Access Genealogy contains one of the largest collections of free genealogy for your United States research. Find hundreds of thousands of free websites with billions of names you can use to further your family genealogy! Specifically, we provide sources for birth records, death records, marriage records, census records, tax records, church records, court records, military records, historical newspapers, cemeteries, and ethnic records. We also provide some historical details about different times and people in America’s history. Our specialty, however, is Native American genealogy and research. You can always access our Native American collection of material, by using the navigational link at the top of every page.

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AccessGenealogy features over 258,000 unique URLs within more than 355,000 free genealogy links categorized across 43,500 pages. Each website was carefully curated by genealogists, not only to support your research but also to enhance their own. This dedication makes AccessGenealogy the largest hand-curated directory of genealogy websites available online!

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The primary method of browsing genealogy on Access Genealogy is through the state listing. You can then further your search by looking under the topic. As you browse our website you can always access the state links on the right side of any page.

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We also provide you with the ability to search by topic first. This is most useful way to search for Native American genealogy, but can also be useful when searching for cemeteries, census records, vital records, or any other type of specific genealogy record.

Featured Genealogy
We have many genealogy datasets that we have chosen to feature on our site. These comprise of original records or extensive collections.

Free Genealogy Archives
This collection of genealogy comprises largely of free genealogy books that can be viewed online or downloaded. It is the quickest growing section of our website.

Latest Genealogy

  • Memoirs of the Lower Ohio Valley, vol 1
    Published in 1905 by the Federal Publishing Company, Memoirs of the Lower Ohio Valley is a two-volume historical and genealogical work documenting the lives of individuals in the region. Volume 1 features 382 biographical sketches compiled from standardized questionnaires, covering personal details such as occupation, land ownership, military service, and family lineage. Many sketches include photographs of the subjects. This web page includes an expanded index with full names for easier reference. A free digital eBook download is included. Explore the lives of the people who shaped the lower Ohio Valley.
  • Aldermans in America
    Aldermans in America” is a genealogical study documenting the Alderman family’s history in the U.S., initiated by John Thomas Alderman and later completed by his nephew William Alderman Parker. The work traces the family’s English origins and their migration to North Carolina in 1755, expanding to include members across the U.S. It provides historical context, genealogical records, and encourages ongoing research. The book features an index, numbering system, and an appendix of materials for descendants exploring their lineage.
  • History of an Eckhardt Family
    The ancestral Eckhard family resided in Germany. Three sons of the family – John, Henry, and George, came to America more than one hundred years ago to improve their economic opportunites and in search of religious freedom. In their day the State Religion in Germany was Lutheran, and it was the only faith tolerated. An … Read more
  • Vital Records Extracted from John Dyer’s Journal
    Vital record extracts from the Journal of John Dyer, of Dyerstown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. These birth, marriage, and death records largely covered the families of Doyleston and the surrounding Bucks County, Pennsylvania for the years of 1763-1805. An invaluable resource for otherwise unpublished records. The original journal can be found at the Bucks County Historical Society Library.
  • The Genealogy of Joseph Strock
    This book touches on Joseph Strock’s origins in Wurtemberg, Germany, his migration to America, and his role during the Revolutionary War. It also explores his descendants, with careful attention to correcting past errors and clarifying uncertainties in the family narrative. Though minimally documented, it was extensively researched, and as such, The Descendants of Joseph Strock of 1757 remains a valuable resource for those seeking to research the genealogy of Joseph Strock.
  • History of Blue Island, Illinois, 1835-1935
    The First Hundred Years, 1835–1935: Historical Review of Blue Island, Illinois is John Henry Volp’s comprehensive account of his hometown’s evolution from a pioneer settlement to a thriving city. Organized into three main periods—covering the earliest settlers, the village era, and the city form of government—the book chronicles the challenges, triumphs, and growth of Blue Island. It also features a biographical section, photographs, and valuable primary-source references, preserving the city’s heritage for future generations.
  • History of Gates Mills, Ohio
    This free PDF is a 130 page history of Gates Mills, Ohio, from its earliest recorded settlement in 1805 up to the books publication in 1943.
  • Ashfield Massachusetts Vital Records
    Alphabetical indexes to the vital records of Ashfield, Massachusetts, up to the year 1850, supplemented by information from bible records, church registers, cemetery inscriptions and other sources. PDF file is free to read and download.
  • Greenfield Massachusetts Vital Records
    Alphabetical indexes to the vital records of Greenfield, Massachusetts, up to the year 1850, supplemented by information from bible records, church registers, cemetery inscriptions and other sources. PDF file is free to read and download.
  • Vital Records of West Boylston, Massachusetts
    This volume includes a list of births, marriages and deaths recorded in the Town Books of West Boylston, covering the earliest entries through the end of 1849. Additional records have been incorporated from other sources, with each addition clearly marked by appropriate references.

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