1758, May 20, Fort Loudoun

Last Updated on November 9, 2012 by


hearing the beginning of last Month, that Stores and Provisions were coming to the Fort, I sent Ensn. Coytmore with a Party, to Escorte them Safe hire, on his return, he brought me, your Excellency’s Letter of ye 20th of April, he told me that he left there Mr. Turner with the little Carpenter, who is waiting there for the wagon with the Presents, and will have them divided there, so they will not be under my care here. Mr. Turner has Sent great Many Goods here to give to the Indians that will be Willing to go to Virginia along with him, what Success he will have here, I cannot tell, I am afraid very little, but as soon he sets out from hence I shall acquaint your Excellency, of the whole, he is coming with the Carpenter and the rest of the Indians.

Mr. Coytmore told me that when he was at Keowee he saw Pork and Bacon for the use of this Fort, in very poor Condition, and as he wanted a Ham for his journey, he looked at great many before he could find one tolerable, some very Soft, and other Magots in them, on the 15 ultimate Mr. Morphey brought 95 Hogs very poor; I wish Mr. Steade would not Send great Quantity of flour, for I have plenty Enough, and about 700 Bushels of Corn, which I have not drawn for yet. I am digging a well in the Fort, the Man I gone 40 feet deep, and I hope ten feet further he will come to water, the Rope that was left here is very bad it is Spliced Everywhere, I wish you Excellency would order a new one. Three Days ago I went with the Carpenter all the Fort, to See in what Condition the Puncheons were, it is all well, but as the Bark has fall’d in some places, the lining is loose in great many parts and wants repairing, I would have gone about it directly, but as I never had Sprike nails nor any other Nails I must referr it, till you please to order some.

As Cornelius Coakley is going to Town, I write by him, I have desired him to take care of a large Tyger Skin, ______was killed about a Mile from the Fort, on the other Side of the River, I wish you Excellency would accept of it. I am informed that Coll. Mongomary is gone to New York with the Hillanders, I was Sending him a Roll of the men of Each Company doing Duty here. Inclosed I send you one; and besides that Number, there is the Linguister, two Men of Capt. Postell’s cam y and many Women, I want to know whether I am to Sybsist them, if I don’t, they can’t find Provisions to Stay here about.

The Soren Hominey, who pretended to go to war against the French Fort, is com back, they were going towards the breed nation, but the conjurer not liking their projet, told them that he had observed in his conjuring Trap, that if they were going further, Some of them, should be killed, on which they came back directly, they have brought four Horses with them.

I am Surely informed that Ncolilawaw with his Gang at 96 Warriors is gone on the French Groun, as well as the thick says warrior of Chatougee with his Gang of 61 men. I hope they have got success, it is thought they are in their way back again

The guner has brought me the Return of the Magazin which likewise I send you.

I am with Respect.

Your Excellency’s
Most obedient &
Most humble Servant

Paul Demere

P.S. the man that takes care of The Glacis, begs that your Excellency will order a pair of Chears to Cut the Hedges.

History, Letters,

Lyttelton, William Combe Baron Thomas Lyttelton. Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas. 1812.

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