
Pensacola Tribe

Pensacola Indians (Choctaw: ‘hair-people,’ from pansha ‘hair,’ okla ‘people’) A tribe once inhabiting tracts around the present city and harbor of Pensacola, west Florida. According to Barcia they had been destroyed by tribal wars before the Spaniards became established there in 1698, but from a reference in Margry it appears that a few still remained at a later period.

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Pensacola Indian Tribe

Last Updated on August 24, 2014 by Immediately west of the Sawokli, the Spanish “Province of Sabacola,” lived anciently the Pensacola. Their name, properly Paⁿshi okla, “Bread People,” is Choctaw or from a closely related tongue, but we know next to nothing regarding the people themselves. Our earliest information of value concerning any of the

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