1867 Abington Massachusetts Directory

Canvassed under the direction of C. A. Gould Abbe Rev. Frederick R. cor. Bedford and Groveland Adams George, (Reed & Adams) Additon Z. R. shoemaker, r Belmont Ager Wilbur F. shoemaker, r Randolph Agnew John, merchant tailor. Central Alden Alexander, manufacturer, r School Alden Amos, shoe manuf. r Washington Alden Belah, shoemaker, r South Avenue Alden J. farmer, r South Avenue Alden Jared, shoemaker, r Plymouth Alger Frank, laborer, South Avenue Allen C. F. boot & shoe manuf. r Temple Allen C. W. shoemaker, r Temple Allen Daniel W. stitcher, r Centre Avenue Ames Frank, shoemaker, r Union Ames Jacob, … Read more

Churches of Plymouth County Massachusetts

Bridgewater First Congregational, organized June 1, 1716. Lewis Bryant, Dea. Trinity Church, organized 1748; Rev. Charles Clark Harris, Rector ; Franklin Leach, George L. Edson, Wardens. Central Square Trinitarian Church, organized in Scotland Village, Oct. 17, 1821; removed to Central Square 1836; present house of worship erected 1862; Abiel Bassett, George W. Holmes, Deacons. New Jerusalem Church, organized May, 1833; J. A. Hyde, Secretary, E. H, Sprague, Treasurer. Scotland Trinitarian Congregational Church, organized July 4, 1836 ; Ezra Fobes, Deacon. St. Thomas Aquinas Church, (Roman Catholic,) instituted in 1852; Rev. M. T. Maguire, Pastor. Carver First Congregational Church, Green; Thomas … Read more

Troup County Georgia Genealogy

Civil War Soldier from Troup County GA

The land for Lee, Muscogee, Troup, Coweta, and Carroll counties was ceded by the Creek people in the 1825 Treaty of Indian Springs. Troup County was created June 9, 1825 and December 11, 1826 with 447 square miles acquired by Creek cessions of January 24, 1826 and March 31, 1826. It was named for George Michael Troup, 1780-1856. He was the governor of Georgia, 1823-1827. He was elected to the U.S. Senate. Later, he was nominated to be president of the United States. The court house burned in November 4, 1936 along with some records. The following is the information … Read more

History of Plymouth Massachusetts

An historical sketch about Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts as abstracted from the Plymouth County Directory and Historical Register of 1867. Includes a list of the men from Plymouth who gave their life during the Revolutionary War.

Slave Narrative of Aunt Adeline

“I was born a slave about 1848, in Hickmon County, Tennessee,” said Aunt Adeline who lives as care taker in a house at 101 Rock Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas, which is owned by the Blakely-Hudgens estate. Aunt Adeline has been a slave and a servant in five generations of the Parks family. Her mother, Liza, with a group of five Negroes, was sold into slavery to John P.A. Parks, in Tennessee, about 1840. “When my mother’s master come to Arkansas about 1849, looking for a country residence, he bought what was known as the old Kidd place on the Old Wire … Read more

Historical Leaders of Plymouth County Massachusetts

Incorporated June 2, 1685 – Shire Town – Plymouth. County Officers Judge of Probate and Insolvency, Wm. H. Wood, Middleboro. Register of Probate and Insolvency, Daniel E. Damon, Plymouth. Clerk of Courts, William H. Whitman, Plymouth. Register of Deeds, William S. Danforth, Plymouth County Treasurer, William E. Sever, Plymouth. Overseers of House of Correction William H. Whitman, Plymouth. D. J. Bobbins, Plymouth. Daniel E. Damon, Plymouth. Sheriff, James Bates, Plymouth. Deputy Sheriff Abington, Josiah. Cushman Bridgewater, P. D. Kingman Duxbury, Wm. J. Alden Hingham, G. F. Hersey Marion, Daniel Hall; Marshfield, John Baker Middleboro, Milton Alden North Bridgewater, Otis Hayward … Read more

Grant County Oregon Genealogy

The Grant County Oregon genealogy and history has been derived from different sources and combined here to provide a convenient way for you to access the data.

The Legal Regulations of Public Morals in Colonial North Carolina

The first provision made for a church in North Carolina was in the charter granted to Sir Robert Heath in 1629. Other church provisions were re-enacted in charters to the Lords Proprietors in 1663, and in 1665. Of course these provisions were for a state church, all the efforts on the part of the authorities in England being in this direction, that is to say, to incorporate church and state. The first effort to put these provisions into practice was the vestry act of 1701. Another act, that of 1704, precipitated the Cary Rebellion. From 1730 till 1773 the “Schism … Read more

The Case of the State Vs. Will

One of the most remarkable cases ever tried in the North Carolina courts was the case of The State vs. Will. It was the most important case on the subject of slavery and fixed a slave’s right to defend himself against the cruel and unjust punishment of a master. It was decided at the December term, 1834, of the Supreme Court (State vs. Will, 1 Devereux and Battle, 121-172). The facts of the case are as follows: Will was the slave of Mr. James S. Battle, of Edgecombe County, and was placed under the direction of an overseer named Richard … Read more

