Reichert, J. P.; pres. and gen. mgr.; born, Cleveland, Sept. 14, 1877; son of J. P. and Lena Eichorn Reichert; educated, Cleveland public and high schools; married, Cleveland, Oct. 14, 1903, Martha Augusta Withycombe; issue, two sons, engineers Ohio National Guards; for ten years, bookkeeper Wholesale Dept., William Taylor Sons & Co.; two years sec’y and treas. The Ohio Lead Smelting Co.; entered the employ of J. M. & L. A. Osborn Co., March 4, 1903; made sec’y and treas., Jan. 1, 1904, and pres. and gen. mgr., at Mr. Osborn’s death, July 6, 1912; member St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, East Cleveland; pres. Harmony Club. Recreations: Motoring, Tennis and Y. M. C. A. Enthusiasm.