Biographical Sketch of George E. Ward

Last Updated on January 18, 2013 by Dennis

No work that purports to chronicle the careers of the leading citizens of Malheur County would be complete were there omission to mention the estimable gentleman whose name initiates this paragraph, and whose labors have been fruitful of much good to this portion of the County, as well as adjacent vicinities, having been instrumental in originating the famous Owyhee ditch and in furthering the plans for its completion, while also in general development of the country he has clone very much. George E. Ward was born in Quebec, Canada, on September 14, 1852, being the son of George P. and Elizabeth (Sherman) Ward. He was reared on a farm and in a hotel and was educated in the common schools of his native place. In 1879 he came to Silver City. Idaho and there he engaged in the sheep business, remaining in the same for five years. Then he sold out and vent to Umatilla County in this state, bought a hand of sheep and brought them to the Owyhee River and since that time he has continuously devoted his attention to the sheep business. He has a stock ranch in Grant County and one on the Owyhee River and is one of the leaders in this important line of industry, having brought to bear in its prosecution a wealth of ability, energy and wisdom that have given him an excellent success. His three brothers were associated with him in the Owyhee ditch project. Four others were brought into the enterprise and later it was incorporated and Mr. Ward has remained in it, giving his, wisdom, energy and money to make of it the unbounded success that it is at the present time. In political matters Mr. Ward is allied with the Republicans and has always devoted the proper amount of attention to the affairs of the County and state. He believes implicitly in the principles of protection for the industries and citizens of this republic and always labors for that end. He has now much stock and is esteemed as one of the leaders of the prominent men of the County.



Whitman, Marcus. An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1902, 871 pgs.

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