Biographical Sketch of Samuel D. Cowles

COWLES & MCDANIEL. – Samuel D. Cowles, senior member of the firm above-mentioned, was born in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1829, his father being a wealthy broker. He received a ten years’ naval training and finished his education in New York City, where in after years he was in business for himself. In 1849 he crossed the plains to California. In 1862 we find him crossing the plains once more, coming from Missouri in company with a nephew and niece. At Soda Springs a band of Indians, under the leadership of one of his own employe’s, attacked is party and after a short fusillade escaped with, seventeen of his fine, blooded horses. At Fort Hall the nephew died. Arriving at Auburn, Oregon, in September, Mr. Cowles set to work to recuperate his finances by day’s labor. On the last day in the year, he encamped with his little company on the present site of the village of Cove, in Union county, upon the handsome tract of land now owned by the niece mentioned above, then Miss Fanny Cowles, a native of Tennessee, and for whom the majestic mountain peak that towers into perpetual snows and keeps watch over her elegant home was named.



History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington. 2 v. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company. 1889.

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