Tribal Signs – Lipan to Sheepeater – Sign Language
Sign Language Among North American Indians – Tribal Signs
Plains Indian Culture
Museum collections cannot illustrate this important phase of culture; but since no comprehensive view of the subject can be had without its consideration, we must give it some space. It is customary to treat of all habits or customs having to do with the family organization, the community, and what we call the state, under the head of social organization. So, in order that the reader may form some general idea of social conditions in this area, we shall review some of the discussed points. Unfortunately, the data for many tribes are meager so that a complete review cannot be … Read more
Industrial Arts of the Plains Tribes
Under this head the reader may be reminded that among most American tribes each family produces and manufactures for itself. There is a more or less definite division between the work of men and women, but beyond that there is little specialization. The individuals are not of equal skill, but still each practices practically the whole gamut of industrial arts peculiar to his sex. This fact greatly increases the importance of such arts when considered as cultural traits. Fire making The methods of making fire are often of great cultural interest. So far as our data go, the method in … Read more
Hunting and Food of the Plains Tribes
Since this is a discussion of the general characteristics of Plains Indians, we shall not take them up by tribes, as is usual, but by topics, Anthropologists are accustomed to group the facts of primitive life under the following main heads: material culture (food, transportation, shelter, dress, manufactures, weapons, etc.), social organization, religion and ceremonies, art, language, and physical type. Food The flesh of the buffalo was the great staple of the Plains Indians, though elk, antelope, bear and smaller game were not infrequently used. On the other hand, vegetable foods were always a considerable portion of their diet, many … Read more
Origins of Plains Tribes
1842 Census Roll of Osage Indians
Submitted by William Armstrong Acting Superintendent, Western Territory, 1842. This census was taken for the purpose of an annuity payment. Census lists a number, name, number of males and females and total numbers. Males and females are listed as under 10, 10-40, and over 40.
Black Hawk as a Young Brave
Black Hawk as a Young Brave
Medicine Bag of my Forefathers
I now fell heir to the great medicine bag of my forefathers, which had belonged to my father. I took it, buried our dead, and returned with my party, sad and sorrowful, to our village, in consequence of the loss of my father. Owing to this misfortune I blacked my face, fasted and prayed to the Great Spirit for five years, during which time I remained in a civil capacity, hunting and fishing. The Osages having again commenced aggressions on our people, and the Great Spirit having taken pity on me, I took a small party and went against them. I … Read more
Mohongo, Osage Woman
Mohongo, Osage Woman
Le Soldat Du Chene, Osage Chief
Le Soldat Du Chene, Osage Chief
Osage Indian Bands, Gens and Clans
Many tribes have sub-tribes, bands, gens, clans and phratry. Often very little information is known or they no longer exist. We have included them here to provide more information about the tribes. Hanginihkashina (night people). A subdivision of the Tsishu division of the Osage. Its subdivisions in turn are Haninihkashina and Wasape. Hangka (leader). One of the three divisions of the Osage, the last to join the tribe, dividing with the Wazhazhe the right or war side of the camp circle. Hangkaahutun (Hangka having wings). A gens of the Hangka division of the Osage, in two sub-gentes, Husadtawanun and Husadta. … Read more