Warner, Kenneth George – Obituary

Kenneth George Warner, 67, well-known sheep man, died yesterday [May 22, 1939] in St. Anthony’s hospital of a complication of illnesses. He was born in Rutland, Vermont, and came west in 1885 to reside in the Pilot Rock region. In his early life he assisted his father in the sheep business, and later enlisted in The Dalles Company H, participating in overseas activities during the Philippine insurrection. On returning to Oregon, he went into the sheep business for himself. He was also active in the Oregon Wool Growers Association and for two terms was president of the state association. He … Read more

Lucius Merrill Todd of Aurora IL

Lucius Merrill Todd7, (Levi6, Ruel5, Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born April 6, 1839, in Mt. Holly, Vt., died July 14, 1899, in Aurora, Ill., married in Sugar Grove, Ill., July 10, 1864, Mary Ann Bruce, who was born Aug. 2, 1838, in Ithaca, N. Y., died Feb. 29, 1892, in Aurora, Ill. He was engaged in farming for several years, when in 1870, he became associated with his brother-in-law, F. O. White, in the lumber business under the firm name of White & Todd. He continued in this business until his death. Children: *1793. Edward Sherman, b. Sept. 13, 1864. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Copeland, Charles P.

Copeland, Charles P. cashier of Russell Bank, and County Treasurer, first came to Kansas in April 1874. He embarked in mercantile business until 1878, and began banking in 1877. Was elected County Treasurer in 1879; re-elected in 1881. He was born at Middletown Springs, Rutland Co., Vt., in 1854, and was raised on a farm. He graduated from Eastman’s Commercial College, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in 1874. He then came to Kansas. Married in 1876 to Miss Josephine Ackerman, of Rosendale, Wis. They have one son – Cecil Edwin. Mr. Copeland is a member of Russell Lodge, No. 119, I. … Read more

Biography of Damian Lavery, Rev.

Rev. Damian Lavery, director of St. Benedict’s College at Atchison, is a graduate of that institution and had been actively connected with it as an instructor since his ordination as a priest fourteen years ago. Father Lavery was born in Benson, Vermont, February 17, 1878, but had lived in Kansas since early infancy. His father, John Lavery, who was born in Connanght, Ireland, in 1835, came to this country when a young man, located in Vermont, was married there, and for many years followed his trade as a mechanic and employment as a railroad man. In 1879 he brought his … Read more

Biography of Reese James Richards

Mr. Richards’ long experience in the jewelry business has culminated in one of the most popular and well-equipped jewelry establishments at Northampton, and in this part of the State; and to bring about its gradual and substantial development he has added the results of investigation and training that have been lifelong. His interest in the broadening of civic affairs has always been a most active feature of his Northampton citizenship; and he has held office that has been productive of progressive results to the community. Mr. Richards is the son of William T. Richards, who who was born in England … Read more

Sabra Amelia Todd Kingsley of East Clarendon VT

KINGSLEY, Sabra Amelia Todd9, (Henry D.8, Caleb7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Oct. 13, 1843, in Boston, Mass., married April 24, 1867, Samuel Taylor Kingsley, who was born July 27, 1841. In 1875, they lived in East Clarendon, Vt. Children: I. Caroline Lois, b. March 9, 1868. II. Amelia, b. Dec. 8, 1869.

Rutland County, Vermont Census

  1790 Rutland County, Vermont Census Free 1790 Census Form for your Research Hosted at Ancestry.com – Ancestry Free Trial 1790 Rutland County, Census (images and index) $ Hosted at Census Guide 1790 U.S. Census Guide 1800 Rutland County, Vermont Census Free 1800 Census Form for your Research Hosted at Ancestry.com – Ancestry Free Trial 1800 Rutland County, Census (images and index) $ Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1810 Rutland County, Vermont Census Free 1810 Census Form for your Research Hosted at Ancestry.com – Ancestry Free Trial 1810 Rutland County, Census (images and index) $ 1810-1890 Accelerated … Read more

