Biography of Herbert F. Ward

This capable and progressive gentleman is one of the leading men of this vicinity, being a well-to-do and prominent farmer and was one of the promoters of the valuable Owyhee ditch, being an incorporator and one who led the enterprise to a successful issue. Mr. Ward was born in Quebec, Canada, on April 12, 186, the son of George P. and Elizabeth (Sherman) Ward. He spent his youthful days in the invigorating exercise of farm work and in gaining a good education from the public schools. At the age of twenty-two he left the parental roof for the world of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George E. Ward

No work that purports to chronicle the careers of the leading citizens of Malheur County would be complete were there omission to mention the estimable gentleman whose name initiates this paragraph, and whose labors have been fruitful of much good to this portion of the County, as well as adjacent vicinities, having been instrumental in originating the famous Owyhee ditch and in furthering the plans for its completion, while also in general development of the country he has clone very much. George E. Ward was born in Quebec, Canada, on September 14, 1852, being the son of George P. and … Read more

Biography of R. D. Greer

It is with pleasure that we. are enabled to grant consideration in this volume of the history of Malheur County to the estimable gentleman whose name is at the head of this article, since he is one who partakes of die real spin of the pioneer and since he is a man of excellent qualities and since he has wrought in this vicinity for the substantial progress and up building of the same for many years. Mr. Greer was born in Ohio, on September 28, 1850, being the son of Guin and Elizabeth Greer. In 1866 he came with his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James T. Hatfield

Three and one-half miles northeast from Owyhee is found the comfortable and valuable farm and home of the subject of this article. The estate is one of eighty acres of fine land, all covered by the Owyhee ditch and well cultivated and productive of abundant returns of hay, fruit and other valuable crops. Mr. Hatfield is one of the originators of the Owyhee ditch, and he labored faithfully on it from the time it was started until it was finished. Reverting to his personal history we note that James T. was born in Adair County, Missouri, on July 14, 1839, … Read more