Switzer Genealogy
Valentine Switzer. (Immigrant) arrived from Germany, Oct. 13, 1749. He was a brother of John and Nicholas Switzer, who arrived in 1753 and 1761, from Germany, and all settled in Hampshire County, Virginia. Mary Hotzenbella, Wife of Valentine Switzer, was a daughter of Stephen and Barbara Hotzenbella of Frederick County, Virginia. CHILDREN: Phillip Switzer, John Switzer, Abraham Switzer, Peter Switzer, Henry Switzer, Valentine Switzer, Nicholas Switzer, Catherine Switzer, Born’ March 15, 1757, died July 3, 1835. Born 1759, died in Ohio, 1844. Born April 4, 1767, died in Indiana, January 12, 1838. Born May 9, 1769, died in Indiana, Nov. … Read more