1867 Abington Massachusetts Directory

Last Updated on February 13, 2013 by Dennis

Canvassed under the direction of C. A. Gould

Abbe Rev. Frederick R. cor. Bedford and Groveland
Adams George, (Reed & Adams)
Additon Z. R. shoemaker, r Belmont
Ager Wilbur F. shoemaker, r Randolph
Agnew John, merchant tailor. Central
Alden Alexander, manufacturer, r School
Alden Amos, shoe manuf. r Washington
Alden Belah, shoemaker, r South Avenue
Alden J. farmer, r South Avenue
Alden Jared, shoemaker, r Plymouth
Alger Frank, laborer, South Avenue
Allen C. F. boot & shoe manuf. r Temple
Allen C. W. shoemaker, r Temple
Allen Daniel W. stitcher, r Centre Avenue
Ames Frank, shoemaker, r Union
Ames Jacob, shoemaker, r Union
Ames Joshua, shoemaker,’ r Liberty
Ames jr. Joshua, shoemaker, r Liberty
Ames Joshua F. shoemaker, r Union
Ames Wm. T. shoemaker, bd Liberty
Anderson James, shoemaker, Groveland
Andrews J. laborer, bds Plymouth
Arnold Briggs, shoemaker, r North Avenue
Arnold E. A. clerk, (J. J. Estes), Union
Arnold Edward, shoemaker. Union
Arnold Ezra, shoemaker, North Avenue
Arnold Ezra D. shoemaker, r Liberty
Arnold Jonathan, shoemaker, r Liberty
Arnold jr. Jonathan, shoemaker, r Adams
Arnold Leonard, last maker,
Arnold Leonard P. last maker, r Adams.
Arnold Moses N. boot and shoe manuf. r Adams.
Arnold N. last maker.
Arnold N. W. last maker, r Adams,
Arnold William B. shoemaker, bd Adams.
Arnold William D, shoemaker. No. Avenue
Atwood B. S. ( B.S.& E. H. Atwood, Jr North Avenue
Atwood E. H. (B. S. & E. H. Atwood,) r Brighton.
Atwood Elijah, boxmaker, r Brighton.
Atwood S. S. farmer, r Washington.
Atwood Timothy S. shoemaker, r Dunbar Sq.
Averell Louis C. laborer, r Plymouth.

Bailey James, shoemaker, r Washington
Bailey John, shoemaker, r Centre Avenue
Bailey Thos. H. shoemaker, r Union
Bailey Thos. H. jr. shoemaker, r Union
Baker Amos H. carpenter, r Vernon
Baker Calvin L. carpenter, Dunbar sq
Baker Horatio, blacksmith, r Market
Baker Paul, blacksmith, r Market
Baker Porter, shoemaker, r Market
Baldwin Barney, shoemaker, r Central
Baldwin Gilbert, shoemaker, r Centre Avenue
Ballard James, shoemaker, r Rockland
Ballou Francis D. shoemaker, r Progress
Barber John A. r Liberty
Barnes Sylvanus, engineer, r Quincy
Barrell Chas. H. shoemaker, r Washington
Barrett James, laborer, r Salem
Barrett Simeon, shoemaker, r Union
Barrows Gustavus, at Wm. L. Reed’s
Barry David, shoemaker, r Union
Harry David F. shoemaker, r Washington
Barry James, shoemaker
Barry John, laborer, r North Avenue
Bass Alden, shoemaker, r Linden Avenue
Bass Quincy, blacksmith, r Liberty
Bass Robert, blacksmith, r Liberty
Bales Alvin, shoemaker, r Bedford
Bates Asa, wheelwright, r School
Bates Charles, shoemaker, r Union
Bates Cyrus, carpenter, r South Avenue
Bates Daniel W. cutter, r Centre Avenue
Bates David, shoemaker, r School
Bates David B. shoemaker, r Harvard
Bates Eliphalet R. shoemaker, r Randolph
Bates Henry A. grocer, r Washington
Bates Jacob P. shoemaker, r Union
Bates James, machinist, r Dover
Bates James A. machinist, r Nursery lane
Bates John, shoemaker, r Washington
Bates Louis D. shoe manuf. r Plymouth
Bates Nahum, provisions, Washington
Bates N. B. cutter, (H. Hunt), r North Abington
Bates Oscar, shoemaker, r Union
Bates Samuel, shoemaker, bds Central
Bates Wm. H. shoemaker, r Union
Baxter Thomas, shoemaker, r Salem
Baxter Willard, shoemaker, r Salem
