Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements of Virginia

These pages will provide an alphabetical listing for all the villages, towns, and settlements in what was the state of Virginia at the time the Handbook of American Indian of North America was written. Acconoc to Aureuapeugh Bulltown Cantaunkack to Cuttatawomen Dogi Gangasco Hassinunga  

Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements of Wisconsin

These pages will provide an alphabetical listing for all the villages, towns, and settlements in what was the state of Wisconsin at the time the Handbook of American Indian of North America was written. Calumet. A former Menominee village on the east shore of Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin, with 150 inhabitants in 1817. Starrow in Wis. Hist, Soc. Coll., vi, 171, 1872; Royce in 18th Rep. B. A. E., pi. clxxi, 1899. Chetac Lake. A Chippewa village, named from the lake on which it is situated, in Sawyer County , northwest Wisconsin. Gatagetegauning (probably for Kǎ‛tǎgĭtganĭng the ancient field (W, J.) … Read more

Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements of Unknown Location

These pages will provide an alphabetical listing for all the villages, towns, and settlements of unknown location in the Handbook of American Indian of North America was written. Anilco to Awighsaghroone Bihi Konlo Chalowe to Cuitoas Destcaraguetaga to Dubois Eastern Indians to Etarita Far Indians to French Indians Gahayanduk to Guadalupe Haeser to Hullooetell Incha Itomapa  

Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements of Tennessee

These pages will provide an alphabetical listing for all the villages, towns, and settlements in what was the state of Arkansas at the time the Handbook of American Indian of North America was written. Big-island Chattanooga to Crowmocker Echota Gusti Halfway Town to Hiwassee  

Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements of Rhode Island

These pages will provide an alphabetical listing for all the villages, towns, and settlements in what was the state of Rhode Island at the time the Handbook of American Indian of North America was written. Cawasumseuck to Cowsumpsit  

E- Alabama Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

Native American villages and towns in Alabama that start with the letter E, along with a brief description. A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Emussa (imúsa, ‘affluent’, ‘tributary’). Mentioned as a Lower Creek town formerly on lower Chattahooche r., Henry co., Ala., 2 m. above Wikaiva, near the junction of Omussee cr., with 20 inhabit ants in 1820. It seems to be equally probable that the settlement, which is not mentioned by early writers, composed of Yamasi, from whom it derived its name. Eufaula. A former … Read more

B- California Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements in California, beginning with B, and as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Badwisha. A Mariposan tribe on Kaweah River, California, said to have lived near the Wikchamni. Mentioned by Hoffman in 1886 as formerly on Kaweah River, but then at Tule Agency. Bamom (salt water). A former Maidu village at the site of the present Shingle, Eldorado Colorado, California. (R. B. D.) Bankalachi (Yokuts name). A small Shoshonean tribe on upper Deer Creek, which drains into Tulare lake, south California. With the Tubatulabal they form one … Read more

Mohawk Indian Villages and Towns

There are but three villages in the Mohawk territory which can be called prehistoric,— one each for the Turtle, Bear, and Wolf clans. All these show signs of a knowledge of Europeans prior to 1642; and one, at least, of direct but slight contact. Being refugees, and in fear of their enemies, they placed their first villages quite remote from the Mohawk River,— from four to ten miles. As soon as they possessed firearms, and the power secured by these, they built their dwellings along the river. All the early Mohawk towns of the historic period in New York are in … Read more

Mikasuki Tribe

Mikasuki Indians, Mikasuki Tribe. A former Seminole town in Leon County, Florida, on the west shore of Miccosukee lake, on or near the site of the present Miccosukee. The name has been applied also to the inhabitants as a division of the Seminole. They spoke the Hitchiti dialect, and, as appears from the title of B. Smith’s vocabulary of their language, were partly or wholly emigrants from the Sawokli towns on lower Chattahoochee River, Alabama. The former town appears to have been one of the ‘red’ or ‘bloody’ towns, for at the beginning of the Seminole troubles of 1817 its … Read more


Michilimackinac Indians (Mǐshǐma‛kǐnung, ‘place of the big wounded person,’ or ‘place of the big lame person.’ – W. J). A name applied at various times to Mackinac Island in Mackinac County, Michigan; to the village on this island; to the village and fort at Pt St Ignace on the opposite mainland, and at an early period to a considerable extent of territory in the upper part of the lower peninsula of Michigan. It is derived from the name of a supposed extinct Algonquian tribe, the Mishinimaki or Mishinimakinagog. According to Indian tradition and the Jesuit Relations, the Mishinimaki formerly had … Read more

Physical Geography of the Indian Country

Geographical Memorandum Respecting The Progress Of The Discovery Of The Mississippi River, With A Map Of Its Source. 1. It appears, from the archaeological collections of Ternoux Campan, that the mouth of the Mississippi was discovered by the Spanish from Cuba, under M. Narvaez, the contemporary and antagonist of Cortes, in the month of November 1527, during an expedition made with boats to trace the Floridian coasts of the Gulf westwardly . Mexico had fallen into their hands but six years before an event by which a period was put to the Aztec empire, and a spirit of conquest and … Read more

Mineralogical and Geographical Notices

Mineralogical And Geographical Notices, Denoting The Value Of Aboriginal Territory. 1. Wisconsin and Iowa Lead Ore A correspondent, engaged in the practical working of these ores, remarks: “By the box of specimens transmitted, you will be able to judge of the character of these valuable ores. The square broken mineral is taken from east and west leads; which is of the softest temperature and most easy to smelt; it also produces the most lead, yielding about 50 per cent, from the log, and about 15 from the ash furnaces. The dark smooth pieces are taken from deep clay digging hi … Read more

Natural Advantages of Portland Oregon

The term “advantages” is relative, being always used with reference to the purpose in view. The advantages of a city relate to its adaptation to the uses of commerce, manufacturing and residence. Under the head of commerce, facility for both water and land communication is to be regarded, together with the extent and variety of commodities available for exchange. Under manufacturing advantages, power, labor, and availability of raw material, fall into the account. As to residence one must consider salubrity, beauty of natural surroundings and contiguity to his business operations, together with social, educational and religious privileges. The geographical position … Read more