Biographical Sketch of Charles E. Orcutt

Charles E. Orcutt was born in Middletown, Rutland county, Vermont, February 15, 1845. His parents were Erasmus and Philena (Edgerton) Orcutt, natives of Vermont. While our subject was yet an infant his parents removed to Allegany county, New York, and after living there two years the family removed to Massachusetts, and there, in the Deerfield Academy, our subject received his education. After leaving school be worked on a farm until twenty years of age, when he immigrated to Missouri and located at the city of Chillicothe, where he clerked for a number of years in a drug and book store. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of General Lewis S. Partridge

Lewis S. Partridge

General Lewis S. Partridge, son of Abel and Alpa (Lewis) Partridge, was born in Norwich, Vt., in 1818, a year prolific in the birth of sons in town. In early life he served in clerkships in mercantile business in Norwich, and in Hanover and Claremont, New Hampshire. He became a cadet at Norwich University in 1833, remaining there until 1836. Later on he entered into mercantile business on his own account in his native town. He was at one time proprietor of the “Union Hotel,” at Norwich. From early life Mr. Partridge took an active part in politics and was … Read more

Baptist Church of Ira Vermont – Church Membership 1809

Surname Name Date and Manner of Reception When and How Dismissed Collins Justis Baptism, Jan. 1, 1809 . Newton Susanna Baptism, Jan. 1, 1809 .. Bassett Roxana Baptism, Jan. 1, 1809 . Lawrence Lucina Baptism, Jan. 1, 1809 . Spencer Roxana Baptism, Jan. 1, 1809 . Collins Benoni Baptism, Jan. 1, 1809 . McCreary John Baptism, Jan. 1, 1809 . Tillotson Richard Baptism, Jan. 1, 1809 . Newton Jason Baptism, Jan. 1, 1809 Excluded, 1830 Johnson David D. Baptism, Jan. 1, 1809 Excluded, Apr. 25, 1811 Tower Joseph Jr. Baptism, Jan. 1, 1809 Died, Feb. 1840 Johnson Smith Baptism, Jan. … Read more

Baptist Church of Ira Vermont – Church Membership 1783-1794

Surname Name Date and Manner of Reception When and How Dismissed Skeels Rev. Thomas Dec. 25, 1783 Died, 1792 Sherman George . Excluded, June, 1786 Baker Joseph . Excluded, Dec. 16, 1784 Sherman George, Jr. . Died. Lee Nathan . Excluded, June, 1786 Tower Joseph .. Died Lee Nathan . Letter, Jan. 27, 1791 Collins John . . Cole James . Excluded, June 25, 1789 Mason Nathaniel . Died, May, 1835 Mason Isaiah .. Died, June, 1830 Baker John .. Excluded, Jan. 25, 1787 Baker Reuben .. Letter, Oct. 31, 1793 Carr Hezekiah . Letter, May 26, 1799 Carpenter Cephas … Read more

Baptist Church of Ira Vermont – Church Membership 1879-1889

Surname Name Date and Manner of Reception When and How Dismissed Brown Mary Profession of Faith, Jan. 5, 1879 Letter, July 26, 1886 Daniels Amanda . Died, Dec. 28, 1882 Prior Harlow Baptism, May 25, 1879 Died, Mar. 5, 1881 Prior Ida (Wetmore) Baptism, May 25, 1879 . Wetmore Emmett Baptism, June 1, 1879 . Wetmore Annis Baptism, June 1, 1879 . Giddings Annette (Wetmore) Baptism, June 1, 1879 . Day Leonard W. Baptism, June 1, 1879 . Day Mrs. Louisa Baptism, June 1, 1879 Letter, Feb. 6, 1892 Tower Alvira Baptism, June 1, 1879 Died, Feb. 22, 1882 Kelly … Read more

Biography of Prof. Horace Lyman

PROF. HORACE LYMAN, – Few among those who came as missionaries to our state have held a more honored position, or have accomplished more genuine good, than professor Lyman. He was a new Englander of an old family, whose first American members crossed the ocean from England to Connecticut as early as 1639.His parents were plain farmer folks living at East Hampton, Massachusetts and in that town he was born in 1815. Of his five brothers, two went to college and prepared for the ministry. As a boy and young man, he was ever thoughtful and extra-ordinarily energetic, with a … Read more