Beaty James, shoemaker, Dover
Beal Asahel, farmer, r Salem
Beal Benj. farmer, r Union
Beal Benj. shoemaker. Centre Avenue
Beal Benj. 2d, shoemaker, r Centre Avenue
Beal Benj. 3d, agent, North Avenue
Beal Boylston, shoemaker, r North Avenue
Beal Daniel W. shoemaker, r North Avenue
Beal Danl. W. 2d, r North Avenue
Beal David, merchant, r Bedford
Beal David, shoemaker, r Water
Beal David H. shoemaker, r Water
Beal Ezekiel, shoemaker, r Webster
Beal G. A. bookkeeper, r Centre Avenue
Beal Gridley, cutter, r Plymouth
Beal John A. shoemaker, r Progress
Beal John Q. musician, r Central
Beal John W. shoemaker, r Webster
Beal Josiah, shoemaker, r Progress
Beal N. shoemaker, r Beulah
Beal Nathan, farmer, r Water
Beal Nathan jr. farmer, r Water
Beal Nathan A. shoemaker, bd Water
Beal Nath’l, shoe manuf. r Webster
Beal Nath’l jr. shoe manuf. r Webster
Beal Nelson, cutter, r Centre Avenue
Beal Noah, farmer, r Water
Beal Samuel C. cutter,
Beal Walter, shoemaker, r Union
Beal Webster, shoemaker, r Centre Avenue
Bearce Chas. clerk, r Union
Bearce H. D. clerk, r Temple
Belcher Leonard, shoemaker, bds Randolph
Bennett B. V. clerk, r Union
Bennett Chas. mason, bds Plymouth
Bennett Nath. B. mason, r Plymouth
Bennett Nath. E. shoemaker, bds Plymouth
Bennett S. D. cutter, r Union
Bennett Seth, lastmaker,
Bennett Seth W. farmer, r Plymouth
Bennett Seth W. jr. shoemaker, r Plymouth
Benson Calvin B. shoemaker, r Brighton
Benson E. S. shoemaker, r North Avenue
Benson Leonard, cutter, r Adams
Benson Thomas B. cutter, r Adams
Bermingham Richard, shoemaker, bds Union
Bemis Frank, carpenter, bds Vernon
Berry Michael, shoemaker, r North Avenue
Bessey Hansard N. stitcher, for B. Wilkes, r Plymouth
Beverly James B. shoemaker, r Salem
Bickford Edward, shoemaker, r School
Bickuall Wm. H. bds Washington
Bigelow David, grocer, r Union
Bigelow James F. shoe manuf. r Union
B1ake Chas. works at Lane’s
Blake Nathaniel, boot manufac. r South
Blake Samuel, gentleman, r S. Abington
Blakeman Thomas, shoemaker, r Liberty
Blanchard Benj. S. stone cutter, r Adams
Blanchard Danl. boot and shoe manuf. r Union
Blanchard Danl. H. boot and shoemaker r Union
Blanchard Dean, farmer, r Adams
Blanchard Edmund, farmer, r Union
Blanchard jr. Edmund, shoemaker, bd Union
Blanchard Edward, clerk, r Washington
Blanchard Edwin, provision dealer, Washington
Blanchard jr. Eli, shoemaker, r Washington
Blanchard E. N. foreman, r Hancock
Blanchard Jos. shoemaker, bd Union
Blanchard Leonard B. shoe manuf. r Union
Blanchard Thos. shoemaker, r Washington
Blanchard V. butcher, r Washington
Blanchard Vinson, boot and shoe manuf. Washington, r Hancock
Blaisdell Alexander, shoemaker, r Union
Blaisdell Moses, farmer, r Union
Blaisdell Wm. H. shoemaker, r Union
Blaisdell Wm. P. farmer, r Union
Blaney Chas. H. last maker, r Adams
Blaney Henry, last maker
Blaney John last maker
Blood Noah O. clerk, r Water
Boise Timothy, tailor, r Union
Bond John S. hair dresser, r Washington
Bosworth Ambrose, machinist, at H. H. Brigham ‘s
Bosworth John C. shoemaker, r Harvard
Bolzer Thos. shoemaker, r Water
Bower Luke H. shoemaker, r North Avenue
Bourne Francis, (Bourne & Ring), bds Washington
Bowles William, shoemaker, r Glen
Bowler John, shoemaker, r Cork
Boynton Edward, book keeper, r North Avenue
Bradbury C. W. clerk
Bradley James S. shoemaker, r Liberty
Bradman Florentine K. shoemaker, bds Dunbar sq.
