McMinn County, Tennessee Deed Book E

Last Updated on April 24, 2012 by Dennis

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1 8 Feb 1836 Miranda Thompson, Michael C. Derrick and wife Emily late Thompson, and Mary Thompson widow of Samuel Thompson Sr. dec’d to Wm. H. Cook; their undivided part of land. being the part bought of Samuel Thompson Jr. which is 1/6 part; also the part conveyed by Robert Thompson to said Miranda and said Derrick, and the part of Miranda and Michael and wife Emily and of Elizabeth Masters widow of James Masters dec’d late Elizabeth Thompson, all the said parts being undivided and all the said Mary Thompson’s dower; land on which the forge is built; on which is the ore bank.

3 9 Dec 1836 Mat M. Gaines and wife Margaret, Amanda M. Horne, and James C. Luttrell of Knox Co. to George Horne; Power of Atty. to sell land in McMinn County.

4 21 Dec 1836 Grantors on E3 and George Horne husband of Amanda M. Horne all of Knox Co. to James Cowan Jr.

5 8 Jan 1835 Aron Parker to Andrew and Elisha Hayze and Alberto Largen.

7 3 Jan 1837 John Dearmon Adm. of James McMahan dec’d late of McMinn Co. to William H. Wilson; McMahan in his lifetime made Title Bond to Willson 21 Sept 1833 and on same date made Title Bond to Joel Pettitt which Pettitt transferred to Willson.

13 11 Nov 1836 Daniel and Dennis H. McCoy of Lumpkin Co., Ga. to James F. Pyron; 5 undivided shares from Daniel and one undivided share from Dennis H.

14 14 Jan 1837 James F. Pyron to Wayd Hampton; one undivided share of land being 1/10 part, the interest of Dennis H. McCoy as heir of William McCoy dec’d.

17 19 Jan 1837 Elijah Walker one of Execs. of William Orr dec’d of Blount Co., John Arwine the other Exec. refusing to serve, to Charles Metcalfe; William Orr made his Will on 4 Nov 1830.

21 31 Oct 1836 John B. Jackson to David Bell of Monroe Co.; Lot 34 in Athens.

29 20 Aug 1836 William Clark of Athens to the President and Directors of Planters Bank of Tenn.; Lot No. 4 in Athens.

31 29 Jan 1837 Peter Felker to John Grubb of Monroe Co.

34 23 Mar 1827 John Walker and Gideon Morgan Jr. to Moses Lindsey of Knox Co.

35 8 Feb 1837 Lewis Huffaker to Edward Stone; land “reserving that part of Cane Creek and its banks so far up the same as Gilbreath’s mill dam now pond the same being heretofore sold by me to Thomas Gilbreath for the use and benefit of the heirs of Joseph Gilbreath deceased”.

41 1 Mar 1837 James White of Abingdon, Va. to Julius W. Blackwell of Athens; Title Bond; $8000.; Lots 95 and 107 in Athens, one being the lot whereon said Blackwell now resides and the other lying behind and adjoining the lot whereon James H. Fyffe now resides.

42 14 Jun 1833 David Hoyl to Peter Hoyl Jr., Bill of Sale for slaves; witnessed by Elizabeth M. and Caleb R. Hoyl.

46 10 May 1834 John Matthews to Benj. Isbell and Isham Keith, Deacons of the Baptist Church; and including the meeting house, ” for the promotion of the Redeemer’s Kingdom”.

49 Apr 1836 Circuit Court Decree: S. Bogart and Jacob Hoss surviving Execs. of Wm. L. Welker dec’d VS Nathaniel McKinney and Commissioners of Athens.

52 11 Feb 1837 Return J. Meigs to Augustine P. Fore; acknowledged by Meigs in Davidson Co.

53 12 Jan 1837 Wm. Cate to Elijah Cate.

60 27 May 1837 Stephen and Joseph Bedford to Chas. Matlock.

67 4 Apr 1837 John, Israel C., and Joseph Smith, heirs and Execs. of Wm. Smith dec’d to Abraham Barb.

