Letter from Col. Robert Love to Thomas Dillard Love

Last Updated on November 26, 2012 by

Letter to Thomas Dillard Love from Col. Robert Love while he was on his way to West Tennessee, in the year 1812, where he had a vast interest in lands. This letter throws some light on the location of his brother, James, or whom, and of whose descendants, there is little known at present, but which I hope to learn of later on, if possible, and which, if I do, I will incorporate in these papers-F.D. Love,

Maury County, Cathy’s Creek 19th Aug 1812

Dear Thomas:

I got here last night and found your Uncle James’ family all well Although’ I find some complaints in this country (& ever since I turned the Cumberland Mountain) with the Ague & fever. Yet is not considerable considering the number of inhabitants in this county. This country throughout exceeds by far any other I have ever seen to produce. It is astonishing, to with the corn crops here this year, and every thing else grows very luxuriantly as well as corn. It is said, and generally believed, that any quantity of corn can be purchased all over the country as low as fifty cents per bushel.

I wish you to inform General Taylor to come on with all speed, if he has not started, as I do not know how to act, having no power from him, and do not want to act without. I think every thing that can be done to conciliate the minds of the settlers on the lands claimed by us ought to be pursued, and if he was here and proper measures taken, I have no doubt but the people would generally lease, especially, if a disposition is shown to make compensation for their improvement by letting them remain in possession without rent until they have received benefits sufficient to make ample satisfaction.

I shall be at Nashville about the fifth of next month (September) when I would be glad to meet with him. I shall continue his Grants, not knowing fairly whether to have them Registered or not.

The only news here is an expectation of a war with the Creek Indians; as reports say they have recently killed a family near the Fort at Stephens Settlement on the Donbig-bay.

I am in good health, thank God!


Ro. Love,

To-Thomas Love (Back Envelope)

Columbia (T) August 26th, 1812 Mr. Thomas D. Love, Carter County, East Tennessee.


Genealogy, Letter,

Partridge, Dennis N. Love Family Genealogy. Web. © 2001.

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