Baptist Church of Ira Vermont – Church Membership 1895-1916

Surname Name Date and Manner of Reception When and How Dismissed Watt Rev. George H Letter, Aug. 5, 1895 Letter, May 17, 1896 Watt Mrs. George H Letter, Aug. 5, 1895 Letter, May 17, 1896 Parker Flora Parker Baptism, Apr. 19, 1896 Letter, 1897 Wheeler Florence (Robinson) Baptism, May 10, 1896 . Whitmore Mabel Whitmore Baptism, May 10, 1896 Died, Feb. 6, 1925 Shaw Martha (Johnson) Baptism, May 10, 1896 Died Jones (No.2) John S. Letter, Dec. 29, 1897 Letter, Dec. 24, 1916 Jones Florence Letter, Dec. 29, 1897 Letter, Dec. 24, 1916 Johnson Rev. Charles A. Letter, May 8, … Read more

Biography of Hiland Southworth

Hiland Southworth. Abilene was far out on the western frontier when a young lawyer named Hiland Southworth joined himself to the community in 1878. In the growth and development of the city and surrounding connty Mr. Southworth afterward had a most infinential and active part. His own success and prosperity rose with the community and he made his business, that of investment banking, a tried and sure resource and a bulwark of financial integrity. The judgment and abilities required for the handling of investments both large and small Mr. Southworth possessed to a rare degree approximating genius. Mr. Southworth was … Read more

Ruel Todd of Vermont

Ruel Todd6, (Ruel5, Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born in 1813, at Mt. Holly, Vt., died Sept. 3, 1893, married in 1828 or 1829, at Wallingford, Vt., Betsey Bishop, who died Feb., 1888. Mr. Todd was a farmer in his early life, also at the time of his death. For several years during middle life he owned and operated a blacksmith shop and had connected with it another shop where he built wagons and sleighs, besides doing the iron and wood work, he made the cushions and did the upholstering as well, turning out the carriages and sleighs complete and ready … Read more

Ruel Todd East Wallingford VT

Ruel Todd5, (Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Sept. 1771 in Connecticut, died in 1834 in East Wallingford, Vt., married in 1797, Lucinda, daughter of Joel and Lydia (Bradley) Tuttle, who was born April 8, 1775, in Conn., died in 1843 in East Wallingford, Vt. Children: *513. Mary, b. 1798. *514. Eleazer, b. 1800. *515. Lucinda, b. 1801. *516. Lydia, b. March 6, 1805. *517. Chloe, b. Nov. 25, 1808. *518. Ruel, b. 1813. 519. Eliada, married and had two daughters at least. They lived in West Dryden. N. Y., when last heard from. *520. Levi, b. Aug. 29, 1815. *521. … Read more

Hiram Lawrence Todd of Saratoga Springs NY

Hiram Lawrence Todd7, (Samuel6, Eliel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Oct. 6, 1818, in Enosburg, Vt., died March 8, 1884, in Saratoga, N. Y., from the effects of a fall on the ice. He married Amanda, daughter of Elias Babcock, of West Berkshire, Vt., who died March 8, 1889. He was a talented physician and practiced his profession at Fair Haven, Vt., and later at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Child: *1414. Vernon Lawrence, b. Jan. 8, 1846.

Orrin Todd of Pittsford VT

Orrin Todd7, (Ruel6, Ruel5, Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born July 25, 1831, died Nov. 24, 1864, in Pittsford, Vt., married in Wallingford, Vt., in 1851, Nancy Baker Moore, who was born Sept. 2, 1834, in Milford, Mass., died May 17, 1903, in Cuttingsville, Vt. Children: 1786. Ida C., b. May 15, 1854, in Wallingford, Vt., m. Oct. 9, 1877, in Cuttingsville, Vt., Oscar Albertus Adams; has a shoe store in Granville, N. Y., where she is now (1912) living. He was born Aug. 29, 1852, in Plymouth, Vt. 1787. George Orrin, b. Oct. 12, 1862, d. July 24, 1864.

