Biographical Sketch of Myron Metzenbaum

Metzenbaum, Myron; specialist, ear, nose and throat; born, Cleveland, April 1, 1876; son of Joseph and Fanny Firth Metzenbaum; educated, Cleveland public schools and High School, Adelheft College, special student Chemical Dept., Case School of Applied Science, B. S., Ada University, Western Reserve University, Medical Dept., 1900, post-graduate work, Vienna, 1901; married, Cleveland, March 20, 1912. Elsa Puldheim; St. Alexis Hospital, interne, 1899 to 1900; resident house surgeon 1900-1901; lecturer of Anatomy, Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1903-1905; associate laryngologist Mt. Siani Hospital; Government medal, 1904, for original research in the medical value of radium; sec’y of legislative committee, Cleveland Academy of Medicine, when it had enacted anti-Fourth of July ordinances; author of Cleveland’s Ambulance System and council enacted the existing antiambulance ordinance; member the American Academy of Oto-Laryngology; member of the Clinical Congress of Surgeons of North America; American Medical Ass’n, Ohio State Medical Ass ‘n, Cleveland Academy of Medicine, Cleveland German Medical Society; member Masonic Order, Knights of Pythias, and Elks Recreations: Travel and Music.



The Book of Clevelanders: A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland. Burrows Book Company. 1914.

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