Biographical Sketch of W. A. Marshall

W. A. Marshall, furniture dealer, and present mayor of Tullahoma, Tennessee, was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee, in 1842, and is the son of J. W. and Nancy  T. (Neal) Marshall, natives of Prince Edwards County, Virginia. Reared on the farm of his parents; our subject received his education at the neighboring schools. At the age of thirteen he came with his parents to Tullahoma, and entered his father’s store, remaining until the opening of the late war. He then enlisted in Company B (Confederate), of Turney’s First Regiment of Tennessee Infantry. After the war he returned home, working at … Read more

Biography of James F. Gilliland

James F. Gilliland, principal of the high school of Arkansas City, is a graduate of the University of Kansas and had been active in educational work from school days. He worked his way through college and university partly by teaching. A native of Kansas, he was born near Beloit, in Mitchell County, March 22, 1881. His Gilliland ancestors were Scotch-Irish people who were early settlers in the State of Pennsylvania. His father, Henry Clay Gilliland, was born in Iowa, March 31, 1842, grew up near Washington, Iowa, and spent his active career as a farmer. When he was still under … Read more

Biography of George W. Davidson

George W. Davidson, one of the oldest and most prominent citizens of Tullahoma, and a member of the Coffee County Bar, was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee, June 21, 1826, and is the son of Joel and Elizebeth (Henry) Davidson. The father was born at Beon’s Station, Granger County, Tennessee, in July 1799 and died in August in 1848. The mother was born in Hillsboro, Orange County, N. C., January 5, 1800, and died in November 1883. Both were members of the Old School Presbyterian Church. Our subject was reared on a farm, and received a limited education. He learned … Read more

Biography of Col. J. N. Coffey

COL. J. N. COFFEY. This worthy old pioneer deserves the most honorable mention within the pages of this volume, for he has ever been a representative of the honorable, industrious and law-abiding class and has done his full share in helping to make Arkansas one of the most favored States in the Union. He was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee, April 15, 1819, a son of John and Margaret (Boskin ) Coffey, both of whom were born in South Carolina, the birth of the former occurring in Lancaster District. It is supposed that three brothers of the Coffey family came … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas J. Curry

Thomas J. Curry, farmer; P. O. Mattoon; is a son of James and Polly Curry, of Coles Co., Ill.; was born in Lincoln Co., Tenn., Sept. 7, 1812; moved to Coles Co. with his folks Dec. 12, 1832. Is the owner of 250 acres of land valued at or near $10,000; was School Trustee and Director for a number of terms. Was married to first wife, Martha Langston, March 29, 1833; names of children – boys, James E., William L., (Thomas T., deceased); girls, Mary A., Stacy J., Penia N. Was married to his second wife, Debora Matthews, Dec. 8, … Read more

Biography of Willis F. Miles

WILLIS F. MILES. Petty difficulties of Young Township, Boone County, Arkansas, wend their way to the office of our subject and find in him an arbiter that as a rule sends the respective parties away in better humor with themselves and with the world in general than on coming to him, for he is a gentleman who, although having an extended knowledge of the prosaic aspects of life, is prone to see the humorous side, and gild the baser metal with the brightness of wit. Willis F. Miles was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee, in 1831, and is a son … Read more

Biography of D. F. Martin

D. F. MARTIN, circuit clerk of Howell County, Missouri, is closely identified with the welfare of West Plains, widely known as a politician, popular as a citizen and who hasbeena resident of south Missouri since 1851. Born in Lincoln County, Tennessee, December 9, 1833. He is a son of St. George and Emaline (Gaither) Martin, natives of Virginia, the former born in 1806, and the latter in 1807. The grandfather, George Martin, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and a friend of George Washington. He was born in the Old Dominion, but moved from there to Georgia, and thence … Read more

Biography of H.B. Morgan

J. L. Bryant & Co. This firm is now composed of H. B. Morgan and J. W. Motlow. It was first established in 1872, by J. L. Bryant (now deceased) and H. B. Morgan. J. L. Bryant had himself been in business in Lynchburg since 1806. He was born September 25, 1824, in Lincoln County, and was reared in west Tennessee, and when a young man returned to Moore County, and on August 24, 1845, married Finetta B. Leftwich, and engaged in merchandising at Charity, in this county, continuing in mercantile pursuits until his death. In 1865 he was at … Read more

Biography of Robert M. Divin

This venerable citizen and esteemed gentleman and resident of Vale is one of the substantial men of Malheur County and is well and favorably known throughout the precincts of this region, being a man of stanch integrity, and always manifesting those qualities of worth and merit that redound to the good of all. Mr. Divin was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee, on December 17, 1831, being the son of Irbin F. and Hannah Divin. The father died when our subject was two years of age, having removed with the family to Washington County, Arkansas, where the death occurred. There were … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alexander Forester

Alexander Forester, farmer, was born in Moore County (then Lincoln County)in 1820, and is one of eleven surviving members of a family of fourteen children born to Isaac and Matilda (Hodges) Forester. The father was born in South Carolina in 1790, and came to Moore County previous to the war of 1812, in which he participated under General Coffee, and afterward under General Jackson. At the close of the Indian war he returned to Moore (Lincoln) County, and soon after was married. The parents are both still living, having now enjoyed the companionship of each other about seventy years. The … Read more