Biography of Prof. Horace Lyman

PROF. HORACE LYMAN, – Few among those who came as missionaries to our state have held a more honored position, or have accomplished more genuine good, than professor Lyman. He was a new Englander of an old family, whose first American members crossed the ocean from England to Connecticut as early as 1639.His parents were plain farmer folks living at East Hampton, Massachusetts and in that town he was born in 1815. Of his five brothers, two went to college and prepared for the ministry. As a boy and young man, he was ever thoughtful and extra-ordinarily energetic, with a … Read more

Baptist Church of Ira Vermont – Church Membership 1917-1924

Surname Name Date and Manner of Reception When and How Dismissed Scott Wesley Baptism, July 1, 1917 . Weaver Herert Baptism, July 1, 1917 . Cramton Julia (Thompson) Baptism, July 1, 1917 . Foster Henry Baptism, July 1, 1917 . Fish Marcus H. Baptism, July 1, 1917 . Fish Guy Baptism, July 1, 1917 . Fish Mrs. Della Baptism, July 1, 1917 . Lincoln Ella (Mehuren) Baptism, July 1, 1917 . Fish Lula Baptism, July 1, 1917 . Fish Gladys Baptism, July 1, 1917 . Weaver Mrs. Minnie Baptism, July 8, 1917 . Coombs Harry Baptism, July 8, 1917 . … Read more

Biography of Hull Foster

Hull Foster, only surviving son of Zadoc Foster, was born in Sudbury, Rutland county, Vermont, January 23, 1796, and came to the northwestern territory, with his father’s family, when a few months old. His first visit to Athens was in 1804 or 1805. He came to visit Dr. Leonard Jewett’s family, and traveled on horseback from Belpre, there being no visible road, but only a horse path which crossed the river at the present site of Coolville. There was a sort of ferry at this point. At that time one Strickland kept public house in a log building, on the … Read more

Lucinda Todd Mighill of Aurora IL

MIGHILL, Lucinda Todd6, (Ruel5, Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born 1801, at East Wallingford, Vt., died 1876, at Aurora, Ill., married Ezekiel Mighill, who was born 1798, at East Wallingford, Vt., died 1878, at Aurora, Ill. Children: I. Lewis, d. at Waterman, Ill., m. Amanda(???). II. Silas, d. at Jericho, (Ill.?) 1906, m. at the same town, Delany Calkins who was living in 1912. III. Mary, b. in New York State, m. at Jericho, (Ill.?), John Ellis who was b. in Wales. IV. Albert, d. at Aurora, Ill., m. Ellen Curry who was living in 1912. V. Ruel, d. at Morris, … Read more

Eleazer Todd of West Dryden NY

Eleazer Todd6, (Ruel5, Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born 1800, at Mt. Holly, Vt., married Sally, daughter of Capt. Daniel and Hannah (Bates) Emery, who was born in 1801. She was a sister of Abner Emery who married Mr. Todd’s sister Mary. They both died at West Dryden, N. Y. Children: *1078. Betsey. *1079. Harriet Cooke, b. July 22, 1822. *1080. Maria. *1081. Almina. *1082. Ann. *1083. Jane. *1084. Ruel, b. Aug. 6, 1818.

Biography of Elmore W. Snyder

Elmore W. Snyder. A resident of Kansas since 1878, and with possibly one exception the oldest living bank president in the state, Elmore W. Snyder, president of the Manufacturers National Bank of Leavenworth, had been actively identified with the commercial and financial history of Kansas for nearly forty years. He was born in the Village of Red Creek, Wayne County, New York, November 23, 1850. Jacob Snyder, his great-grandfather, settled in that section of York State in pioneer times and operated a grist mill for many years. His grandfather, Amos Snyder, was there reared, engaged in farming, practiced law and … Read more