Biography of George W. Davidson

George W. Davidson, one of the oldest and most prominent citizens of Tullahoma, and a member of the Coffee County Bar, was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee, June 21, 1826, and is the son of Joel and Elizebeth (Henry) Davidson. The father was born at Beon’s Station, Granger County, Tennessee, in July 1799 and died in August in 1848. The mother was born in Hillsboro, Orange County, N. C., January 5, 1800, and died in November 1883. Both were members of the Old School Presbyterian Church.

Our subject was reared on a farm, and received a limited education. He learned the cabinetmaker’s trade at the age of sixteen years, and followed the same for about four years. Until the breaking out of the war he was engaged at contracting and building. He then became drillmaster for first one and then the other army in the mountain counties of Tennessee and in 1863 entered the Federal quartermaster’s department, and served in the capacity of clerk until the close of the war. He was soon appointed postmaster at Tullahoma, and held the office until his resignation in November 1885. During his Postmastership he was also United States commissioner, and holds the office at present, together with that of recorder of Tullahoma. For several years he held the following offices at one and the same time: Postmaster, United States commissioner, recorder, justice of the peace, public school director, and notary public. Mr. Davidson was married February 24, 1864, to S. W. Cleveland, who was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee, in 1844. To them have been born five children: Robert H., born May 17, 1865, Joan, September 10, 1869; Abraham L., May 27, 1873; William J. September 6, 1875, and Maud, January 25, 1879. Robert H. is at present deputy postmaster at Tullahoma. In 1870 our subject was licensed as an attorney by Judges Steele and Tillman.

He is a republican, but was a Whig previous to the war. He is conservative in his political views and has warm friends in both parties. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church North, while his wife belongs to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.


Biography, Civil War,

Goodspeed Publishing Co. History of Tennessee from the earliest time to the present. Goodspeed Publishing Co. 1887.

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