Bressingham John, oyster saloon, r Beulah
Brew John, laborer, r North Avenue
Brewster Henry O. harness maker, r Union
Brian Henry, shoemaker, bd Lincoln
Briggs Jefferson, shoemaker, r Webster
Briggs John, ship carpenter, r cor. of Walnut and Thaxter Avenue
Briggs Jos. W. shoemaker, r Plain
Briggs Jos. N. W. shoemaker, bd Plain
Briggs Nath’l B., shoemaker, bd Vernon.
Brigham Andrew C. tack maker, r Winter
Brigham Henry H. nail and tack manuf. South Avenue
Brigham Sabina, last maker.
Brock Michael, shoemaker, r Salem
Brooks Benj. F. shoemaker, r Union
Brooks Edward, shoemaker, r Union
Brooks Henry A. stitcher, r Washington
Brooks Spencer, cutter, r Union
Brooks Theodore, mason, r Union
Brow John, tack maker, r Hanson
Brown Alfred, stone cutter, r Beulah
Brown Austin, shoemaker, r Belmont
Brown Austin, shoemaker, r Elm
Brown Bela, wheelwright, r Bedford
Brown Benjamin, boot cutter, r Washington
Brown E. E. shoemaker, r Brighton
Brown G. A. cutter, bds Center Avenue
Brown Gilbert, shoemaker, r Union
Brown Henry H. shoemaker r Belmont
Brown H. h. shoe manuf. r Washington
Brown J. Willard, (Soule & Brown)
Brown Peleg, tack maker, r South Avenue
Brown William, shoe manuf. (Brown & Hunt), r Washington
Bryant J. F. shoemaker, r South Avenue
Bryant Sam’l. M. shoemaker, r Liberty
Burbank Walter, shoe finisher, r North Avenue
Burbee J. G. packer, r South Avenue
Burgess Baldwin B. engineer, r Centre Avenue
Burgess Emery, gentleman, r North Avenue
Burgess Josiah, shoemaker, r Centre Avenue
Burke David, shoemaker, r Biglow Avenue
Burke James, shoemaker, r Central
Burke John, laborer, r Liberty
Burke Michael, shoemaker, r Harvard
Burns Matthew, shoemaker, r Elm
Burrell Adna, stable keeper, r Webster
Burrell Benj. shoemaker, r Webster
Burrell C. M. shoemaker, r Union
Burrell Daniel, farmer, r High
Burrell Elias, jobber, r Vernon
Burrell Harvey C. shoemaker, r Webster
Burrell Henry, shoemaker, r Webster
Burrell Hiram, shoemaker, r Hingham
Burrell John, shoemaker, r Union
Burrell John 2d, shoemaker, r Webster
Burrell Lucius, shoemaker, r Hingham
Burrell Reuben, shoemaker, r Water
Burrell Stephen, shoemaker, r Webster
Butler John H. hairdresser, r Dover
Butler Otis H. shoemaker, r School
Butterfield Moses shoemaker, r Plain

Cahoon William, boot and shoe manuf. Railroad St
Cain Francis, farmer, r Central
Cain Ambrose, farmer, r Central
Calkins Jesse H. harness maker, r cor Brighton and North Avenue
Callahan Cal, shoemaker, r North Avenue
Callahan Mike, shoemaker, r Bedford
Callahan Thos. dresser, r Groveland
Callings Charles H. farmer, r Liberty
Campbell John, shoemaker, Dublin row
Campbell Peter, shoemaker, cor Vernon and Liberty
Cancannon Martin, laborer, r Central
Cannaway, William cutter, r North Avenue
Canterbury Aug. shoemaker, r Adams
Canterbury George, shoemaker, r Adams
Canterbury Geo. D. shoemaker, r Adams
Caplice James, shoemaker, r Deering Sq.
Caplice John, shoemaker, r Vernon
Cary Matthew, shoemaker, r North Avenue
Cary Thomas, laborer, t Dublin row
Cary Thomas, shoemaker, r Union
Cary Wm. shoemaker, r Salem
Carney Richd. shoemaker, r cor. Salem and Union
Carter John W. tack maker, bd South Avenue
Carter L. M. shoemaker, r Temple
Casey Francis, shoemaker, bds Central
Cassidy Thos. J. painter, bds Union
Ceary Morris, shoemaker, r Deering Sq.
