Childers, Boone – Obituary

Death Of Boone Childers Boone Childers, the well known freighter between Elgin and Wallowa for 25 years, died Monday June 24, at Wallowa of heart disease. He was buried the following day at Lostine. Mr. Childers was born October 9, 1868, in Scotland county, Missouri, and came west when a young man. His wife, who was Miss Maude Herring [Hearing], and four children survive. One brother, George lives at Lostine, and another W. S. Childers, lives at Elmira, Wash., and Mrs. Belle Merritt, a sister, lives at Allerton, Iowa. Enterprise Record Chieftain, Thursday, 4 July 1912, Page 4. Contributed by: … Read more

Caudle, Joe – Obituary

Lostine, Wallowa County, Oregon Memorial services for Joe Thomas Caudle who passed away at his home in Lostine on Monday, April 23, 1973, were Saturday at 10 a.m. at the Bollman Chapel. Rev. Joe Jewett officiated and Wanda Sorweide was organist. Ella McArtor sang “Under His Wings”and “Beyond the Sunset”. Casket bearers were: C. Raymond Johnson, Paul Yost, Art Bartmess, Bud Wynans, Orval McArtor and Cecil McCubbin; and internment was in the Lostine Cemetery. Joe was the son of Berkley and Carrie Caudle and was born April 17, 1898 in Summerville. He had lived in Wallowa County most of his … Read more

Wilks, Ella Mae – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa Couty, Oregon Ella Mae Wilks, 67, died on April 7, 2005, at her daughter’s home in Sparks, Nev., after a long battle with lung cancer. She was born on Nov. 25, 1937, in Enterprise to Glenn and Louisa Sanday. Mrs. Wilks went to school in Flora and married Jay Wilks in 1954. After leaving the county for some time, they returned and resided mostly in Lostine until Mr. Wilks died in 1998. Mrs. Wilks then lived in Enterprise until 2004 when she moved to Sparks to live with her daughter and family. Mrs. Wilks worked as a cook … Read more

Hale, Gladys Sarah – Obituary

Lostine, Union County, Oregon In Memory of Gladys Sarah Hale Born May 28, 1900 Lostine, Oregon Died November 1, 1993 Corvallis, Oregon Funeral Service Friday, November 5, 1993 at 1:00 pm Burns Mortuary Chapel Hermiston, Oregon Officiating, Fr. Alfred Miller Music, Taped selections Private Internment Echo Cemetery Echo, Oregon Contributed by: Gary Jaensch

Caudle, Harley Floyd – Obituary

Harley Floyd Caudle Harley Floyd Caudle was born December 23, 1904, in Lostine, and died on April 23, 1997, in Enterprise at the age of 92. Harley was the son of Berkley V. and Carrie Viola Hammack Caudle. As a youngster he attended Lostine school until the age of 10 when he left home to go to work. He then worked for his room and board, milking cows, doing farm chores and continuing to go to school. All his life he was close to the land and animals, especially horses, which he broke and rode until three years ago when … Read more

Hammack, Marion – Obituary

Lostine, Marion Hammack Is Called To His Rest Marion Hammack died at the Enterprise hospital Wednesday, February 28, 1940. He had not been strong for several years and had been helpless since he was struck by an automobile May 6, 1938. Funeral services were held in the Christian church at Lostine, Friday, and were attended by many friends and relatives, including all county officials in tribute and Commissioner F. W. (Floyd Waitman) Hammack, brother to the deceased. A quartet composed of Mrs. M. Crow, Mrs. Charles Page, Charles Bridwell and Melvin Crow, sang three hymns, accompanied by Miss Martha Crow. … Read more

Cook, Lester – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon A Former Enterprise Resident Dies In Colorado Hospital Lester Cook passed away at Fort Lyons near Las Animas, Colorado, Aug. 30th, 1920, at the age of twenty-one years and eight months. He enlisted in the U.S. Marines, December 1, 1916, and saw service in the Pacific, being sent home from the Philippines about one year ago following an attack of flu. He has since been in the hospital at Fort Lyon. He is survived by his father, Fred Cook, and sister, Mrs. Elwood Robinson of Enterprise. The body was taken to Wassau, Wisconsin, for burial. Wallowa … Read more

