Tally, Eugene – Obituary

Eugene Tally Dies At Pendleton 28th Services for Eugene Tally, 76, of Pendleton, a former longtime Baker County resident will be conducted at 2:00 pm Thursday, Oct. 32 at Grays West and Co. Pioneer Chapel. The Rev. Joe Jewett of Enterprise will officiate. Vault interment will follow in the family plot at the North Powder Cemetery in North Powder with the Baker Veterans Organizations conducting graveside honors and the Blue Mountain Masonic Lodge A.F. and A.M. No. 176 participating in the graveside services. Mr. Tally died Monday evening at the St. Anthonys Hosp. in Pendleton after an extended illness. He … Read more

Tally, Arthur Amos – Obituary

Arthur Amos Tally died Tuesday, March 25, 1919 aged 23 years. Funeral sermon was preached at the Methodist church Thursday afternoon by the Rev. Mr. Hawk, of La Grande. Deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Tally. Interment was made at the North Powder cemetery. Card of Thanks We deeply appreciate the many kindnesses shown us in our bereavement and wish to express our heartfelt thanks to all those who gave us such willing assistance in the last illness and death of our son and brother, Arthur Amos Tally. A.F. Tally Mrs. A.F. Tally and Family. North Powder … Read more

Tally, Donna Marie Weaver Mrs. – Obituary

Donna Marie Tally, 68, of Myrtle Point and a former Baker City resident died, Wednesday, July 14, 2004, at Myrtle Point. Funeral service was held Sunday, July 18, 2 pm at the Myrtle Point Baptist Church with Pastor Dale Brown officiating. Graveside service and vault internment were held Wednesday July 21, 10 am at the North Powder Cemetery in North Powder. Arrangements were under the direction of Amling/Schroeder Funeral Service Myrtle Point Chapel. Donna was born to Clifford and Goldie (Perkins) Weaver June 27, 1936, in La Grande. She graduated from La Grande High School. She was married to Kerwyn … Read more

Robah G. Tally

Sergt. Exp. Mechanic, 1st Corps Atty. Park, Co. 3; of Forsyth County; son of R. A. and R. R. Tally. Husband of Lillie Tally. Entered service March 21, 1918, at Winston-Salem, N.C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 30, 1918. Promoted to Sergt. Aug. 8, 1918. Fought at Chateau Thierry, Marne Sector, Aisne Oise, Meuse-Argonne, Champagne Marne Sector. Was with the Army of Occupation seven months from Dec. 14, 1918, to July 14, 1919. “Too much praise could not be given Talley for keeping trucks available for hauling ammunition to … Read more