Chamberlin Albert, shoe manuf. Plymouth
Chamberlin Aug. boot maker, r Adams
Chamberlin Edward, merchant, Plymouth
Chamberlin Edward, shoemaker, r Plymouth
Chamberlin John N. boot maker, r Adams
Chamberlin J. P. cutter, r Adams
Chandler .Julius B. painter, bds Cottage
Chandler Seth, shoemaker, r Liberty
Chase A. F. box maker, r Bedford
Chase Henry, shoemaker, r Union
Childs Edward, shoemaker, bds Centre Avenue
Chubbuck Chas. shoemaker, r Liberty
Chubbuck Francis H. shoemaker, r Webster
Chubbuck Hosea, shoemaker
Chubbuck Thos. A. shoemaker, r Liberty.
Churchill Benj. shoemaker, r Washington
Churchill Chas. E. shoemaker, bds Bedford p
Churchill Freeman, shoemaker, r Washington
Churchill Otis, cutter, r Washington
Churchill Milliard F. shoemaker, r Hancock
Churchill N. clerk, (N. Rosenfeld,) r Vernon
Clapp Geo. B. shoemaker, r Union
Clark ____, farmer, r Chesnut
Clark James H. shoemaker, r Union
Clark James W. shoemaker, r Bedford
Clark Lemuel F. shoemaker, r Vernon
Clark Patrick, laborer, r Plymouth
Clark Silas, shoemaker, r Salem
Clark Thomas, shoemaker, r Bedford
Clark William P. farmer, r Bedford
Cleverly Geo. grocer, r North Abington
Cleverly Joseph, manuf. r Adams
Cleverly Seth H. shoe manuf. r North Avenue
Clift Belas, blacksmith, r School
Clift Ezra V. shoemaker, r Washington
Clift Richard, blacksmith, r School
Cloud Harvey H. tinman. North Avenue
Cobb Baxter, leather dealer, r Washington,
Cobb Chas. N. (Cobb & Thompson), r Washington
Cobb Dana, foreman, r Washington
Cobb Edward W. merchant, r Walnut
Cobb Henry, cutter, r Groveland
Cobb Horace B. shoemaker, r Plymouth
Cobb John F. carpenter, r Belmont
Cobbett James, clerk, r Union
Cobbett James E. shoemaker, bd Union
Cobbett Lewis, wheelwright, r Liberty
Cobbett Philip, shoemaker, r North Avenue
Cochran John, boot treer, r Central
Coffey Tim, shoemaker, r Liberty
Cole B. shoemaker, r Dover
Cole Ephraim, shoemaker, r Glen
Cole E. T. shoemaker, r Beulah
Cole Levi, express, r South Avenue
Cole Owen, shoemaker, r School
Cole Patrick, shoemaker, r Union
Collins John, shoemaker, r Temple
Colliver Albert, clerk, r Market
Colson Charles, stitcher, r Groveland
Colson Henry, cutter, r Rockland
Colson Samuel, dealer, r Groveland
Colson Samuel jr. dealer, r Groveland
Conant Albion, cutter, r Bedford
Conant C. F. r Bedford
Conant J. Greenleaf, stitcher, bd Thaxter Avenue
Conant John, shoemaker, r Bedford
Condit Mike, farmer, r Webster
Condon James, shoemaker, r Hingham
Condon John, shoemaker, r Hingham
Condon John, shoemaker, r Liberty
Condon Morris, shoemaker, r Liberty
Condon Michael, shoemaker, r Cork
Condon Mike, shoemaker, r Hingham
Condon Thos. laborer, r Liberty
Conlin James, shoemaker, r Liberty
Conley John, shoemaker, r Dover
Connell Jerry, shoemaker, r Plain
Connelly Patrick, shoemaker, r Adams
Connors Morris, shoemaker, r Salem
Connors Patrick, shoemaker, r Union
Conny John, shoemaker, bds Groveland
Corny James, shoemaker, r School
Conry Luke, shoemaker, r School
Constine Michael, shoemaker, r Centre Avenue
Conway Dennis, laborer, r South Avenue
Conway James, farmer, r Spring
Cooney John, shoemaker, r Liberty
Cooney Patrick, shoemaker, r Liberty
Cook Davis H. shoemaker, r Harvard
Cook Edwin B. tack maker, bd Winter
Cook Geo. W. shoemaker, bds Plymouth
Cook Joshua, auctioneer
Cook Levi, shoemaker, cor. Progress St and Central Avenue
Cook Randall, groceries. South Avenue
Cook Randall W. clerk, bd Plymouth
Cook Robt. shoemaker, r cor. Summit and Liberty
Cook Thomas H. shoemaker, r Plymouth
Coombs J. B. circus actor, r Plymouth
Corliss Chas. M. last maker, r Dunbar Sq.