Clemens, Gerald Raymond – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon The funeral for Gerald Raymond Clemens will be at 1:30 p.m. Monday at O’Hair and Riggs Funeral Chapel, Klamath Falls. The Rev. Robert L. Larson of Ascension Lutheran Church will officiate. Internment will be in Klamath Memorial Park. Mr. Clemens, 87, of Medford, died Dec. 7, 2001, at Rogue Valley Manor in Medford. He was born Nov. 13, 1914, in Lostine, the son of Emmett H. and Sadie Jane (Hammack) Clemens. He graduated from Helix High School in 1932. His family moved to Merrill in 1933, and he worked at Ewauna Box Company until 1933. … Read more

Cook, Jerail W. – Obituary

Lostine, Oregon Jerail W. Cook passed away at his home south of Lostine Tuesday, January 8, 1918, after several weeks’ illness. Funeral services were conducted at the church in Lostine, Rev. Jasper Bouge preaching the sermon. The I.O.O.F. Lodge, of which Mr. Cook had been a member for nearly 45 years, attended in a body and escorted the body to the cemetery where it was laid to rest with the impressive services of the order. Mr. Cook was born Jan. 24, 1851, in Cass County, Illinois. In 1854 his family came with the earliest pioneers to the northwest, locating in … Read more

Courtney, Donel – Obituary

Donel “Jig” Courtney of Lostine died Oct. 10, 2005. He was 79 years old. Memorial services will be held Nov. 12 at Bollman Funeral Home. A full obituary will be published at a later date. Wallowa County Chieftain, Thursday, October 20, 2005 ____________________________ Donel “Jick” Courtney died Oct. 10, 2005 at his home in Lostine of a long-term illness. He was 79. The son of Donel Eugene and Margaret Sara Courtney of Enterprise, Mr. Courtney was born on Oct. 21, 1925. He returned home from the Marines after World War II, got married, started a family and then moved to … Read more

Childers, Howard – Obituary

Howard Childers Dies At Kennewick Howard Boone Childers, a native of Lostine and son of the late B. F. and Maude Childers, passed away at his home in Kennewick, Wash., on Monday, May 8, 1967. Funeral services were held yesterday (Wednesday) at 10:30 a.m. at the Desert Memorial Chapel in Kennewick. He was a retired forest service employee, and at one time worked for the Walla Walla ranger district of the Umatilla National Forest and resided in College Place. He is survived by a son, Howard J., assistant superintendent of schools in Kennewick, a daughter, Mrs. Gay Tracy of Hermiston, … Read more

Hammack, Albert James – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Rites Today For Albert James Hammack Albert James Hammack, of Deer Island, son of Mrs. Zelma Hammack of La Grande, and the late Floyd W. Hammack, passed away on Monday morning May 22, 1967 in a hospital at St. Helens following an illness of two weeks. Funeral services are being held today, Thursday, at 11 a.m. at the Lostine Presbyterian Church and Internment will be in the Lostine Cemetery. Albert was born at Lostine January 28, 1917, and graduated from the Lostine high school. He was a farmer by occupation and had lived at Deer Island … Read more

Clemens, Gerald Raymond – Obituary

Lostine, Wallowa County, Oregon The funeral for Gerald Raymond Clemens will be at 1:30 p.m. Monday at O’Hair and Riggs Funeral Chapel, Klamath Falls. The Rev. Robert L. Larson of Ascension Lutheran Church will officiate. Internment will be in Klamath Memorial Park. Mr. Clemens, 87, of Medford, died Dec. 7, 2001, at Rogue Valley Manor in Medford. Memorial contributions may be made to Ascension Lutheran Church Memorial fund, 2617 Barnett Road, Medford, OR 97504, or Rogue Valley Manor Assistance Program, 1200 Mira Mar, Medford, OR 97504. He was born Nov. 13, 1914, in Lostine, the son of Emmett H. and … Read more

Hearing, Merland – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Merland V. Hearing, 72, retired resident of 2606 North Birch St., died Friday at a local hospital. Services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Daniels Funeral Home. Rev. Danny Pyles will officiate and burial follows in the Joseph cemetery at 2 p.m. Born near Lostine, Mr. Hearing had lived in La Grande for two years. Survivors are the widow, Mrs. Alma Hearing, La Grande; two sons, Ross and Harold Hearing both of La Grande; a step-daughter, Mrs. Marie Sprague, Joseph; and five grandchildren. La Grande Observer, Saturday, 6 July 1963, Page 5. Contributed … Read more

