Biography of Robert Benjamin West

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by

Robert Benjamin West, whose time is busily occupied with the care of a farm of seventy-one acres, which he cultivates according to modern scientific methods productive of excellent results, is one -of the native sons of Racine County, born June 21, 1876. His father, Benjamin West, also a well known and highly respected agriculturist of this County, was born in Canada, October 11, 1847, his parents being Thomas and Hannah West, who in 1848 brought their family to Racine County, casting in their lot with its pioneer settlers. Securing land, Thomas West devoted his attention to farming in Raymond Township until his death and contributed in substantial measure to the development and progress of the locality.

His son Benjamin was reared amid the scenes and the conditions of pioneer life and in the common schools of Raymond Township acquired his education. He early assisted his father in the work. of the fields and became acquainted with the best methods of tilling the soil and caring for the crops. When twenty-five years of age he left home and went to Iowa, but after a year in that state returned to Racine County, where he has since been engaged in farming, making his home in Raymond Township, where he owns and cultivates one hundred and fifty-six acres of good land, annually gathering substantial harvests, which bring to him a gratifying yearly income. In 1872 he was united in marriage to Miss Esther Law, a daughter of George and Rebecca Law, who were natives of England. Three children were born of this marriage: Robert Benjamin; Mary Rebecca, deceased; and Derrick Wendell.

The parents are adherents of the Congregational church and in his political views Benjamin West is a stalwart republican, having supported the party since age conferred upon him the right of franchise. He has been town clerk of Raymond Township for sixteen years, his long connection with the office plainly indicating his capability and the confidence reposed in him by his fellow townsmen. He has also served as clerk of the school board and he is actively and helpfully interested in all plans and projects for promoting the public welfare. For more than two-thirds of a century he has been in this County and is one of its honored and respected citizens, having led a life which commands for him the good will and high regard of all with whom he has come in contact.

Robert B. West obtained a common school education and assisted in the work of the old homestead farm until 1905, when he started out independently, purchasing seventy-one acres of land in Mount Pleasant. Township, where he has since made his home, his time and energies being devoted to the further development and improvement of this tract, which is today one of the excellent farm properties of the district.

On the 13th of March, 1905, Mr. West was married to Miss Emily Matilda Halter, a daughter of Henry Halter, and they have become the parents of three children, Esther May, Jeanette Marion and Eunice Henrietta.

Mr. West belongs to the United Order of Foresters at Raymond and he gives his political allegiance to the Republican Party. For one year he filled the office of assessor but has never been ambitions to hold political positions. He is deeply interested in the work of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he holds membership, and has served as superintendent of the Sunday school in the Raymond Congregational church in Raymond Township. For three generations the West family has been actively associated with the agricultural development of Racine County and throughout the entire period the family name has been an honored one in this part of the state. The work instituted by the grandfather has been carried on by the father and son and they have not only contributed to the material development but have also been active in upholding the legal and moral status of the community.


Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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