Carlisle to Train Indian Youth for Citizenship

Last Updated on March 20, 2013 by

It is the aim of Carlisle to train the Indian youth of both sexes to take upon themselves the duties of citizenship. Indian young men and young women are given thorough academic and industrial training, which prepares them to earn a living, either among their own people or away from the reservation in competition with whites. It is primarily a vocational school for both sexes. Its graduates and ex-students are engaged as efficient workers and leaders among their own people on the reservation, and as teachers and officials in the government service, and are successfully competing with whites, away from the reservation, in the trades and professions.

Buildings and Plant

The school plant consists of 50 separate buildings and 50 acres of excellent farming land. There are two farms. The Parker Farm is located on the north side of the Campus, immediately adjacent to it, and contains 110 acres. On this farm is located the Dairy and the Piggery. The Kutz Farm is about one-half mile distant and contains 175 acres of valuable farming land. The school Campus comprises an area of 26 acres. The buildings are of simple exterior treatment and well built, and have been carefully planned for the immediate purposes of the several departments of instruction.

The Academic Building is splendidly ventilated and well lighted, and equipped throughout with modern apparatus and supplies. The Auditorium, with a seating capacity of one thousand and a stage fifty feet deep, is located in this building. The Library, which contains about 3,500 carefully selected volumes and other literature for reference purposes, also occupies a portion of the first floor of the Academic Building.

The boys’ industries are taken care of in the large “U shaped” Shop Building, which, since it has been remodeled, is one of the most complete buildings in the country for instruction in the trades.

The Gymnasium, which was built in 1887, partly from funds donated by the students, is one of the best in the state. It is thoroughly equipped with all kinds of apparatus for giving physical instruction. A three story addition was built to this building in 1895, and it provides meeting halls for the Young Men’s Christian Association and the boys’ literary societies; also, bathrooms, trophy room, and arsenal.

The girls’ industries are provided for in buildings especially erected for the purpose.

The dormitories for the boys and for the girls are provided in three large buildings the two Boys’ Quarters and the Girls’ Quarters. These buildings have ample porch room on each floor and are equipped with assembly halls, reading rooms, and society rooms. There are no large dormitory rooms, the individual dormitory room for students prevailing.

The school is equipped with a magnificent athletic field, known as Indian Field, which is thoroughly provided with all facilities for carrying on athletic sports. At one end of the field is a large building, called the Cage, which offers facilities and abundant space for indoor football, baseball, lacrosse, and track sports.

During the past year, there has been erected by the Athletic Association a building named Athletic Quarters, which offers a clubhouse to students while they are in athletic training. This building is modern and complete in every respect.

The Leupp Art Studio is a stone building, located at the entrance to the grounds, which is devoted to the development of the native Indian industries. In this building is located a well equipped photograph studio.

The Hospital, which was built in 1907, is a modern, brick structure, carefully planned, situated in a beautiful spot, and lacks nothing in accommodations and equipment.

The Printery is a new building, especially erected in 1908. It is a beautiful structure, built of cream colored brick, one and one-half stories in height.

There are many other buildings; such as, the Administration Building, Cottages for members of the faculty. Teachers’ Quarters, Warehouses, the Greenhouse, a well built and thoroughly equipped Power House, etc.

Through the generosity of Miss Mary Ropes, of Massachusetts, there was erected in 1909 a beautiful Front Entrance of colonial design. This entrance is divided into four columns, built of tapestry brick, with stone trimmings. The two central columns are illuminated on the two opposite sides by beautiful, wrought iron lamps, which light the entrance at night.

Admission of Students

Young men and young women of good character and of sound health, between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one years, who can prove the possession of at least one-fourth Indian blood, may be admitted to the institution by making application to the superintendent. In special cases, where the individual merits additional education and training, students are admitted who are more than twenty-one years of age.

Those desiring admission will, upon application, be furnished with an application blank, which provides for a statement of the age, school attendance, and history of the applicant. The consent of the parents must be given, unless the applicant is more than eighteen years of age, at which time it is felt that young people are of an age sufficient to know their own needs. Provision is made for a careful medical examination by a reputable physician and for vouchers of disinterested parties.

If the applicant lives on a reservation, transportation must be furnished through the superintendent of the reservation. Those who do not live on a reservation will be provided with transportation direct.

The Carlisle School desires to enroll only young men and young women who have a definite purpose in view, who really “mean business,” and who desire to obtain thorough training and education. The opportunities at Carlisle are manifold, and, in view of its rapid development as as an educational center, the requirements of admission have naturally been raised.

Catalogue, United States Indian School, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Carlisle Indian Press, Printed by Students, 1912.

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