Belview, co. fermanagh, granted 1819; Overton, co. York; Bourne Park, Kent; Thirsk Gall, co. York; Woolsington Hall,Northumberland; Sunderland, co. Durham; Berkshire and Buckinghamshire; Exxex; Essex; Glouchestershire; Jamaica; London; Haughley, co. Suffolk; Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, who d. 1577; London; Newcastle; Fawe Park, CO. Cumberland; Northumberland and Cumberland; Westmoreland and Cumberland; Kirkconnel, co. Dumfries; Provosthaugh, co. Dumfries; Ealing, 1782; Fortoun, co. Haddington, 1855; Beaupre Hall, CO. Norfolk; Yorkshire. That most of these families were derived from a common stock is shown by the fact that a common feature of their Coats of Arms was three bells, and of their … Read more