The Winchester Star 1901-1972

Winchester Star

The Winchester Star is the paper of record for the town of Winchester, Massachusetts and was a weekly publication, coming out on Friday of each week. These files presently contain digital images of the Star from January 4, 1901 through December 28, 1972. The Winchester Star liked to publish items of an historical nature, from biographies of leading citizens (past and present) to items of history in reference to events which occurred in the past in Winchester. The publisher also filled his pages with photographs, and it’s possible that you may find your Winchester ancestors photo within it’s pages, albeit, a paper photograph, while not ideal, may be the only likeness you have for an ancestor.

Biography of Frank Hamilton Little

Washington county is making rapid progress as a stock raising district and among those whose well directed efforts are contributing to its development along this line is numbered Frank Hamilton Little, who resides at Ramona and is recognized as one of the largest operators in this field in the state. He is a member of one of the pioneer families of Oklahoma and was born at La Fayette, Georgia, March 28, 1875, his parents being William and Theresa (Davis) Little, who were also natives of that state. They came to Indian Territory over forty years ago, settling on a farm … Read more

History of the Methodist Church at Norwich Vermont

Rev. Emanuel C. Charlton

Prior to the year 1800, Methodism had scarcely gained a foothold in Vermont. The first Methodist society in the State is said to have been formed at Vershire by Nicholas Suethen in 1796. Two years later, only one hundred church members were returned as residents in the Vershire Circuit, then including the whole of eastern Vermont. Zadock Thompson, in the first edition of his Gazetteer of Vermont, published in 1824, gives the number of preachers, traveling and local, at that time as about one hundred, and the number of societies much greater. Probably no religious body ever made so rapid … Read more

History of the Merchants of Norwich VT

Newton Inn, Vermont

Peter Olcott had a store near his residence at the Center, in the time of the Revolutionary War. Abel Curtis was for a time associated with him in this business. Stephen Burton, eldest son of Elisha Burton and a graduate of Dartmouth College in 1790, was probably the first to open trade at Norwich Plain, prior to the year 1800. Ichabod Marshall of Hanover, also a Dartmouth graduate in 1790, is understood as having been engaged in mercantile business in Norwich (possibly in partnership with Stephen Burton) for several years. Both these young men emigrated to the West early in … Read more

Descendants of Francis Brayton of Fall River, MA

David Anthony Brayton

BRAYTON. The first in America by this name, one Francis Brayton, came from England to Portsmouth, Rhode Island, where, in 1643, he was received as an inhabitant, in 1655, became a freeman, and to him nearly if not all the Braytons of New England trace their origin. He early entered into the political life of the country, serving as a member of the General Court of Commissioners for the Colony, for many years as member of the Rhode Island General Assembly, and frequently during the later generations his descendants have held positions of responsibility and trust in the public offices … Read more

Biography of Elbridge G. Little

Elbridge G. Little was born August 5, 1807. He obtained his preliminary education at Exeter, N.H., and graduated from the Medical College at Cleveland, Ohio. He attained eminence in his profession, and in New Lisbon, Wis., where his last years were passed, he was one of the wealthiest and most prominent citizens. His wife, who was born November 4, 1809, was a daughter of Thomas and Judith (Dodge) Peabody, of the part of old Danvers, Mass., now known as Peabody. She was a sister of George Peabody, the wealthy and benevolent banker, who died in London, and who bequeathed to … Read more

Biography of Tom K. Little

From his boyhood until the present time the subject of this sketch has been connected with mercantile interests, and is thoroughly acquainted with that line of business in every detail. Almost a decade ago he became a resident of Caldwell, Canyon county, and during the intervening years ne has been one of the enterprising business men of the place, devoting his time and energies to the conduct of a general store. So ably has he managed his interests that he has met with most gratifying success, and at the same time has gained the public confidence and good will by … Read more

Baxter Family of Norwich Vermont

The Baxters of this town came here from Norwich, Connecticut, a town which their ancestors with others from Norwich, England, assisted in founding about the year 1632. Elihu Baxter, with his young wife, Tryphena Taylor, to whom he was married October 24, 1777, arrived in Norwich the same year, and here fifteen children (six daughters and nine sons) were born to them, twelve of whom lived to grow up and have families of their own. Mr. Baxter settled on the farm that subsequently became the home of Hon. Paul Brigham. He later removed to the farm where Orson Sargent lives, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Roger Frank Little

Roger Frank Little. An accomplished member of the Champaign bar, Roger Frank Little is a native of Champaign County, acquired his legal education in the University of Illinois, and has been in active and successful practice for the pat eight years. He was born in Crittenden Township October 19, 1885, and is a son of Egbert P. and Matilda (Merry) Little. His father has lived in Champaign County since 1868 and for many years was a farmer, but is now living retired in the city of Champaign. Other details of the family history will be found on other pages. Roger … Read more