Letter from John B. Love to Thomas Dillard Love

Last Updated on November 20, 2012 by

Waynesville, May 3rd, 1814.

My Dear Brother:

It is with a sensation of gratitude that I have the happiness of informing you that we are all in a reasonable state of health at present, thanks be to the Kind Providence for conferring on us such a Blessing. I understand from Father’s letter, which he received from you a few days ago, that you were indisposed, supposed by the consumption. This, I think, you have brought on by too much studiousness hard reading and so much sitting creates stupidity, heaviness and dullness of mind; to redress this complaint, it would be necessary to relax in your study. This, I think, would have a tendency to restore you to your health again; if not, you will inevitably impair your health to such a degree that you will never restore it to its proper station again.

My dear brother, this is the 2nd, letter I have wrote to you, and have not received the first answer. I want you to communicate with me on all occasions, as I am always anxious to hear from you and your family, and all friends in that part of the country. Nothing more at present, but remain,

Your loving brother until Death,

John B. Love,

To-Thomas D. Love,


I wish you would give me a complete statement of what our taxable property was estimated to. Give my compliments to sister and Genl. Taler’s(Taylor’s) family, and brother Samuel’s family, likewise.


Capt. Thomas D. Love,

East Tennessee

Carter County.


Genealogy, Letter,

Partridge, Dennis N. Love Family Genealogy. Web. © 2001.

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