The Old Settlers Roll is a record from 1851 that lists Cherokee individuals who were already living in Oklahoma when the main body of the Cherokee Nation arrived in the winter of 1839, following the Treaty of New Echota (1835). These early residents, known as “Old Settlers,” made up approximately one-third of the Cherokee population, while the new arrivals comprised the remaining two-thirds. The 1851 payroll specifically lists Old Settlers—Cherokees who relocated to Indian Territory before December 1835—who were entitled to receive a per capita payment. A total of 3,273 individuals were enumerated on this roll, which is organized by Cherokee district and grouped by family. Some individuals who did not reside within the Cherokee Nation were listed as “Non-residents.” Each enrolled Old Settler received a payment of $270.95. However, the Old Settlers filed a protest against this amount. In response, the Supreme Court ruled that the original Old Settlers or their heirs would receive an additional $159.10 per share in the 1896 “Old Settler” payment.
I’m looking for information on an ancestor rumored to be Cherokee. She was married to a Samuel Allen (d. 1842) and had a daughter named Jerusha Allen (1824-1899) in Meade, Kentucky. Does anyone know how I might find more information about her?
This is a link to Jerusha Allen profile on . It was created by Angie Conner. Its not a whole lot of info but its a start. There is no charge for Wikitree. Its totally free.
Good luck in your searching!! : )
My maternal great grandmother was full Cherokee. She married my white great grandfather. Apparently, the family was ashamed of the Indian heritage, so didn’t speak about it. I’m 57 years old and am just finding out about my Indian heritage, as I was raised in foster homes my entire childhood, but my biological mother just died and information is surfacing. I feel overwhelmed tracking my GG down. I have her marriage license and certificate, a couple U.S. census listings, some info on my great grandfather, my grandmother and my mother. Not much….and nothing more on my great grandmother. I searched the Dawes and Baker rolls with her name. Nothing came up. This seems impossible.
Take a DNA test. Family lore is often inaccurate and anytime I hear the “ashamed to be Indian” stories I am immediately suspect. If your great grandparent was full blood Native, your DNA should show you are 1/8. If you want help doing research, you will need to supply names, birth dates (at least approx.), and where they lived.
Amanda, the Dawes Roll applies to Cherokees living in Indian Territory before it became Oklahoma and the Baker Roll would apply to Eastern Cherokees in 1924. If your relative was not living in either of those locations, they will not be on the Roll and not an enrolled tribal member. Also you do have to know their married name at the time of enrollment. For instance my great grandma was married and her maiden name is not included, just her married name. My gg grandma was on her second marriage, so that is her last name on the roll.
I am interested in finding the Sutton- Lewis family. My Great Grandmother was Della Nellie Florence Sutton. She married John Willan Lewis and had a. Daughter named Ina Mary Lewis. That was my Grand mother. She married Glenn C.Adrian and had 9 children. All I can find out about Della was she married a cousin, John W. Lewis and they said” He was tall and straight and fit in the Terroritory”. Not sure what that meant?
There is loads of information on Ancestry regarding this family, including portraits. What is it that you are wanting to know?
FYI, you are posting in the “Old Settlers” forum which refers to Cherokee who voluntarily immigrated to Arkansas in the early 1800s.
Looking for Wally(Walter) Lewis and James Wesley Smith
Looking for information about the Cherokee chief Oolooteka, also known as John Jolly.
My ancestor is supposed to be a member of the old settlers list, but lived in Texas, not Oklahoma. Would he be on the Dawes list? James Henry Smith born in Missouri 11/13/1824 and died in Texas in May of 1900. Is there anywhere online that you can access information without spending a bunch of money?
My great grandmother was Mary Jane Bridges . She married Fransis Smith Waldrope, my grand father. We were always told Mary Jane Bridges was part Cherokee Indian. Is there any information on this?
If your ancestor was born in Missouri 11/13/1824, they would not be on the Old Settlers roll or a Tribal citizen.
my grandmother name is parris my ancessters lived in tahlequah,going snake, an illinios district i need more in formation names robert r parris,malachci parris,watt parris , watt parris has a twin i think
I’m looking for johnson family. Jacob johnson was father of Rebecca Ann Johnson who married both Andrew Lane and Thomas Hamilton. My line comes through Mary Christina Lane who married George johnson and had daughter Rebecca Lucy Ann Carver. She married Fred Edwards Carver and had a son ernerst Burton carver. Ernest married tealia Wilson and had a son Jesse Lawrence carver who married Lorene Marie Benham. From there my mom and me.
I’m looking for a connection to the Cherokee Indian from my great grand mother Daisy Bell Dishman (Married: Hayes). Daisy Bell Dishman wore Cherokee Indian clothes commonly and lived in Jacksonville Illinois, where my mother Sandra Kay Hayes grew up. I checked the lineage and it goes all the way up to “The Great Eagle’s” daughter, where the (Peter’s son) Dishman’s integrated (John Dishman).
Thomas Jefferson Dishman and Kstsieieah (Kizzie) Doublehead (Great Eagle’s daughter, Cherokee Chief’s daughter)
Jefferson Dishman
Sinah Dishman
John W. Dishman (Father)
Burrell Tillman Dishman
Daisy Bell Dishman (married Hayes)
Porter Tillman Hayes (son)
Sandra Kay Hayes (my mother)
Note: I have a family tree showing an ancestry connection to Cherokee Indian heritage.
Christopher, you need to get in touch with Cherokee registration in Tahlequah
What on Earth is “Cherokee Indian clothes”?!?
I see many people listed on these rolls with the last name Keys. I am a Keys that originates from Virginia, Dahlgren and around about that area to be exact. How can I find out if these people are my relatives?
Hello Lynette, I’m descendant of the Cherokee Keys family and I can tell you they never lived in Virginia.
Lynette, Do your Keys happen to be from Georgia? My husband’s great-grandmother Susan Lura Keys from Elbert-Henry (?) County, Georgia. She supposedly had a brother named Jack or Josh who dressed in Indian clothing. Susan married William Henry Herriage/Harriage in Henry Co, GA in 1829. I have never been able to come up with any proof, parents’ names, etc.
Would appreciate any help on the Cherokee Keys. Thanks!!
Any relationship to Samuel Houston Keys.He adopted my grt Grandpa William Shotpouch.From the Chicota Oklahoma.Sams wife was SarH Macintosh.Related to the Doublehead s.
I have an ancestor, John Horton, b 1760 in Bucks, PA and Md Ann Greene,. Dau of Meshack Greene and Lucretia (Creasy) Franklin of SC. Creasy was thought to be Cherokee Indian. Anyone have any further info on this?
Seeking the name of a Narnee who died before 1851. She was living in the household of KeeKee Gunter. Can you help?’
Jim Bennett
[email protected]