History of Holy Rosary Church, Toledo Ohio, 1946-1948

History of the Holy Rosary Church activities from 1946-1948 are documented in this book. Includes list of contributors to the purchase of bells.

On June 30, 1901, the Rt. Rev. Ignatius Horstmann, Bishop of Cleveland, appointed the Rev. Leo L. Broens to organize St. Ignatius Parish in East Toledo. The new parish was to include Birmingham and Ironville, and was to be bounded by the limits of the Sacred Heart, Good Shepherd, and St. Louis parishes in Toledo, and those of St. Ignatius in Momineetown.

Two lots (c. 200’ x 348.85’) situated on York, Wheeling, and Caledonia streets, were bought, for the new church site from the Collins’ estate at $1,200.00 each.


Palka, Paul P.; Blasko, Andrew. History of Holy Rosary Church, Toledo Ohio, 1946-1948. Self Published, 1946.

Church Records,

Toledo Ohio,


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