Assassination of John Walter Stephens

The year 1870 is one of the years that will go down in history as one of great social and political significance, and it well marks the culmination and the decline of the Ku Klux organization. Never before, nor perhaps since, was there a time when prejudice and feeling, intermingled with crime, ran so rampant along social and political lines. It was a time when the Negro, or the white man who took any part with the Negro in politics, on hearing after Nightfall the clattering of horses’ feet or the loud tap on his door, would feel his blood … Read more

I. S. Greer & Company

This establishment is a credit to Burns. Their building, of which we present a cut, was erected in 1892, and is one of the first stone buildings put up in the interior. They carry a large and well assorted stock of shelf and heavy hardware, stoves and tinnier, crockery, glassware, sporting goods, cutlery &c. They are exclusive agents for the Peters Cartridge Co., Queen heating stoves, Born steel ranges, D. M. Osborn & Co.’s farm machinery, Heath & Milligan paints, and other special lines. They have the only tin shop in the interior, doing plumbing, jobbing and repairing. The also … Read more

N. Brown & Sons

This pioneer establishment, the largest general merchandise store in the state off the railroad, had its beginning in a small way. It was started in 1854 by Nathan Brown who had associated with himself his sons Leon M. and Ben. From that time their business has gradually grown until 18l6, they were compelled to erect their present quarters, which is built of stone, and is 59×119, two stories high. In this they carry the most complete line of general merchandise in the interior, catering largely to the sheep and cattlemen, and aim to sell goods at railroad prices, freight added. … Read more

A Brief History of Harney County Oregon

Harney Valley, Harvey Lake, Harvey City successor to Harney Camp, Harney County, and lastly Harney land district were named in honor of General Harney, who, so traditions of the Harney country tell us, “had a brush with the Indians while guiding emigrants through the valley.” The general in 1890 acknowledged this comment to his early army days, in an autograph letter to the to “council of Harney City. In area the county which was organized in 1889, is larger than any one of the six New England states, with the single exception of Maine; the valuation of its taxable property … Read more

W. H. Johnson & Sons

The above firm composed of W. H. Johnson and Clarence and C. P. Johnson, have done perhaps as much towards developing the resources of Grant County as any of her citizens. They are all men of sterling character and more than ordinary business ability. They settled in the Big Basin on the John Day River in 1872, and became engaged in stock rising, which they followed until 1883, they then went into the sheep business, and today own in the neighborhood of 15,000, and have about two thousand acres of land on the John Day River. In 1894 they became … Read more

Cunnington & Horsley

The establishment of the above gentlemen, dealers in general merchandise, is a credit to Canyon City. Selling their goods at as close it margin its possible, believing in making small profits and having their customers well satisfied, they have an enviable reputation for fair and honest dealing. W. R. Cunnington, the senior member of the firm, has been in business here since 1803, and F. P. Horsley since September last, although both gentlemen were previously engaged in other pursuits In Grant County. At present they are operating two stores, the stone one 26×50, the frame, 22×30, both having fireproof cellars, … Read more

Humboldt Mining Company

The Humboldt Mining Company, who control our of the largest and best hydraulic properties in this section, was organized in 1881 by Horose Sloan, Ira Sproul, Herbert Hunter, Fred Frey, Harry Heppner and Fred Yorgenson, to work 320 acres lying adjacent to Canyon City. The properly had been worked by the drifting process since 1862, with an average success yearly of nearly a million dollars. The nature of the property is that of an old river channel running with gold. A ditch has been built on it 8½ miles long, with a capacity of 1,000 inches of water. The present … Read more

Red Boy Mine, Granite Oregon

Four miles southeasterly of Granite, on Clear Creek, is located the Red Boy, the property of Messrs. Godfrey & Tabor. It came into their possession about four years ago, and hardly any work was done on it up to that time; In fact, there was only a 180 foot tunnel which cut the property about 75 feet below the apex of the hill. On the other properties the Congo, Gold Monarch and Blaine, there had hardly been enough work done to establish their true value. These are all patentable properties, as well as the Climax, which has been located since. … Read more

Niven & Ditmars

Niven & Ditmars, of Granite, is it large mercantile firm who not only supply the family trade, but also meet the wants of miners and mining companies in the line of lumber, tools, steel, powder and till kinds of mining supplies. Their store, which we show by an accompanying illustration, has a frontage of 44 feet, and a depth of 54, with a fire proof wardroom attached. Their line is a complete one, including drugs, and by courteous and liberal treatment, they have built up a trade that speaks volumes for their personal popularity. They also are engaged in the … Read more

Taylor Brothers

John and Solomon Taylor, composing the term of Taylor Bros., who operate the Prairie City Roller Mills, are natives of that grand old commonwealth Ohio. The older brother, John, became a resident of the county in 1862, and for a number of years was engaged in mining on Canyon creek. In 1881, on the arrival of his brother they became engaged in farming three miles from Prairie City, and today have 640 acres under cultivation, all of it being highly improved. Their home being one of the nicest in the county. In 1891 they bought the mill property which is … Read more

McCallum & Bayley

Among the leading business firms of the county, McCallum & Bayley, of John Day, occupy a well deserved position. Established in 1892, they have steadily grown until their reputation is assured not only for the volume of business transacted but for their integrity as well. They cater to both the stockman and miner, and their facilities have enabled them to buy direct from the Eastern manufacturer, the benefit of which is given their customers. They also own and control the John Day Telephone Line, running a distance of thirty-five miles from John Day to Dayville. Mr. F. I. McCallum is … Read more