Joseph Bell

In the name of God. Amen!

I, Joseph Bell, of the County of Augusta, and state of Virginia, being of sound and disposing mind and memory do make my last Will and Testament in manner following, towit:

I give my soul to Almighty God who gave it, and my body to the Earth, all my just debts and funeral expenses to be paid first, etc. Impremises, I give, demise and bequeath to my Brother, William Bell’s two oldest children, James Bell and Elizabeth Bell, two hundred acres of land on both sides of the South River adjoining the line that William once owned; the division line to run nearly North and South crossing the South River to the Patent line, so as to include my two dwelling houses; also one hundred acres of pine land adjoining Alexander Long’s line; also each of them a good feather bed and furniture, and to be their heirs and assigns forever.

Secondly, I demise to my Nephew, John Gamble’s heirs, one hundred acres of land adjoining the above land, the line to run nearly North and South, crossing the South River to the Patent line of Beverly Manor; also, one hundred acres of pine land on the South end of the old tract adjoining Bell line, to them, their heirs and assigns forever.

Thirdly, I demise to my three Nephews, Robert Love, James Love and Thomas Love, and my two grand Nephews, John Gamble and Robert Gamble, now of the Florida’s, and grand Nephew, James Coleman Pendleton, all the remainder of my land on both sides of the South River adjoining Alexander’s land, including the Green Pond Entry; land in the state of Ohio, or elsewhere that I may have at my deceased, to be equally divided among them six demises, and to be theirs, their heirs or assigns forever.

I give to my grand niece, Rebecca Gamble, daughter of John Gamble, deceased, fifty dollars. To Sarah Bell McCamble, also to Sarah McCune and Esther Linn each of them fifty dollars, and Miss Catherine Brown fifty dollars for the attention paid to my sister, Sarah Bell in her last illness.

These Legacies to be paid out of my moneys or bonds that I may have in the House, I leave to James R. Love, my grand nephew, my best suit of clothes, two shirts, and my silver shoe buckles.

All the remainder of my personal estate of every description, cows, household and kitchen furniture, and farming utensils, shall be sold by my executors, and the money arising from the sale, one-half to go to the heirs of my sister, Nancy Gamble, the other half to the heirs of my sister, Dorcas Love, and to them, their heirs and assigns forever.

I allow the Brown families that are tenants on the land to occupy and work the same fields that they now do for the term of two years after my decease, and to pay the same rent in grain and hay that they now do to my executors. Old Mrs. Brown and her three children that now live with her to have the use of my two dwelling houses, orchard and garden, until Bells come in from Tennessee. In case it should happen that none of the heirs incline to come and live on the land, after the two years expire, then my executors may either sell or rent the land as they may think most advisable for the benefit of the heirs, and in case of sale the money to be paid to each claimant, etc. etc.

And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint William Gamble, my two grand nephews, and Dr. Robert Gamble, (both Gambles are his nephews-F.D. Love), and my worthy friend, William Davis Sen. Esqr., Executors of this, my last Will and Testament revoking all others.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this nineteenth day of August in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three.

Test Joseph Bell (Seal)

Jacob Vanlear

John S. Black,

Washington M. Austin,

Samuel Black Jr.



Augusta County VA,

Partridge, Dennis N. Love Family Genealogy. Web. © 2001.

2 thoughts on “Joseph Bell”

  1. There are no dates on this will.. What year was this Joseph Bell Born and what year did he die, Furthermore , what year was this obituary written?

    • Yes there is…

      “In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this nineteenth day of August in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three.”


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