69 3 Apr 1837 George R. Cox to Alexander C. Robeson, Jeremiah F. Strange, and Vincent Haymes, Trustees of the poor house for McMinn Co.

73 27 Mar 1837 Samuel McConnell and James Griffin acting for firm of Samuel McConnell, James Griffin, Wm. Young, Wm. Armstrong, Wooddy Jackson, and Conway Garlington, to Michael Hildebrand; Lot No. 32 in Town of Columbus.

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75 16 Apr 1837 Francis Kindrick (her) to John Rudd.

76 18 Mar 1837 Henry C. Bradford of Bedford Co. to John M. Seahorn of same; Deed of Trust; Bradford’s interest in 800 acres in McMinn Co. known as the Pain Town farm, 300 or 400 acres on Holston River on Poor Valley Creek, and another tract in Haywood Co. and his books (listed) both professional and miscellaneous and furniture; Bradford married Elizabeth Hoard widow of the late Standwix Hoard of McMinn Co. and this is his interest in her dower.

78 28 Mar 1837 Joshua Morgan to John M. Seahorn of Bedford Co.; Deed of Trust; Morgan indebted to Benjamin P. Bradford.

81 9 Nov 1836 Nancy Kennedy, Pryor Lea and wife Minerva Ann, Abram A. Herd, John `Joseph Herd, George Felix Heard, and Joshua T. Heard, the last four by their Atty. Pryor Lea to Caswell Lea; land near Hiwassee Old Town; Nancy Kennedy and Pryor Lea acknowledge in Knox Co.

82 17 Mar 1837 Caswell Lea to Robert H. Hynds, both of Jefferson Co.; Deed of Trust.

88 18 Jul 1834 Hugh Reavely and wife Elizabeth to Elizabeth Gilbreath; Elizabeth Reavly’s undivided interest in five Negroes which are estate of Joseph Gilbreath dec’d.

98 30 Mar 1837 William W. Anderson of Athens to David Reid, Wm. H, Deaderick, David Willson, Samuel Hale, W.W. Anderson, George W. Mayo, and Charles Bogart, ruling elders in the Presbyterian Church at Athens, said church known as Mars hill Church; $300.; Lot No. 19 with its appurtenances to be used as a site for the erection of a house of worship.

99 16 Apr 1830 Thomas, Henry, and George W. Burch, and Elizabeth Davis, Heirs of William Burch dec’d to John Arnewine. June 1833, witness Absolem Rush is now dead.

100 30 May 1837 Prier D. Romines to Thomas J. Caldwell of Monroe Co.; Power of Atty. to collect his pay for services as a private in Capt. Russell Hurst’s Co. of East Tenn. mounted volunteers.

109 3 Nov 1832 Samuel McConnell, Jones Griffin, William Young, William Armstrong, Woody Jackson, and Conway Garlington, acting for firm of Samuel McConnell, James Griffin & Co. to Elijah Gillenwaters; Lot No. 2 in Columbus. 3 Jun 1837, witness Jac F. Fout has removed out of limits of State of Tenn.

110 7 May 1835 Circuit Court Decree in case of James H. Fyffe, Nathaniel Smith, and Wm. Hogan, Adms. of Isaac W. Fyffe dec’d, VS Randolph Eason, Margaret Eason late Fyffe widow of said Isaac Fyffe dec’d and Sarah, William, and Isaac W. Fyffe, children of Isaac W. Fyffe dec’d and Thomas H., Nancy L., and Fanny L. Calloway, and Joseph Donahoo and wife Rebecca C. late Calloway, Arthur H. Henly and Thomas H. Calloway, Execs. of said Joseph Calloway dec’d, and the Commissioners of the Town of Athens.

114 12 Dec 1836 Anderson Trim to James McClure, William Harralson, and James M. Howell, Trustees for the Baptist Church at Pond Creek; land including meeting house and camp meeting ground.

115 23 Jun 1837 Reuben P. Southard to Thomas Wakefield for use of Micajah Southard; Deed of Trust.

