Biography of Hon. George Peabody Little

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by

Hon. George Peabody Little is an influential citizen of Pembroke, N.H. In his veins flows the blood of two old and reputable New England families, the Littles of Newbury, Mass., and the Peabodys of Danvers, the famous banker and philanthropist, George Peabody, having been his kinsman. Mr. Little was born in Pembroke, N.Y., June 20, 1834, a son of Dr. Elbridge G. and Sophronia Phelps (Peabody) Little. He is of the eighth generation of Littles in this country, tracing his descent from George Little, who settled in old Newbury, Mass., in 1640 or soon after. George Little was a tailor by trade, and, like most of 1650 he bought the freehold right in Newbury of John Osgood, Sr.; and he subsequently made many other purchases of land. The date of his death is uncertain, but is probably 1693 or 1694. He married first Alice Poor, who came from England in 1638. She died December 1, 1680, aged sixty-two. She was the mother of all his children, five in number. His second wife, Eleanor, widow of Thomas Barnard, of Amesbury, Mass., survived him, dying November 27, 1694.

Joseph, the second child and eldest son of George and Alice (Poor) Little, is next in line of descent. He was born in Newbury, September 22, 1653, and was a permanent resident of the part of the town now called Newburyport from 1700 to the time of his death. A very prominent and active citizen, he held most of the offices within the gift of the town. He attained the advanced age of eighty-seven. On October 31, 1677, he was married to Mary, daughter of Tristram Coffin and his wife, Judith, widow of Henry Somerby, and daughter of Captain Edmund Greenleaf. She was born November 12, 1657, and died November 28, 1725. Joseph Little and his wife were active members of the Congregational Church of Newbury. They were the parents of nine children. Enoch, the fifth child, was born in Newbury, December 9, 1685. He was one of the first settlers in West Newbury, locating there about 1708, and clearing a large tract of land. He died April 28, 1766. Enoch Little was married May 19, 1707, to Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Webster) Worth. She was born August 17, 1688, and died September 20, 1766. This couple were the parents of seven children, the fourth child, Edmund, being the great-great-grandfather of George P. Little. Edmund Little was born in West Newbury, September 5, 1715, and died August 29, 1803. He was married March 18, 1736, to Judith, daughter of Dr. Matthew and Sarah (Knight) Adams. She was born April 2, 1716, and died September 7, 1784. His second wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Deacon John Noyes, of Newbury, and widow of Captain James Smith. She died September 22, 1817, aged eighty-six. By his first wife Edmund Little had ten children, Enoch, second, the Hon. George P. Little’s great-grandfather, being the fifth. Enoch Little, second, was born June 7, 1748. He was a farmer of West Newbury, and died there August 15, 1820. His wife, Mary, daughter of Ezekiel and Mary (Sargent) Hale, died at the age of sixty-nine. They were the parents of three children. Enoch, third, the elder son, who was born May 11, 1773, was the grandfather of the subject of this sketch. He, too, was a farmer of West Newbury, and died there, March 23, 1816. On September 15, 1796, he was united in marriage with Mary Brickett, who was born May 12, 1771, and died September 12, 1855. They had a family of four children, Elbridge G. being the youngest.


Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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