Warner, Kenneth George – Obituary

Kenneth George Warner, 67, well-known sheep man, died yesterday [May 22, 1939] in St. Anthony’s hospital of a complication of illnesses. He was born in Rutland, Vermont, and came west in 1885 to reside in the Pilot Rock region. In his early life he assisted his father in the sheep business, and later enlisted in The Dalles Company H, participating in overseas activities during the Philippine insurrection. On returning to Oregon, he went into the sheep business for himself. He was also active in the Oregon Wool Growers Association and for two terms was president of the state association. He … Read more

Rutland County, Vermont Census

  1790 Rutland County, Vermont Census Free 1790 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial 1790 Rutland County, Census (images and index) $ Hosted at Census Guide 1790 U.S. Census Guide 1800 Rutland County, Vermont Census Free 1800 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial 1800 Rutland County, Census (images and index) $ Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1810 Rutland County, Vermont Census Free 1810 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial 1810 Rutland County, Census (images and index) $ 1810-1890 Accelerated … Read more

Eliel Todd of Pawlet VT

Eliel Todd5, (Samuel4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Feb. 20, 1746-47 in Northbury Parish, Waterbury, Conn., died in 1793, in Pawlet, Vt., where having been stricken with a fever, he took a dose of strychnine by mistake for calomel. He married Anna Stafford or Sanford of Pawlet, Vt. He was a physician and practiced his profession in Pawlet, Vt., and vicinity. “He was the first physician in the north part of the town. He was a skillful and talented physician, and tradition invests him with rare endowments. He was a Lieutenant in the Revolutionary war. He died in 1793 from poison … Read more

Hiram Lawrence Todd of Saratoga Springs NY

Hiram Lawrence Todd7, (Samuel6, Eliel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Oct. 6, 1818, in Enosburg, Vt., died March 8, 1884, in Saratoga, N. Y., from the effects of a fall on the ice. He married Amanda, daughter of Elias Babcock, of West Berkshire, Vt., who died March 8, 1889. He was a talented physician and practiced his profession at Fair Haven, Vt., and later at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Child: *1414. Vernon Lawrence, b. Jan. 8, 1846.

Eleazer Todd of Aurora IL

Eleazer Todd7, (Levi6, Ruel5, Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born May 20, 1841, in East Wallingford, Vt., died April 19, 1903, married in Aurora, Ill., Feb. 16, 1866, Emma S. Mayo, who was born July 16, 1841, in Boston, Mass. For several years, Mr. Todd was engaged in farming operations. In 1890, he left the farm and engaged in the grocery business in Aurora, Ill. He remained in this business until his death. He was a veteran of the civil war, enlisting in August, 1861, in Company A., 36th Cavalry Regiment, Illinois Volunteers, being in the same company and regiment as … Read more

George Henry Todd of East Wallingford VT

George Henry Todd7, (Levi6, Ruel5, Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born June 14, 1851, in East Wallingford, Vt., married in Rochelle, Ill., Sept. 13, 1877, Lucy Brown Prescott, who was born in Burlington, Mass. Mr. Todd graduated from the West Aurora High School in 1871. After his graduation he was engaged in the dry goods business until 1895, when he disposed of it, and became interested in the low lands of the Mississippi Valley. He was the leader of a Company that had huge levees erected so that many acres of inundated land were redeemed. Completing this work he became a … Read more

Chloe Todd Holden of Mt. Holly VT

HOLDEN, Chloe Todd6, (Ruel5, Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Nov. 25, 1808, at Mt. Holly, Vt., died 1896, at the same town; married Jan. 1830, Fitch Holden who was born July 1807, at Mt. Holly, Vt., died Sept. 1864, at the same town. Children: I. Highland, b. Jan. 1831, at Mt. Holly, Vt., he was living in 1912, m. Laura Dickinson who was b. Jan. 1833, at Mt. Holly, Vt., d. July 1909 at the same town. II. Oteline, b. Nov., 1833, at Mt. Holly, Vt., d. May, 1879, at the same town, m. Jan., 1849, Merritt Hammond, who was … Read more

Lucinda Todd Mighill of Aurora IL

MIGHILL, Lucinda Todd6, (Ruel5, Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born 1801, at East Wallingford, Vt., died 1876, at Aurora, Ill., married Ezekiel Mighill, who was born 1798, at East Wallingford, Vt., died 1878, at Aurora, Ill. Children: I. Lewis, d. at Waterman, Ill., m. Amanda(???). II. Silas, d. at Jericho, (Ill.?) 1906, m. at the same town, Delany Calkins who was living in 1912. III. Mary, b. in New York State, m. at Jericho, (Ill.?), John Ellis who was b. in Wales. IV. Albert, d. at Aurora, Ill., m. Ellen Curry who was living in 1912. V. Ruel, d. at Morris, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of S. H. Harrison