122 8 Jul 1837 William Jack, a private in Capt. Abraham Barb’s Co. of mounted volunteers, to James S. Bridges; Power of Atty. to collect his money under proclamation of the Gov. of Tenn. 6 Jun 1836.

124 No date. Joseph W. and William M. McMillian, Joseph and Nancy Billingsly, Charles and Narcissa Cate, William and Polly Karr, and Mary McMillian to William B. Porter. Sworn to by witnesses 15 Jul 1837.

127 22 Jul 1837 John M. Seahorn of McMinn Co. to Benjamin B. Bradford of Bedford Co.; Henry C. Bradford had right in lands of Stanwix Hord dec’d through his intermarriage with the widow of said Hord; Pain Town farm.

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130 4 May 1837 Franklin L. Blair to Mary F. Ely.

131 18 Jul 1837 Jessee Scot to Daniel Purcell; Deed of Trust for land, building with machine for making linseed oil, a mill house, and cabinet making shop, all on Little Suey; half of above belongs to Henry Carroll.

132 15 Sep 1836 John Byler to Zion Hill Church, that part of the church who contend for the old united Baptist faith and not to any part who contend for the Baptist convention or any other of the new institutions of man that is contrary to the rule of the old faith and order; land where meeting house and grave yard are now located.

133 [numbered 233 in error] 3 Aug 1837 Samuel John to William John; mortgage of personal property.

143 10 Mar 1837 A.H. Napier of Bradley Co. to Jonathan Longly.

145 16 Jan 1837 James S. Green, Allen Barkesdale, Mary and Lettice Green, all of McMinn Co., Thomas Russell of Monroe Co., and John O. Green of Jefferson Co. to Alexander Green of McMinn Co.

147 17 Aug 1837 James Culton to son James W. Culton.

152 30 Aug 1837 Charles McClure of McMinn Co. to John McClure of Monroe Co.; Mortgage.

154 31 Aug 1837 Samuel M. Chapman and wife Margaret Ann G. late Gilbreath, one of heirs of Joseph Gilbreath dec’d to Elizabeth Gilbreath; their share in land and Negroes.

157 12 Jan 1836 Elizabeth Meigs to daughter Grace Calloway late Meigs; deed to slaves.

161 26 Sep 1837 Henry Price, Adm. of John Richardson dec’d, to Rachel Zeigler.

165 4 Feb 1837 Solomon Farnsworth to Martha R. Moor.

169 10 Oct 1837 Ira White, one of minor heirs of Nathaniel White dec’d, to Alfred H. Lawson; his undivided share of plantation whereon Elizabeth White widow of said Nathaniel now lives.

176 1 Aug 1836 John Moody to Charles McClure of Monroe Co.; land on big Mouse Creek whereon Moody now lives.

177 5 Oct 1837 William McKamy Sr. of Anderson Co. to William McKamy Jr. of McMinn Co.

184 5 Sep 1836 Amos Potts to Bradley Co. to John Baker.

186 20 Sep 1837 Edmund Roberts to Benjamin Roberts; witnessed by Thomas M. and Edmund D. Roberts.

199 4 Mar 1829 Joseph Hurt of Wayne Co., Ky. to Isaac Chrisman of Rhea Co.; land in Rhea Co.

200 1 May 1834 Nicholas P. Dotson to Jessee Dotson; land with exception of a piece conveyed to Jessee Dotson Sr. Where E. Dotson now has a mill.

224 23 Jan 1838 Thornton C. Goddard and Hugh Goddard to Dickerson Morris.

228 7 Jan 1837 Manuel Parkeison to John Parkieson.

240 22 Aug 1837 Abraham Slover to James Ross of Anderson Co.

242 7 Feb 1838 William B. Cunningham of Jefferson Co., agent for Henry Powell, to George W. Mayo; $25; the entire right to make use and vend Beardens Patent zig zag spring for making saddles, for the County of McMinn.

243 1 Dec 1836 Joseph Russell to Stephen K. and Franklin Reeder of Athens.

249 2 Mar 1838 Lawson H. Seitez (Seitz) of Sinclere Co., N.C. to Robert Smith, 20 acres.