Corn Edward, shoemaker, bds Central
Corthell James L, clerk, r Washington
Corthell Jeremiah, shoemaker, r Washington
Corthell J. R. clerk, r Washington
Corthell Merritt, shoemaker, Washington
Corthell Sam’l N. shoemaker, r S. Ward
Corthell Wm. P. county commissioner, r Washington
Cortery Daniel, shoemaker, r Dublin row
Coughlin Daniel, shoemaker, r Bedford
Coughlin John T. laborer. Central
Coughlin John 2d, shoemaker, r Central
Coughlin Timothy , shoemaker, bds Bigelow Avenue
Cox Edwin, shoemaker, bds Washington
Cox Euos, shoemaker, r Centre Avenue
Cox Hiram, shoemaker, r High
Cox James F. clerk, r Centre Avenue
Cox Samuel, merchant, r Centre Avenue
Coy Geo. W. tobacconist, r Union
Coy William, foreman, r from Howard
Crocker A. shoemaker, r Hingham
Crocker E. shoemaker, r Hingham
Crocker Henry, shoemaker, r Webster
Crossfield, Geo. J. shoemaker, r Bedford
Crowell Joel, mechanic, r North Avenue
Crowley James, shoemaker, r Union
Culver Albert, book-keeper, (J. Lane & Sons,) r Market
Culver C. H., (Culver & Cleverly,) r Railroad St.
Culver John M., grocer, r Railroad St
Cummings Alfred A., stitcher, r Washington
Cunningham Edward, shoemaker, r Central
Cunningham John S., shoemaker, bds Plymouth
Cunningham Patrick, laborer, r Plain
Curtis Abner, shoe manuf. r Union
Curtis Albert, shoe fitter, r Summit
Curtis Charles, shoemaker, r Market
Curtis Chas. A. shoemaker, r Union
Curtis Chas. H. shoemaker, r Vernon
Curtis E. B. shoemaker, r Hingham
Curtis Edward. shoemaker, bd. Union
Curtis Geo. E. shoe manuf., r Market
Curtis Geo. teamster, r Union
Curtis Henry K. mercht. r Union
Curtis H. Stanton, shoemaker, r Webster
Curtis Job, shoemaker. East Ward
Curtis John H. shoemaker, r Union
Curtis jr. Joshua, shoe manuf. r Union
Curtis Leander, shoe manuf. r Union
Curtis Peter, shoemaker r Union
Curtis Samuel G. teamster, r Union
Curtis Warren C. shoemaker, r Liberty
Cushing Brainard, shoemaker, r Water
Cushing David, trunk maker, r Waer
Cushing Davis, butcher, r Market
Gushing G. farmer, r Washington
Cushing Galen P. shoe manuf. Washington, r Walnut
Cushing Gilbert A. shoemaker, r Bedford
Cushing Henry L. shoemaker, bd. Washington
Cushing John, shoemaker, r Walnut
Cushing Josiah, shoemaker, r Washington
Cushing Ogden, carpenter, r Linden Avenue
Cushing Samuel B. broker, r Washington
Cushing Sylvanus, shoemaker, i Randolph
Cushing 2d Sylvanus, shoe manuf. r Walnut
Cushing Sylvanus E. shoemaker, bd. Randolph
Cushing W. H. shoe cutter, (G. P. Cushing) r Walnut
Cushing W. W. cutter, r Walnut
Cushing Zattu, farmer, r Water
Cushman Isaiah, cutter, r Bedford
Cushman Josiah, deputy sheriff, r Bedford
Cushman Sam’l, shoemaker, r Centre Avenue
Dagnan, Francis, shoemaker r Central
Dailey Jeremiah, carpenter, r near R. R.
