
Siuslaw Tribe

Last Updated on July 20, 2014 by Siuslaw Indians. A. small Yakonan tribe formerly living on and near Siuslaw River, west Oregon. It is now nearly extinct, a few survivors only being on the Siletz Reservation. The following were the former villages of the Siuslaw as ascertained by Dorsey in 1884 : Chimuksaich Hauwiyat Hilakwitiyus

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Yaquina Tribe

Last Updated on July 26, 2014 by Yaquina Indians. A small tribe, but the most important division of the Yakonan family, formerly living about Yaquina River and Bay, west Oregon. By the early explorers and writers they were classed with the Salishan tribes to the north, but later were shown to be linguistically independent. The

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Yakonan Indians

Last Updated on February 20, 2012 by Dennis Yakonan Family, Yakonan Stock, Yakonan Tribes. A linguistic family formerly occupying a territory in west Oregon, on and adjacent to the coast from Yaquina River south to Umpqua River. The family was probably never strong in numbers and of late years (1905) has decreased rapidly. The few

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