Biography of Frank W. Witter

FRANK W. WITTER, The genuine western spirit of enterprise and progress is exemplified in the careers of such men as Frank W. Witter, of Van Buren Township-men whose laudable ambition, persevering determination and energetic natures have enabled them to conquer many adverse circumstances and surmount numerous obstacles, and to advance steadily to a leading position in their chosen walks of life, A resident of Van Buren Township for upwards of a quarter of a century, Mr. Witter has during this time gained the high regard of his fellow- citizens by his genuine worth, and as the owner of 170 acres … Read more

Biography of William Clitus Witter

Son of Doctor William Witter and Emily Bingham, his wife, was born at Willimantic, Conn., November 13th, 1842, in the substantial brick house now standing at the corner of Main and Witter (now called High) streets. His ancestry, both on the father’s and the mother’s side, is given with some detail in the sketch of Doctor William Witter at pages 201203 of this volume, where it is seen that he comes from some of the best and oldest New England families, the Witter, the Waldo and the Bingham. The mother of Mr. Witter died when he was five years old … Read more