G-Pennsylvania Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

Last Updated on October 14, 2013 by Dennis

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico.

Gachwechnagechga (‘islanders.’ Hewitt). The name applied to the Lehigh Indians formerly on Lehigh r., Pa.; so called, according to Pyrlaeus, after the island they occupied.

Gnadenhuetten (German: huts of grace). The name of several mission villages (5, according to Brinton) established at different periods among the Mahican, Munsee, and Delawares by the Moravian missionaries. The first was settled in 1746 by Moravian Mahican from Shecomeco and Scaticook on the N. side of Mahoning cr., near its junction with the Lehigh, about the present Lehighton, Carbon co., Pa. In 1754 it was abandoned for a new village, called New Gnadenhuetten, on the site of Weissport, Carbon co., Pa. Delawares and Mahican occupied the village together. Soon after removing here the old village was burned by hostile Indians in 1755, and the new place was for a time deserted. In 1763 the Indians abandoned the settlement for a short time on account of the troubles arising from Pontiac s war. The last and best known village of the name was established on the Muskingum, about the site of the present Gnadenhuetten, Tuscarawas co., Ohio, in 1772. Toward the close of the Revolution the inhabit ants were removed to Sandusky by the hostile Indians, and on returning to gather their corn were massacred by the Americans in 1782. Consult Heckewelder, Narr., 1820; Howells, Three Villages, 1884; Loskiel, Hist, Miss. United Brethren, 1794. (J. M.)

Goshgoshunk (‘hogplace’. Hewitt). A large settlement of the Munsee and Delawares, with perhaps some Seneca, consisting of 3 villages, on Allegheny r. in 1767, about the upper part of Venango co., Pa. It was visited by the missionary Zeisberger in the year named, and in 1768 it be came the seat of a Moravian mission.

Great Island Village. A former settlement, probably of the Delawares, on the Susquehanna opposite the present Lock Haven, Clinton co., Pa. Royce in 18th Rep. B. A. E., Pa. map, 1899.

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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