Wallowa County Oregon Burial Index – Surnames A – Z

Surname H

HAAS: Enterprise, Prairie Creek
HACK: Bartlett
HACKBART: Enterprise
HAFER: Eden Bench
HAGAN: Lostine
HAGERTY: Enterprise
HAGGERTY: Enterprise
HAHN: Enterprise
HAINES: Enterprise, Prairie Creek
HALE: Enterprise
HALL: Bartlett, Enterprise, Lostine, Prairie Creek
HALLGARTH: Enterprise
HALSEY: Enterprise, Prairie Creek
HAMBEL: Enterprise
HAMBELTON: Enterprise, Lostine, Prairie Creek
HAMBLEN: Enterprise
HAMBY: Prairie Creek
HAMILTON: Enterprise, Lostine, Prairie Creek
HAMLIN: Enterprise
HAMMACK: Enterprise, Lostine
HAMMOND: Bartlett, Enterprise
HAMPTON: Enterprise
HANKS: Bramlet
HANSEN: Enterprise
HANSON: Enterprise
HARLOW: Eden Bench
HARMON: Enterprise
HARNER: Prairie Creek
HARRELL: Enterprise
HARRINGTON: Eden Bench, Enterprise
HARRIS: Lostine
HARRISON: Enterprise
HARSHFIELD: Prairie Creek
HARSIN: Alder Slope, Enterprise, Imnaha, Prairie Creek
HART: Alder Slope, Enterprise
HARTLEY: Bramlet, Enterprise, Imnaha, Prairie Creek
HARTSHORN: Enterprise
HARVEY: Enterprise
HARWELL: Enterprise
HASKINS: Prairie Creek
HATCH: Prairie Creek
HAUN: Lostine
HAUP: Enterprise
HAUSLER: Prairie Creek
HAVERFIELD: Enterprise
HAWKINS: Bramlet, Enterprise
HAY: Enterprise
HAYCRAFT: Enterprise
HAYDEN: Prairie Creek
HAYES: Lostine, Prairie Creek
HAYS: Alder Slope, Enterprise
HAZEN: Enterprise
HEARING: Lostine, Prairie Creek
HEASTY: Enterprise
HEATER: Promise
HEAVERNE: Enterprise, Prairie Creek
HECK: Enterprise
HEFFLING: Prairie Creek
HEGLUND: Enterprise
HEIMEL: Prairie Creek
HELMS: Enterprise
HENDERSON: Alder Slope, Enterprise, Promise
HENDRICKS: Enterprise
HENDRICKSON: Enterprise, Wallowa
HENNEMAN: Enterprise
HENRY: Enterprise, Hurricane Creek
HENSLEY: Lostine, Wallowa
HEPBURN: Prairie Creek
HERDER: Wallowa
HERMAN: Enterprise
HERRING: Enterprise
HERZOG: Enterprise
HESKETT: Enterprise, Lostine, Wallowa
HETRICK: Enterprise, Wallowa
HIATT: Enterprise
HIBBS: Enterprise
HICKS: Enterprise, Prairie Creek
HILDE: Enterprise
HILL: Enterprise
HILLMAN: Enterprise
HILTON: Hurricane Creek
HINCH: Wallowa
HINER: Enterprise
HINTON: Enterprise, Prairie Creek
HIRONIMOUS: Enterprise
HOCKER: Wallowa
HOCKETT: Enterprise, Wallowa
HODGE: Enterprise, Wallowa
HOGAN: Bramlet
HOGUE: Bramlet
HOLBROOK Enterprise
HOLLAND: Enterprise
HOLLENBAEK: Enterprise
HOLMES: Enterprise, Lostine, Prairie Creek, Wallowa
HOLST: Prairie Creek
HOMAN: Alder Slope, Enterprise
HOMBEL: Enterprise
HOOK: Lostine, Wallowa
HOPE: Prairie Creek
HOPKINS: Enterprise
HOPPER: Bramlet
HOPWOOD: Bramlett
HORDE: Enterprise
HORNER: Enterprise, Park, Prairie Creek
HORROCKS: Enterprise
HORTON: Wallowa
HOUCK: Enterprise, Hurricane Creek
HOUP: Enterprise
HOUSE: Enterprise
HOUSER: Lostine
HOUSTON: Prairie Creek
HOVIS: Wallowa
HOWELL: Enterprise, Lostine
HOWERTON: Enterprise
HUBER: Wallowa
HUDGINS: Bramlet, Enterprise
HUFF: Prairie Creek, Wallowa
HUFFMAN: Enterprise, Prairie Creek, Wallowa
HUG: Enterprise
HUGGAN: Enterprise
HUGGINS: Enterprise
HUGHES: Enterprise
HULBERT: Enterprise
HULSE: Bramlet, Enterprise, Lostine
HUMPHREYS: Enterprise
HUNNICUTT: Prairie Creek
HUNT: Enterprise, Prairie Creek
HUNTER: Enterprise, Lostine, Wallowa
HUNTLEY: Wallowa
HUTCHINS: Bramlet, Wallowa
HUTCINSON: Prairie Creek
HYATT: Enterprise, Wallowa
HYDE: Enterprise
HYLTON: Powwatka, Wallowa
HYMAN: Enterprise, Prairie Creek
HYNEY: Wallowa
HYNSON: Prairie Creek

Death Records,

AccessGenealogy.com. Wallowa County Oregon Genealogy.

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