H Alabama Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico.

Hatchichapa (half-way creek). A former branch settlement of the Upper Creek town Kailaidshi, between Coosa and Tallapoosa rs., Ala. Hawkins states that the Creeks hostile to the United States burned it in 1813, but it was probably rebuilt as it is mentioned in Parsons census list of 1832 as having 62 heads of families.

Hillabi (pron. hi′-la-pi). A former Upper Creek town near the present Ashland, Clay co., Ala., in the “central district” between Coosa and Tallapoosa rs, on Koufadi cr., a branch of Hillabee cr. Most of the Hillabi people had settled before 1799 in the 4 villages called Hlanudshiapala, Anatichapko, Istudshilaika, and Uktahasasi. In the vicinity of Hillabi town its inhabitants, with other “Red Sticks,” or hostiles, were vanquished by Jackson s army, Nov. 18, 1813, when 316 of them were killed or captured and their town devastated. (A. S. G.)

Hlahlokalka (Lá′lo-kálka: ‘lá′lo ‘fish’, akálgäs ‘I am separated from’). A former Upper Creek settlement established by the Okchayi on a small river forming ponds, 4 m. above Oakfuskee, Cleburne co., Ala. (A. S. G.)

Hlanudshiapala (‘láni ‘mountain’, udshi dim. suffix, apála ‘on the other side’: ‘on the other side of a little mountain’). A former Upper Creek settlement, one of the four Hillabi villages, with a town square, situated on the N. w. branch of Hillabi cr., Ala., 15 m. from Hillabi town. (A. S G.)

Hlaphlako (Láp-‘láko, ‘tall cane’). Two former Upper Creek villages on or near Cupiahatchee cr., in Macon co., Ala., with 81 and 66 heads of families, respectively, in 1832.

Hlekatchka (’Le-kátchka, or ’Li-i-kátchka, ‘from ’le or ’li, ‘arrow’, kátchka, ‘broken’: ‘broken arrow’). A former Lower Creek town on a trail ford crossing Chattahoochee r., 12 m. below Kasihta, on the w. side of the river, probably in Russell co., Ala. According to Hawkins (Am. State Papers, Ind. Aff., i, 858, 1832) the settlement was destroyed in 1814; but it was apparently reestablished, as it was represented in the treaty of Nov. 15, 1827, and a census of 1832 (Schoolcraft, Ind. Tribes, iv, 578, 1854) gives the number of families as 331 in that year. (A. S. G. )

Hobeckentopa. A locality, possibly a town, where a treaty with the Choctaw was concluded Aug. 31, 1803. It was on Tombigbee r. , in the E. part of Washington co. , Ala., perhaps on or near a bluff of the same name upon which St Stephens now stands. (H.W.H)

Huhlitaiga (Hú‘li-täíiga, ‘war ford’). A lower Creek village on Chattahoochee r., about the present Georgia-Alabama boundary, the inhabitants of which in or prior to 1799 removed to Oakfuski, settling on the opposite side of the Tallapoosa.

Huhliwahli (to apportion war). A former Upper Creek town on the right bank of Tallapoosa r., 5 m. below Atasi, in Macon co., Ala. It obtained its name from the privilege of declaring war which was accorded to it, the declaration being sent from this town to Tukabatchi, thence to the other villages. (A. S. G.)


Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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