Daily Cornelius, tailor, r Union
Damon Chas. shoemaker, r Pond
Damon Henry, shoemaker
Damon Howard, shoe finisher, r Quincy
Damon Joseph, farmer, r Hingham
Damon Joseph E., farmer, bds Randolph
Damon Joseph J. market man, r Randolph
Damon Joshua, shoemaker, bds Cross
Damon Martin W., pattern maker, r Union
Damon Pyam, shoemaker, bds Vernon
Damon Samuel A., section master, r Adams
Damon Thomas W. shoemaker, r Webster
Damon Washington, shoemaker, bd Vernon
Damon Wm. W., shoemaker, r Liberty
Daniels William, shoemaker, bds Centre Avenue
Daniels Wm. H., shoemaker, r Randolph
Darling Marcus, jeweller, r Water
Darrow Rev. G. R., r Washington
Davis Albert, postmaster, r Washington
Davis James, shoemaker, r Central
Davis John, shoemaker, r Liberty
Davis Walter S., farmer, bds Vernon
Davis Wm. H., painter, Washington
Davy Alonzo M., shoemaker, r Granite
Davy Wm. A., clerk, bds Granite
Dawes Nath. machinist, r South Avenue
Dawes Sylvester H., shoemaker, r Union
Dean Lindley M., shoemaker, r Centre Avenue
Dempsey John, laborer, r near R. R.
Denham Edwin H., boot maker, r Randolph
Denham Henry, shoemaker, r Randolph
Denly Thorne, shoemaker, r Union
Denley William D. blacksmith, r Liberty
Deuel Thorne, cutter, r Union
Devlyn Geo. shoemaker, bds Groveland
De Vols James, carpenter, r West
Dill Chas. H. 1st, shoemaker, Hingham
Dill Chas. H., 2nd, boot and shoe manufacturer, r Union
Dill Joseph, shoe manuf., Webster
Dill Jos., shoe manuf., r Liberty
Dill Joseph jr., shoemaker, bds Webster
Dill J. W. shoemaker, r Hingham
Dill Wesley, shoemaker, r Union
Doane Jesse, shoe peddler, r Market
Dodge Rev. Benj. r Randolph
Doherty Joseph, shoemaker, Deering Sq.
Doherty Patrick, shoemaker,
Donahue James, boot and’ shoemaker, r Central
Donahue Michael C. shoemaker, bds Central
Donahue Patrick, shoemaker, bds cor. Vernon and Liberty
Donahue Timothy, shoemaker, bds Plain
Donahue John, shoemaker, r Central
Donahue Timothy, shoemaker, bds Central
Donan Patrick, shoemaker, r Centre Avenue
Donovan B. shoemaker, r Hingham
Donovan Charles, clerk, bds Liberty
Donavan Cornelius, dry goods, r Liberty
Donavan Danl. shoemaker, r Bigelow
Donavan Henry, shoe maker, r Union
Donavan Henry D. stitcher, r Union
Donavan Jerry, shoemaker, r Deering Sq.
Donovan Michael, shoemaker, Webster
Donavan Timothy, shoemaker, r Liberty
Donham George E. Dr. dentist, bds Liberty
Dougherty John, shoemaker, r Central
Douglas William, eating house. Union
Douney Dennis A. shoemaker, r Union
Driscoll Jeremiah, shoemaker, r North Avenue
Driscoll John, shoemaker, r Hingham
Driscoll Mike, crimper, r near Railroad
Driscoll Timothy, laborer, r Central
Duane Edward, boot treer r Rockland
Dudley Dr. Henry W. r Centre Avenue
Dunbar Asaph, gentleman, r Washington
Dunbar Geo. C. shoemaker, r Union
Dunbar Henry, shoemaker, r Hingham
Dunbar Lucius E. shoemaker, bds Washington
Dunham Andrew, shoemaker, r Washington
Dunham Brackley C. cutter, r Washington
Dunham C. A. merchant, r Groveland
Dunham Cornelius, merchant, r Centre Avenue
Dunham Cornelius L. grocer, (Dunham & Pratt), r Centre Avenue near K. R.
Dunham E. shoe cutter, r Orange
Dunham Henry, shoe manuf. r Centre Avenue
Dunham jr. Henry, shoe manuf. bds Centre Avenue
Dunham Henry L. bds Centre Avenue
Dunham Jesse, shoo cutter, r Orange
Dunn Michael, shoemaker, Hingham
Dunn Jos. shoemaker, r Liberty
Durant Andrew, last maker
Durant D. F. last maker.
Dyer Bela, farmer, r South Avenue
Dyer Christopher, gentleman, r Washington
Dyer Henry B. shoe cutter, r Orange
Dyer .James B. gentleman, r Washington
Dyer James B. jr. dentist, r Washington
Dyer N. N. groceries, hardware and varieties, cor. So. Av. and Washington
Dyer Sam’l, former, r High
Dyer Sam’l, periodicals, Washington
Dyer Samuel 2d, butcher, r South Avenue
Dyer Samuel B. gentleman, r Washington
Dyer Sam’l N. clerk, r Washington
Dyer Sam’l N. jr. com mercht. r Washington


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