Biography of Tom K. Little

Last Updated on April 12, 2012 by

From his boyhood until the present time the subject of this sketch has been connected with mercantile interests, and is thoroughly acquainted with that line of business in every detail. Almost a decade ago he became a resident of Caldwell, Canyon county, and during the intervening years ne has been one of the enterprising business men of the place, devoting his time and energies to the conduct of a general store. So ably has he managed his interests that he has met with most gratifying success, and at the same time has gained the public confidence and good will by his honorable business methods.

Mr. Little was born in the northern part of Ireland, in the town of Mohill, county Leitrim, October 26, 1850, his parents being of Scotch-Irish ancestry. When he had mastered the elementary branches of an education he commenced serving an apprenticeship in a drygoods house in Longford, Ireland, and by diligence and close application won the esteem and trust of his employers. At length he became possessed of the desire to try his fortune in America, for he was an ambitious lad and had determined to make a success of his life if it lay within his power. Accordingly he sailed for the New World, and after landing on American shores continued his westward journey to Chicago, where he pursued a course of practical commercial training in the well known Bryant & Stratton’s College of that thriving young metropolis. Having acquitted himself with credit in the college he was offered a good position by the large wholesale drygoods house of John V. Farwell & Company, of that city, and for twenty-one years was one of the most trusted employees of that firm. Naturally he became thoroughly posted in the various departments of the business, as he handled all kinds of goods in the line. For several years he traveled almost exclusively in Michigan for the firm and was thus brought into contact with large and small dealers, becoming conversant with the retail as well as the wholesale trade. After all these years of experience he was eminently well qualified to carry on a business of his own, and since opening his store in Caldwell he has met with the success which he richly deserves. It was in 1891 that a stock company was formed here, with Mr. Little as vice president and Montie B. Gwinn as president, and three years later Ernest Boone and Mr. Little bought out the Montie B. Gwinn interests. But in January 1898, Mr. Little purchased his partner’s interests and has since been sole proprietor. He carries a large and well selected stock of dry goods, clothing, furnishing goods, hats and caps, boots and shoes, carpets and general supplies. Year by year the volume of business transacted by the firm has increased, and the house now ranks with the leading ones of the state. January 15, 1899, Mr. Little purchased the Lucas block, which he remodeled and is now occupying the same, it being one of the finest and most modern in the state and in every way suitable to meet the demands of his increasing business.

On the 24th of February 1879, Mr. Little was united in marriage to Miss Minnie Hollecker, of Ottawa, Illinois, where the wedding was celebrated. They now have one child, a daughter named Anabelle. Theirs is one of the attractive homes of Caldwell, and in this city they enjoy the high regard of many friends. Mr. Little has always taken a deep interest in the development and growth of the town and has been foremost in all local improvements and enterprises calculated to permanently benefit the locality. While he gives his’ attention strictly to his business affairs, he finds time, nevertheless, to fulfill his duties as a patriotic citizen of this great commonwealth. His ballot supports the nominees and measures of the Republican Party.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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