. D. In a comprehensive work of this kind, dealing with industrial pursuits, sciences, arts and professions, it is only fit and right that that profession on which, in some period or other of our lives (the medical profession) we are all more or less dependent, should be noticed. It is the prerogative of the physician to relieve or alleviate the ailments to which suffering humanity is heir, and as such he deserves the most grateful consideration of all. A prominent physician, who, by his own ability, has attained distinction in his profession, is Dr. James Le … Read more

Biography of William R. Brooksher, Sr.

WILLIAM R. BROOKSHER, SR. It is with true interest that the biographer takes up his pen to write of the Brooksher, family, one of the prominent ones of the county, and one of its members, W. R. Brooksher, Sr., who is actively engaged in agricultural pursuits. This representative citizen was born in South Carolina April 16, 1829, a son of Samuel and Nancy (Wilson) Brooksher, both of whom were born in South Carolina , and grandson of S. Brooksher, who was a soldier of the Revolution. The family was founded in this country by Surft Brooksher, who came from Germany … Read more

Biography of William F. Eatman

WILLIAM F. EATMAN. The county of Baxter, Arkansas, is very fortunate in her officials and is especially so as regards William F. Eatman, who is the efficient sheriff of Baxter County. He was born in Alabama, September 28, 1868, a son of Hon. Clem A. and Jane L. (Jordan) Eatman, both of whom were born in Greene County, Ala., the birth of the former occurring October 28, 1835, and their marriage in 1867. The paternal grandparents were Reddin and Sarah (Schamblee) Eatman, who were born, reared and married in the Old North State, and soon after the latter event (1835) … Read more

Biography of T. W. Johnson

T. W. JOHNSON. There is no country in the world in which the march of civilization is more noticeable than America, where home life is at the highest ebb of refinement and moral excellence. In every branch of life is this noticeable, the homes in particular showing the delicate touch of the housewife whose keen sense of refinement leads her to command the best and most artistic class of furniture. All classes of furniture may be found at the emporium of T. W. Johnson, who is the largest and only exclusive dealer in furniture and sash and doors in this … Read more

Biography of James Wiley Salmon

JAMES WILEY SALMON. The following is a brief sketch of the career of James Wiley Salmon, a man whose present substantial position in life has been reached entirely through his own perseverance, and the facts connected with his agricultural and stockraising operations, and their results, only show what a person with courage and enlightened views can accomplish. He was born February 7, 1826, in Hickman County, Tennessee, and was a son of James and Nancy (Storey) Salmon, natives of Scotland and Edgecombe County, N. C., respectively. It is thought that James Salmon came to the United States when quite young, … Read more

Biography of George Newton Nelson

GEORGE NEWTON NELSON. This successful general merchant of Buford, Arkansas, is also the efficient postmaster of the place, a position to which he was appointed by President Cleveland in 1885. Although young in years, he has shown commercial ability of a high order, and has proven it to be a fact that good management, fair dealing and application to business will result in profit to the parties at interest. Failure rarely, if ever, comes to him who devotes himself conscientiously to his work, and to him who would succeed energy and perseverance are leading essentials. Mr. Nelson was born in … Read more

Biography of John R. B. Lancaster

JOHN R. B. LANCASTER. This prominent pioneer of Stone County, Arkansas, owes his nativity to Smith County, Tennessee, his birth occurring ten miles from Carthage, February 20, 1831. His parents, John and Clarissa (Decker) Lancaster, were born in Tennessee, and came to Arkansas in March, 1844, locating in what is now Round Bottom, Stone County, where the father’s death occurred March 21, 1855, at the age of sixty-one years. and the mother’s in 1863, when she was a few years younger than her husband. The latter was a soldier of the War of 1812 under Jackson, and was probably a … Read more

Biography of Elijah Friend

ELIJAH FRIEND. The estate of which this progressive tiller of the soil is the owner comprises 190 acres advantageously located near Theodocia, Missouri, on which he has resided for the past fifteen years, and which he has put in an excellent state of cultivation. Mr. Friend inherits many of the most sterling traits of his Scoth and Irish ancestors and is a man on whose word one can rely at all times. He was born in Marion County, Arkansas, about sixty-three years ago, but his parents James and Mary Jane (Millwood) Friend, were born in Maryland. The father removed with … Read more

Biography of Jason F. Norman

JASON F. NORMAN. Special adaptability to any particular calling in life is the one necessary adjunct to success of a permanent kind. No matter what the vim and determination characterizing a man’s start in business, unless he is to the manner born, he will find to his sorrow that his line has been falsely cast, and the quicker he draws aside and takes up another, the better it will be for him. It has often been the case that a man will make a success of several different occupations, and this has been the experience of Jason F. Norman, who … Read more

Biography of Robert Dow England

ROBERT DOW ENGLAND. In no line of commerce or in no professional calling are the requirements more exacting than in the vocation followed by the druggist, and among the efficient men engaged in that business in Quitman, Arkansas, is Robert Dow England, who conducts an attractively and neatly fitted store which is stocked with a superior line of fresh drugs, medicines, chemicals, toilet articles, etc., which will compare favorably with any similar establishment in the county. He owes his nativity to Faulkner County, Arkansas, where he first saw the light January 18, 1860, a son of John and Lovesta (Hamilton) … Read more

Biography of John J. Morrow, M. D.

