Roll Of Capt. James Rightmire’s Company
(Probably from Licking Co.) Served from May 4, until May 19, 1813, and from September 8, 1814, until March 5, 1815. Capt. James Rightmire Lieut. George Hull Ensign, Wadly Smith Sergt. John Wells Sergt. Burwell Sergt. Jonas Frye Sergt. Samuel Dunlap Sergt. Daniel Dial Sergt. Thomas Merit Corp. William Starner Corp. John Harbert Corp. Joshua Downs Corp. Elijah Harris Fifer, David Cox Drummer, Joseph Beckwith Musician, Valentine Dial Musician William Spig Privates Agg, Frederick Alspaugh, Adam Baker, John Barlow, Abraham Bashford, Thomas Bigsby, Titus Boner, James Botton, John Brister, Jacob Brown, Ebenezer Brown, Jeremiah Channel, Isom Chapman, Timothy Chapman, William … Read more