Victims of the Fugitive Slave Law – Fugitive Slave Law

The remainder of this Tract will be devoted to a record, as complete as circumstances enable us to make, of the Victims Of The Fugitive Slave Law. It is a terrible record, which the people of this country should never allow to sleep in oblivion, until the disgraceful and bloody system of Slavery is swept from our land, and with it, all Compromise Bills, all Constitutional Guarantees to Slavery, all Fugitive Slave Laws. The established and accredited newspapers of the day, without reference to party distinctions, are the authorities relied upon in making up this record, and the dates being … Read more

Gosse Timber and Adjoining Branches

Gosse Coat of Arms

This is the genealogy of Martin and Charlot Linde Gosse, who came to America about 1846 from Prussia. They settled in Sheboygan County, Wisconsin and after their arrival with their children, Martin and Charlot purchased land in Town Mosel and became farmers. The known children of Martin and Chariot were: August (1829-1902), Henrietta (1831-1911), Charles Gustav (1834-1880), William (1836-1909), Herman (1838-1915), Augusta (1843-1925), Gottlieb Heinrich (1845-1888), and Johann H. (unknown).

The genealogy and history of the Ingalls family in America

The genealogy and history of the Ingalls family in America

Edmund Ingalls, son of Robert, was born about 1598 in Skirbeck, Lincolnshire, England. He immigrated in 1628 to Salem, Massachusetts and with his brother, Francis, founded Lynn, Massachusetts in 1629. He married Ann, fathered nine children, and died in 1648.

Timothy Todd of Rutland VT

Timothy Todd5, (Timothy4, Jonathan3, John2, Christopher1) born May 16, 1758, died Dec. 1, 1806, married Nov. 27, 1783, Phebe, daughter of Jehiel Buel of Killingworth, Conn. “Timothy Todd was sergeant after the Lexington Alarm, served as coast guard 150 days. Enlisted May 15, 1780.” He was a physician in Southern Vermont. Dr. Todd removed to Arlington, Vermont, having previously seen Vermont while in the Continental army as he was engaged in the battle of Bennington. “He was active, resolute and Persevering, his professional reputation rising and he soon had an extensive medical practice.” He was a man of considerable literary … Read more