250 11 Nov 1837 Daniel Seitez (Seitz) to Robert Smith; 20 acres to east of Abraham Seitez dec’d.

251 26 Feb 1838 Jesse Seitz of Overton Co. to Robert Smith; 1/8 of 160 acres belonging to heirs of Abraham Seitz dec’d whereon said Smith now lives.

252 27 Feb 1838 William Cate of Bradley Co. to John Parshall.

258 9 Mar 1838 Margaret Blackburn to Ephraim Sawtell; witnessed by John and Maise Blackburn.

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265 19 Mar 1838 Circuit Court Decree: James Gettys VS Margaret Elizabeth, James Henry, and William Thomas Welker, heirs of William L. Welker dec’d.

269 “I delivered the above notice to Tidence Lane to his little son Nathaniel at the residence of his father he being absent at the time from home May the 9th 1837. A.H. Gamble.”

279 20 Feb 1838 Jeremiah Hamrick to Mary Cobbs Gdn. for Julett C. Cobbs; Bill of Sale for a slave.

279 13 Feb 1838 Joseph Smith to William Yearwood of Monroe Co.

281 17 May 1837 Peter Neil to John Neil; Bill of Sale for slave.

290 10 Feb 1837 Thomas Thompson to John E. Wheeler Gdn. of minor heirs of Horace Hickox dec’d viz: Mary Elizabeth, Richard John Elliott, and Lemira Jane Hickox.

294 11 Apr 1838 Joseph M. Alexander, Jackson Smith, and John E. Wheeler, Adms/ of Horace Hickox dec’d to Abraham B. Neal; Hickox had made Title Bond.

296 12 Apr 1838 Patrick L. Trotter to James Gettys and William Rudd; Deed of Trust for his interest in a certain title bond executed 29 Mar 1828 to John, James, and the said Patrick L. Trotter , and assigned by John and James Trotter to the said Patrick.

300 31 Jan 1839 Heil Buttram to Larkin Buttram, both of Rhea Co.; land in Rhea Co.

301 14 Feb 1838 Ephraim Maples to Peter Maples.

302 30 Apr 1834 Walter Carruth to Joseph Hamilton late of N.C.

308 21 Jun 1836 Decree of Chancery Court at Madisonville: William H. Cook VS Jeremiah Lillard and wife Jemimah, Samuel, Miranda, Francis, Catherine, and Alfred Thompson, children and heirs of Alfred Thompson dec’d, and Mary Thompson widow of Samuel Thompson Sr., dec’d and Daniel, Samuel, Robert, Miranda, John, William, Amy and Sarah Thompson, Samuel Riggs and wife Mary, Michael C. Derrick and wife Emily, and Elizabeth Master, children and heirs of Samuel Thomson Sr. dec’d; Complainants judgments are liens upon interest of the heirs of Alfred Thompson dec’d in the Iron works and lands mentioned; sale ordered; land on water of Connasauga Creek; proceeds partitioned among claimants and heirs “the intrust of the heirs of Alfred Thompson deceased in said partnership being one third part thereof and one sixth part, being two children’s parts to which said Alfred was entitle out of his father’s interest in said partnership half thereof be paid to complainant in discharge of his said judgments, and if there be more than sufficient to discharge said judgments, then the balance to be paid to the heirs of said Alfred Thompson deceased. That one sixth part of the whole proceeds of the sale and one twelfth part (or a child’s part of Samuel Thompson Senior deceased) be paid to the order of Samuel Thompson Junior; and that the balance of the proceeds of the sale of the intrust to which Samuel Thompson the Father was entitled be equally divided between his other heirs mentioned.

312 22 Aug 1834 Wesley Baley to John McClatchy; land on Eastanallee Creek.

313 16 Jul 1835 Lucy and Harmon Baley to John McClatchy; land on Eastanallee Creek.

316 29 Mar 1837 John Thompson to Josiah Maples Sr.

324 1838 Simeon Cate to Zechariah Rose Trustee for Greenberry Cate.

327 24 May 1838 A.P. Fore to John White of the Town of Columbus, McMinn Co.; Lot No. 49 in Columbus.