S. H. Harrison, attorney-at-law and loan agent, was born in Rutland County, Vt., January 17, 1837. Removed to Dodge County, Wis., in the fall of 1855. In the fall of 1859 he went to Minnesota. In 1862 he enlisted in the United States Army, in Company B, Seventh Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, and was discharged in January 1866. He was commissioned first lieutenant of Company C, Sixty-fifth Infantry, and returned to Wisconsin; thence to Harrison County, Mo. In the spring of 1875 he came to Jewell County, Kan., and located at Jewell City, after which he removed to Mankato, where he … Read more

Ruel Todd East Wallingford VT

Ruel Todd5, (Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Sept. 1771 in Connecticut, died in 1834 in East Wallingford, Vt., married in 1797, Lucinda, daughter of Joel and Lydia (Bradley) Tuttle, who was born April 8, 1775, in Conn., died in 1843 in East Wallingford, Vt. Children: *513. Mary, b. 1798. *514. Eleazer, b. 1800. *515. Lucinda, b. 1801. *516. Lydia, b. March 6, 1805. *517. Chloe, b. Nov. 25, 1808. *518. Ruel, b. 1813. 519. Eliada, married and had two daughters at least. They lived in West Dryden. N. Y., when last heard from. *520. Levi, b. Aug. 29, 1815. *521. … Read more

Baptist Church of Ira Vermont – Church Membership 1813-1815

Howard Rev. Leland Profession of Faith, June 2, 1813 Letter, Nov. 30, 1815 Sherman Anna Not recorded. (About 1813) Letter, Sept. 1, 1815 Eddy William Not recorded. (About 1813) . Davis John Not recorded. (About 1813) . Carpenter William Not recorded. (About 1813) . Seavil John Not recorded. (About 1813) Letter, Oct. 11, 1821 Howard Calvin Letter, Sept. 3, 1813 . Rogers Bela Letter, Sept. 3, 1813 . Howard Hendrick Letter, Sept. 3, 1813 . Cushman Charlotte Not recorded. (About 1813) . Eddy Anna Not recorded. (About 1813) . Howard Hannah Letter, Sept. 3, 1814 . Whitmore Ruth Letter, Sept. … Read more

Lucius Merrill Todd of Aurora IL

Lucius Merrill Todd7, (Levi6, Ruel5, Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born April 6, 1839, in Mt. Holly, Vt., died July 14, 1899, in Aurora, Ill., married in Sugar Grove, Ill., July 10, 1864, Mary Ann Bruce, who was born Aug. 2, 1838, in Ithaca, N. Y., died Feb. 29, 1892, in Aurora, Ill. He was engaged in farming for several years, when in 1870, he became associated with his brother-in-law, F. O. White, in the lumber business under the firm name of White & Todd. He continued in this business until his death. Children: *1793. Edward Sherman, b. Sept. 13, 1864. … Read more

Baptist Church of Ira Vermont – Church Membership 1816

Surname Name Date and Manner of Reception When and How Dismissed Guilford Rufus Baptism, Jan. 25, 1816 Excluded, Dec. 30, 1819 Hawks William Baptism, Jan. 25, 1816 Excluded, Nov. 24, 1825 Spaulding Alonzo Baptism, Jan. 25, 1816 Letter Spaulding Harry Baptism, Jan. 25, 1816 Letter Gurlingame Daniel Baptism, Jan. 25, 1816 Letter, Jan. 29, 1826 Scovil Elizabeth Baptism, Jan. 25, 1816 Letter, Oct. 11, 1821 Guiford Harriet Baptism, Jan. 25, 1816 . Collings Polly Baptism, Jan. 25, 1816 . rudd Deborah Baptism, Jan. 25, 1816 . Guilford Margueret Baptism, Jan. 25, 1816 Excluded Fish Betsey Baptism, Summer 1816 . Ormsbee … Read more

Biography of Dr. Ezra Walker

Doctor Ezra Walker, the first resident physician of Ames township, was born December 9, 1776, at Killingly, Connecticut, in which state he studied his profession, and practiced for some years. Removing from Connecticut he settled in Poultney, Vermont, about the year 1800, and from thence migrated with his family to Marietta, in the autumn of 18 to. He remained on the Muskingum till the spring of 1811, when he came with his family, consisting of wife and seven children, into Ames township, and immediately resumed the practice of medicine. He pursued a general practice for more than twenty years, and, … Read more