York Township Town Officers 1840-1868

Last Updated on December 5, 2012 by

The first election for town officers was held April 27, 1839, when Charles Cable was elected mayor; A. J. Bond recorder; John Coe, S. M. Sheppard, John Hull, W. W. Poston, and James Rusk trustees. Luther Burt was appointed marshal of the village, and Robert Miller treasurer. James Rusk declining to serve as trustee, Thomas L. Mintun was appointed in his place. Since then the following persons have been elected mayor.

Mayors 1840-1868.

1840-William Burlingame.
1841-Ebenezer Fenimore.
1842-Solomon Roberts.
1843-44-James Deaver.
1845-R. G. McLean.
1846-47-No record.
1848-49-Lewis Steenrod. [Mr. Steenrod having resigned, A. J. Guitteau was appointed for his unexpired term.]
1850-51-B. A. Lincoln.
1852-Thomas L. Mintun.
1853-L. Hutchins.
1854-H. H. Miers.
1855-A. M. Burgess.
1856-57-C. T. Hyde.
1858-J. E. Price.
1859-60-A. H. Burrell.
1861-J. E. Howe.
1862-63-M. A. Stewart.
1864-James Eddington.
1865-H. H. Miers.
1866-Jacob C. Frost.
1867-R. R. Patterson.
1868-John F. Welch.

The township records from 1818 to 1844 can not be found.

Township Trustees 1844-1868

1844     Joshua Sheffield,     T. M. Boyles,     James H. Devore.
1845-48  Joshua Sheffield,     T. M. Boyles,     W. W. Poston.
1849     Alvin Baker,          L. D. Poston,     Pierson Vore.
1850     Alvin Baker,          L. D. Poston,     John Dew.
1851     Thomas Dew,           Joseph Brett,     A. H. Cowen.
1852     J. G. Miers           Joseph Brett,     A. H. Cowen.
1853     Joshua Sheffield,     Joseph Brett,     A. H. Cowen.
1854     Joshua Sheffield,     Aaron Lewis,      J. G. Miers.
1855     Joshua Sheffield,     John Hull,        Thomas L. Minton.
1856-57  Joshua Sheffield,     John Hull,        Aaron Lewis.
1858     Joshua Sheffield,     M. D. Socie,      Ashford Poston.
1859     Joshua Sheffield,     John Miers,       John Hull.
1860-61  Joshua Sheffield,     G. L. Cooley,     Moses Lewis.
1862     Richard Matheny,      G. L. Cooley,     William Allbright.
1863     Richard Matheny,      G. L. Cooley,     J. G. Miers.
1864-66  Richard Matheny,      Ashford Poston,   J. G. Miers.
1867     Aaron Lewis,          P. H. Moore,      J. G. Miers.
1868     Moses Lewis,          R. R. Patterson,  J. G. Miers.

Township Clerks and Treasurers 1844-1867

         Clerks.               Treasurers.

1844     Robert Miller.        Cornelius Steenrod.
1845-48  Noah Wilder.          Cornelius Steenrod.
1849     Thomas L. Mintun.     Cornelius Steenrod.
1850     John Cheshire.        Cornelius Steenrod.
1851     J. B. Harper.         J. E. Price.
1852     Cornelius Steenrod.   J. E. Price.
1853     John Cheshire.        J. E. Price.
1854-58  Lewis Steenrod.       Cornelius Steenrod.
1859-61  Ashford Poston.       Cornelius Steenrod.
1862-63  Samuel N. Poston.     Cornelius Steenrod.
1864-67  John Harrison.        John W. Scott.

Justices of the Peace 1844-1867

1844-William E. Brown.
1845-Noah Wilder.
1846-Christian Harmon.
1848-B. F. Harper.
1849-Noah Wilder.
1850-Thomas L. Mintun.
1851-Alvin Baker.
1853-Joseph Britt.
1854-60-Joshua Sheffield and Thomas L. Mintun.
1861-Robert R. Patterson.
1862-Joseph Britt.
1863-66-Ashford Porter and Robert Patterson.
1867-Thomas L. Mintun.

AccessGenealogy.com Athens County Ohio Genealogy.

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