330 22 Nov 1828 James Dennis to Isam Dennis; acknowledged 2 Jun 1838.

332 8 Aug 1837 Nancy Ramsey to Lewis Ramsey; $100; property to remain hers during her lifetime.

333 15 Mar 1838 Elihu H. Randolph of Clinton Co., Ky. to Jessee R. Blackburn.

334 12 Jun 1838 James M. Anderson of Jefferson Co. to T. Nixon Vandyke; piece of land south of and near Athens beginning at SE end of a two acre lot belonging to the Presbyterian Church commonly called the Camp Ground.

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336 15 Jan 1833 John Byler to William H. White of Hawkins Co.

338 25 Dec 1837 William H. White of Bradley Co. to Micajah Southard.

340 No date. Caleb Starr to Henry Carothers of Green Co., Pa,; Obligation; Starr to deliver to Carothers on premises whereon said Starr resides $1300 worth of produce and property on 15 Oct next 1838 and Carothers executes note for $1300 to be discharged in two wagons, eight head of horses with five pair of Gearing to each wagon; Carothers to have privilege of placing any improvement on premises until 15 Oct 1838 when he is to have possession of all the lands and appurtenances; Starr makes bond 20 Jun 1838.

342 18 Jun 1838 Caleb Starr and wife Nancy to Henry Carrothers of Greene Co., Pa.; Obligation; Starrs this day have sold to Carrothers 10 tracts of land [listed] total of 1540 1/2 acres, including 640 acres known as reservation granted unto Austin Rider with the dwelling as the center.

345 25 Jun 1838 Tidence Lane late of McMinn Co. but now of Mississippi to William Clark Cashier of Planters Bank at Athens; Lane was endorser of note of Cyrus Waterhouse; Lane to have until 25 Sep 1838 to pay judgment.

353 13 Jul 1838 Spencer Beavers, Sheriff, to Peter Hoyl; land of Zebulon and John Dill sold to satisfy judgment recovered 17 Sep 1834.

356 24 Jul 1838 Henry Carothers of Greene Co., Pa. to Caleb Starr and wife Nancy; rescinds contract on page 340 above.

361 30 Sep 1825 John Walker of Cherokee Nation to William P. Smith of Roane Co.; witnessed by Lewis Ross and James G. Williams. 1 Mar 1838. Ross proves deed. 6 Aug 1838, handwriting of Williams proven, he having removed out of limits of Tennessee.

365 9 Aug 1838 James Madison Anderson of Jefferson Co. to Pierce B. Anderson of same; land in McMinn Co. willed to James Madison Anderson by his father Joseph Anderson of Washington, D.C.

369 14 Dec 1837 William and Clemson Brown to Gabriel Cantrell.

370 20 Jun 1838 Sarah Williams and her heirs, viz: Birden (his mark) McCoy.

376 5 Oct 1837 John H. Beck to Robert Brinkley, both of Meigs Co.; land in McMinn Co.

381 28 Aug 1838 Elizabeth Couch to her youngest son Alfred Couch, aged 2 yrs 6 mos 8 days, personal property.

382 8 Jul 1837 Samuel McRoberts to Andrew McRoberts.

383 5 Sep 1838 John Middleton to Hugh L. and J.J. Middleton.

384 4 Sept 1838 William W. Anderson of Athens to Pierce B. Anderson of Jefferson Co.

386 11 Sep 1838 Absalem C. and Elish Hays to Samuel Workman Trustee for William Burk and Henry Walker.

395 3 May 1837 Solomon Bogart to Miss Eliza S. Reid; Title Bond for Lot No. 83 lying in extreme south corner of Athens sold to her 18 Apr 1836. 12 Jun 1838, James Turner and wife Eliza S. Turner formerly Reid assign Bond to Mary P. Reid.

401 24 Oct 1838 Daniel P. Shepherd to Andrew Burk Trustee for William Burke.

Land, Land Records,

McMinn County TN,

Boyer, Reba Bayless. McMinn County, Tennessee Land Deeds. Copyright 2001. Provided to AccessGenealogy for perpetual free display.

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