Childers, Claire B. – Obituary

Lostine, Oregon CHILDERS – Claire B. Childers of Vida, Oregon died October 13, 1962. He was born June 12, 1905 in Lostine, Oregon. He had been a resident of this community for the past 22 years. He was owner and operator of Claire’s Barber Shop, 942 Oak Street. He was a member of the Eugene Elks Lodge Number 357. Survived by this wife, Leona; 1 daughter, Geraldeen Mobley of Los Angeles; 1 brother, Cecil of Joseph, Oregon; 3 sisters; Vera Pearson of Portland, Maxine Schumaker of Kelso, Washington and Verda Davis of Emmett, Idaho. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, … Read more

Allen, Ella L. – Obituary

Funeral Services will be held Thursday, Feb. 28, 1991, at 2 p.m. at Bollman Funeral Home for Ella L. Allen. Burial will follow in the Lostine Cemetery. Miss Allen died Tuesday, Feb. 19, 1991, at a Gresham nursing center from causes related to age. She was 93. She was born near Lostine, on Jan. 30, 1898, the youngest child of Wallowa County pioneer parents, William H, and Annie B. Allen. She was a graduate of Lostine High School and Oregon State University (then Oregon Agriculture College) in 1921. She taught home economics in Joseph, Wallowa and Elgin and in Tenino, … Read more

Hammack, Lester E. – Obituary

Lester E. Hammack 89, of Jamison, died July 13, 1989, in a Vale nursing home. Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Monday at the First Christian Church in Vale, Rev. Paul Ratzlaff officiating. Internment will follow at Valley View Cemetery in Vale, under the direction of Lienkaemper Chapel of Vale. He was born June 12, 1900 in Lostine, Oregon, the son of John L. and Alice Bohannon Hammack. He moved with his parents and lived in Elgin, Echo and Milton-Freewater, Oregon before moving to Cow Valley in 1918. He moved to Jamison in 1920 where he ranched and farmed. He … Read more

Ward, Nellie Maud (Fisher) – Obituary

Nell Fisher Ward, a lifetime resident of Wallowa County, died April 26, 1981, at Wallowa Memorial hospital. She was 80 years old. The daughter of Hiram and Emma Rundall Fisher, she was born Sept. 18, 1902 in Lostine. On March 14, 1923, she married Landy Orlando Ward in Enterprise. Graveside services will be Thursday April 30, at 2 pm in the Enterprise cemetery. The Rev. Dennis Schmidt is to officiate. Interment will follow. Mrs. Ward is survived by her son, Jay Clifton of Enterprise, a brother Harry Fisher of Union, six grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Memorial contributions may be … Read more

Clark, Edith Haun – Obituary

Lostine, Wallowa County, Oregon Edith Haun Clark, Lostine died Sept. 7, 1990 at Wallowa County Nursing Home. She was 85 She was born July 24, 1905 at Lostine, the daughter of James F. and Nettie Dodd Haun. On June 12, 1930, she maried James F. Clark at New York, New York. Born and reared in Wallowa County, Mrs. Clark was a professional dancer in vaudeville, a professional dance teacher and homemaker. She was a member of St. Katharine Catholic Church in Enterprise. She was an avid fisherman and gardner. Survivors include her husband, James F. Clark, Lostine, Dr. Ed Clark, … Read more

Masterson, Jesse Clarence – Obituary

Services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Christian Church, Richland, for Jesse Clarence Masterson, 78, a retired stockman who died at his home in Baker Sunday evening. Pastors Roy Biggs, Richland and Joe Jewett, Richland, will officiate. Interment will follow at the Eagle Valley Cemetery in Richland. Mr. Masterson was born at Lostine, Oregon, September 15, 1884, the son of Robert A. and Maria Reese Masterson. He attended schools in Lostine and Richland, ans was married to Angie Ownbey in 1907 at Joseph, Oregon. He lived at Wallowa, Oregon, for a short time after his marriage, then … Read more