JOHN J. MORROW, M. D. Health is the most precious gift of nature, and how to retain it and how to regain it when lost are matters of vital moment. For this the physician’s services are often required, and it is therefore most necessary that he should be a man of intelligence, well-posted in his profession and conscientious and painstaking in his practice. These requirements are possessed by Dr. John J. Morrow, who is an exceptionally successful physician of Gassville, Baxter County, Arkansas He was born at McMinnville, Warren County, Tennessee, October 27, 1861, a son of D. G. and … Read more

Biography of B. M. Estes

B. M. ESTES. There is no branch of commerce in the United States or elsewhere that is of more importance and enters more intimately into the interests of a locality than the selling of general merchandise, and this important calling is that in which Mr. Estes is engaged. He is a member of the firm of Estes & Cawdrey, of Eros, Arkansas, which connection was made in November 1893. Mr. Estes was born at Woodbury, Tennessee, September 23, 1844, being one of twelve children born to John M. and Charlotte (Elkins) Estes, the former of whom was a native of … Read more

Biography of Beverly B. Evetts

BEVERLY B. EVETTS. The pages of history fail to disclose an older or more honorable calling than that of the farmer, and among its most honorable votaries is Beverly B. Evetts, who is a product of Smith County, Tennessee, where he was born April 2, 1847, to James H. and Sarah A. (Hubbard) Evetts, who were also natives of Smith County, and where they were reared and married. In 1847 they came to Arkansas and located in Wallace Township, Stone County, of which section they were among the very first settlers. After making several changes they located on the farm … Read more

Biography of A. S. Layton

A. S. LAYTON. “The banking business is a clean and honorable one, and most astute and able minds of the country find in that line the most congenial work. No branch of business in America can make a stronger showing of solid thinkers, brilliant financiers or more subtle organizers, and A. S. Layton, the founder of the Bank of Yellville, Arkansas, is regarded as one of these. He was born in Greene County, Missouri, January 11, 1843, a son of Augustus S. and Ellen (Scott) Layton, the former a native of Spottsylvania County, Virginia, born in 1813, and a son … Read more

Biography of Hon. William B. Cothron

HON. WILLIAM B. COTHRON. This able and efficient probate and county judge of Stone County, Arkansas, was born in Greene County, this State, March 10, 1849, a son of Alexander and Jane B. (Hughes) Cothron, who were born in the Old North State and Tennessee, respectively. They became residents of Greene County, Arkansas, about 1847, and from there moved to Lawrence County, Arkansas, and finally to what is now Stone County in 1863, but the father died in Lawrence County in June, 1863, when about fifty years of age. The mother also died when about that age, in 1873, in … Read more

Biography of Capt. A. R. McPherson

CAPT. A. R. MCPHERSON. This worthy gentleman and old pioneer of Newton County, Arkansas, comes of fine old Virginia stock, although he, himself, was born in the State of Alabama, August 17, 1830, the seventh of eleven children born to the marriage of Reuben McPherson and Elizabeth Rash. The father was one of the early pioneers of Tennessee and took part in the War of 1812, under Gen. Jackson, with whom he participated in the battle of New Orleans. After the war he was married in Tennessee and moved with his young wife to Jackson County, Ala., where he was … Read more

Biography of Col. William B. Jordan

COL. WILLIAM B. JORDAN. This gentleman is one of the leading farmers of Independence Township, Baxter County, Arkansas, and has followed this calling from his earliest boyhood, having been initiated into its mysteries by his father. He was born in Lunenburg County, Virginia, in 1808, to Baxter Jordan, who was born in the same county in 1777 and died in 1823, having followed the calling of a merchant and farmer. His marriage resulted in the birth of two children, William B., and Thomas, who died in Alabama. The subject of this sketch was educated in his native county and an … Read more

Biography of Judge W. N. Evans

Judge W. N. Evans, of the Twentieth Judicial District of Missouri, makes his home in the northwestern part of West Plains, where he has a handsome residence on Garfield Avenue. He is a native of Owsley County, Kentucky, born September 1, 1849, and the son of W. N. and Elizabeth (Hurst) Evans. The grandfather, John Evans, was a native of Wales, who came to this country at an early day and settled in old Virginia. Later he moved to east Tennessee and there passed the remainder of his days. He had but three children, two sons and a daughter. The … Read more