Biography of Thomas Gold

THOMAS GOLD. This worthy gentleman, who is one of the pioneers of Stone County, Missouri, is now retired from the active duties of life and resides in Billings, where he has a comfortable and pleasant home and where he expects to pass the remainder of his days. As the case with many of the best citizens of Christian County, Missouri, he came originally from Tennessee, where his birth occurred August 12, 1819, and where he was reared, growing to manhood in Lincoln County. His father and mother, Jonathan and Sarah (Riles) Gold, were natives of North Carolina and Tennessee respectively. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of S. J. McLemore

S. J. McLemore, a pioneer of Tullahoma, was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee, December 29, 1822, and is the son of S. J. and Martha (Whitaker) McLemore, natives of North Carolina. The father died in 1825 and the mother in 1880. Our subject reared on the farm, remained there until his marriage to Margaret J. Ward in 1841, when he removed to Nashville and entered the produce business. In 1851 he came to Tullahoma. He sold goods until the civil war and after the close of the same entered the livery business. In 1876 he began merchandising, continuing at that … Read more

Lincoln County, Tennessee Cemetery Transcriptions

Tennessee Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Tennessee county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Following Cemeteries (hosted at Lincoln County, Tennessee Tombstone Transcription Project) Campbell Cemetery Carter Cemetery Carter Hill Cemetery Cedar Hills Memorial Gardens Elora Cemetery Flintville Cemetery Gum Springs Cemetery Henderson Cemetery Hester Cemetery Howard Cemetery Kelso Cemetery Macedonia Cemetery Morgan Cemetery Pleasant Grove Cemetery Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Cemetery Prospect Church Cemetery Prosperity Church Cemetery Robertson Family Cemetery Sandlin Cemetery Shady … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. A. Call

E. A. Call, farmer and miller, of Coffee County, was born in Lincoln County March 6 1825. His parents, Daniel H. and Nancy (Hinkle) Call, natives of Roan County, N.C., came to Tennessee about 1822, and began farming and distilling. He built the first steam distillery in Coffee County, continuing until about 1848 in the business. Our subject, one of nine children, entered the distillery at sixteen, and continued successfully for thirty-six years. November 9, 1850, he married Susan Timmins, of Lincoln County, by whom he had nine children. She died June 19, 1877. October 7, 1879, he married Francis … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James H. Rutledge

James H. Rutledge, merchant, and a prominent young citizen of Tullahoma, Tennessee, was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee, November 13, 1855, and is the son of Samuel Rutledge, a native of North Carolina. Our subject was reared on the farm, receiving his education in the public schools. In 1876 he began farming in his native county, and continued until 1882, when he came to Tullahoma, and with his brother, R. F. Rutledge, engaged in the grocery business; they have since added clothing, furnishing goods, and a boot and shoe stock. Mr. Rutledge was married in 1876 to Ida Roughton, a … Read more

Biography of Hon. John F. Thomas

Hon. John F. Thomas, real estate agent and a prominent citizen of Tullahoma, Tennessee, was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee, April 17, 1828. His father, Joshua Thomas, a native of North Carolina, died while our subject was a small boy. At the age of eleven years our subject was bound out to Joshua Gore, but ran away and returned to his mother. His advantages were limited, but through his own efforts he acquired a good education, and when twenty three years of age began teaching school. In 1851 he removed to Coffee County and taught a school on Duck River, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. James S. Ervin

Reverend James S. Ervin, merchant, and a native of what was then Lincoln, but is now Moore County, Tennessee, was born April 4, 1832, and is a son of James S. and Jemimah (Merrill) Ervin. The parents were natives of North Carolina, and immigrated to this county in 1816 and 1818, respectively. The father was an industrious farmer, and died November 7, 1881; the mother followed November 9 of the same year. Our subject remained with his parents until eighteen years of age, when he married Catherine Womack, November 7, 1849, a native of Bedford County. The fruits of this … Read more

Jones, George – Obituary

George Jones, 71, a former resident of Baker City and Wallowa, died March 26, 2008, in Mulberry, Tenn. George lived in Baker City for 12 years, working at Brooklyn Elementary School as a custodian. He also lived in Wallowa for 25 years, when he worked for Bennett and Dixon logging company and for Wayne Wolfe Ranch. He and his wife, Winona, moved to Tennessee to be near their daughter. George is survived by his wife, Winona, a daughter, four sons and six grandchildren. Winona Jones can be contacted at 128 Cooper’s Branch Rd., Mulberry TN 37359. Wallowa County Chieftain – … Read more

Biography of William M. Sleeth, Maj.

Maj. William M. Sleeth was one of the founders of the modern civic and industrial community of Arkansas City. He was secretary and treasurer of the original townsite company. He was a keen and resourceful business man, but his practical energies were equalled by his splendid public spirit and his readiness to sacrifice his own interests in behalf of some enterprise that would bring benefit to many. Major Sleeth justly earned the honor and esteem of his community during his life, and his death at Arkansas City, September 26, 1906, was felt as a distinct loss to the community, though … Read more

Biography of Lewis B. Morgan

Lewis B. Morgan, lawyer and chairman of the county court, was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee, in 1834. He is the son of Smith and Abigail (Alexander) Morgan, natives of Tennessee. The former was born in 1806, and the latter in 1809. They are now residents of Fayetteville, Tennessee, and are members of the Baptist Church. Until his seventeenth year our subject lived with his parents on the farm, and then learned the blacksmithing trade, following that, together with farming for a number of years. In 1856 he went to Kansas with a company of 365 men, joining them at … Read more