Biographical Sketch of Adoniram Judson Throop

Adoniram Judson, son of Azel and Fanny (Van Dusen) Throop, was born in the town of Manchester, Ontario county, New York, November 28. 1844, and is now (1910) living at Port Gibson. in the same county. He was educated in the township public schools and the East Bloomfield Academy, and then began working on a farm. After doing this for several years, he was appointed, February 1, 1871, United States postal clerk, and given the run between Syracuse and New York City. In 1901 he was promoted head postal clerk and has held this position ever since. Since his appointment … Read more

Biography of Azel Throop

Azel, son of Benjamin and Rachel (Brown) Throop, was born in Lebanon, Connecticut, January z8, 1792, died in Ontario county, New York. He was educated in the Lebanon school, and at home, and later taught school himself for several winters and was afterwards inspector and superintendent of schools for a number of years. He married. May 20, 1819, Fanny, sister to the Hon. A. L. Van Dusen, of Hillsdale. New York, who was born in 1798. Children. 1. Lucy Ann. born February 19, 1820, died July 21, 1849: married, December 22, 1846, D. D. Sprague. 2. Ruth. born July 18, … Read more

Throop, Harold Pat Lawrence – Obituary

Enterprise, Oregon Harold Pat Lawrence Throop died May 6, 2007, at the Wallowa Valley Care Center. He was 89. Mr. Throop was born March 17, 1918, in Portland to Herrel R. Throop and Anna Throop Lynch. He grew up on the ranch of his parents, Anna and Charles Lynch. He graduated from high school there in 1936. In 1938 he moved to Cloverdale with his mother and stepfather. Prior to the start of World War II, Mr. Throop studied law at Willamette University. After serving in the U.S. Navy during the war, he returned to Cloverdale, bought his parents’ ranch … Read more

Throop, Harold Pat Lawrence – Obituary

Enterprise, Oregon Harold Pat Lawrence Throop died May 6, 2007, at the Wallowa Valley Care Center. He was 89. Mr. Throop was born March 17, 1918, in Portland to Herrel R. Throop and Anna Throop Lynch. He grew up on the ranch of his parents, Anna and Charles Lynch. He graduated from high school there in 1936. In 1938 he moved to Cloverdale with his mother and stepfather. Prior to the start of World War II, Mr. Throop studied law at Willamette University. After serving in the U.S. Navy during the war, he returned to Cloverdale, bought his parents’ ranch … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Throop

Benjamin Throop, son of Daniel (2) and Susanna (Cary) Throope. was born in Lebanon. Connecticut, October 8. 1754, died at Palmyra (Port Gibson), Wayne county, New York. January 17. 1842. He was named after his maternal grandfather, Deacon Benjamin Cary. He was one of the first settlers of Palmyra, and an account of his life was published in the Shortsville Enterprise in 1903. In 1801, he purchased, for four dollars an acre. five hundred and twelve acres of land from Ichabod Ward and Samuel Dorrance, mortgagees of Phelps and Gorham to whom large tracts of land were deeded in settlement … Read more

History of Ontario County, New York, part 2

History of Ontario County, New York

The History of Ontario County, New York genealogical section provides an extensive array of surnames, indicating the comprehensive nature of the section in Part 2. These genealogies not only serves as a reference for individuals researching family histories but also reflects the diverse settler and immigrant populations that have contributed to the fabric of Ontario County. Each surname represents a family’s journey, struggles, and contributions to the county’s development over centuries.

Church History of Norwich Vermont

The great achievement of the first generation of Norwich settlers was the building of a meeting house. More than any other event of the time, with the possible exception of the accomplishment of the national independence, this was an undertaking that enlisted the energies and taxed the resources of our forefathers. The building of a meeting house in a New England frontier settlement a century ago was regarded a matter of public concern, to be supported by the whole community without regard to sect or party, like the opening of roads or any other public charge. In less than ten … Read more

History of Cayuga County New York

Cover of History of Cayuga County New York

This history of Cayuga County New York published in 1879, provides a look at the first 80 years of existence for this county, with numerous chapters devoted to it’s early history. One value of this manuscript may be found in the etched engravings found throughout of idyllic scenes of Cayuga County including portraits of men, houses, buildings, farms, and scenery. Included are 90 biographies of early settlers, and histories of the individual townships along with lists of men involved in the Union Army during the Civil War on a regiment by regiment basis.

Families of Ancient New Haven

Four Corners New Haven Connecticut

The Families of Ancient New Haven compilation includes the families of the ancient town of New Haven, covering the present towns of New Haven, East Haven, North Haven, Hamden, Bethany, Woodbridge and West Haven. These families are brought down to the heads of families in the First Census (1790), and include the generation born about 1790 to 1800. Descendants in the male line who removed from this region are also given, if obtainable, to about 1800, unless they have been adequately set forth in published genealogies.