Biographical Sketch of Ernest S. Bowen

Ernest S. Bowen, a member of the firm of Fay & Bowen, belongs to that class of society, which has developed our great manufacturing industries, spread our commerce and built up our cities. He is the son of Wilford M. Bowen, who was a farmer, and died in 1893. Ernest S. Bowen was born in Levanna, Cayuga county, New York, May 8, 1858. He attended the public schools of Aurora, New York, then Hillsdale College, Michigan, and finally, Cornell University, from which he was graduated in 1890 from the mechanical engineering department, his name being one of the ten on … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Bernard Borgman

Bernard Borgman, president and treasurer of the Vance Boiler Works of Geneva, New York, owes his present high position in the community, and his present prosperity entirely to his own efforts, rising from the ranks by dint of earnest and unremitting toil and energy. (I) Bernard Borgman, father of the present Bernard Borgman, was born in Germany, and died in America, 1896. He came to this country at the age of eighteen years and lived for one year in Albany, New York. He then removed to Rochester, where he was employed as a car builder in the Rochester Car Shops, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Bernard Borgman

(II) Bernard (2) Borgman, subject of this sketch, was born in Rochester, New York, September, 1854. His elementary education was received in the schools of his native city, and he then attended those of Yates county, New York. He had learned the cabinet-maker’s trade, and at the age of twenty-five years he made his first business venture, establishing himself in the furniture and undertaking line in Penn Yan, Yates county, New York. For nine years he conducted this business successfully, then sold his interest in the concern to his partner and established himself in the same manner, but independently, in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hugh Thompson

Judge Robert F. Thompson, a prominent lawyer and jurist of Ontario county, New York, comes of forbears who were not only of high character but of lofty position. His father and three brothers served in the civil war; his grandfather and his three brothers in the war of 1812; and his great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather in the revolution. (I) Hugh Thompson, the emigrant ancestor of this family, was of Scotch-Irish stock, and came from Londonderry, Ireland. in the eighteenth century, settling in Derryfield (now (1910) Manchester), New Hampshire.

Biographical Sketch of James Thompson

(II) James, son of Hugh Thompson, was born in Derryfield, New Hampshire, November 14, 1758. He served throughout the revolutionary struggle in Captain Amos Morrill’s company, Colonel John Stack’s regiment, raised by the state of New Hampshire; he enlisted as a private, and was promoted to corporal. He also held the title of muster master.

Biographical Sketch of Joshua Thompson

(III) Joshua, son of Corporal James Thompson, was born in Norridgewock, Maine, May 10, 1793. He rendered faithful military service in the war of 1812. He married Marcia Crane, a member of the celebrated Crane family of Connecticut, and a granddaughter of John Crane, one of the signers of the famous “fidelity oath” to the state of Connecticut. He was the father of nineteen children.

Biographical Sketch of Lieutenant Lester P. Thompson

(IV) Lieutenant Lester P. Thompson, son of Joshua Thompson, was born September 3, 1840, in Lima, New York. He married, and shortly after the birth of his son, Robert F., he removed to Phelps. New York, where he followed the occupation of a manufacturer of agricultural implements and resided there until shortly before his death, April 25, 1889. He rendered faithful service to his country during the rebellion, serving in the Fifth and Seventh United States Regular Infantry. He became prominent in Grand Army and political circles: a born leader of men, he wielded a powerful influence in that great … Read more

Biography of Robert F. Thomspon

(V) Robert F. Thompson, son of Lieutenant Lester P. Thompson and Sarah Jane (Foster) Thompson, was born in Canandaigua, New York, July 31, 1870. He received his preliminary school training in Phelps, followed by a course of study in Canandaigua Academy, from which he was graduated. He studied for his chosen profession in the law department of Michigan University, from which he received his degree of Bachelor of Laws, and then took a post-graduate course, receiving the Master’s degree in 1893. He was admitted to the bar, December, 1894, in Ontario county, New York, and at once entered upon practice … Read more

Biography of Edwin S. Thorne

Edwin S. Thorne, treasurer and manager of the Geneva Preserving Company, is a fine example of a self-made man, in the best sense of the word. He has gained for himself friends, affluence and position, by his own honorable exertions and moral attributes, and by the strength and force of his character has been enabled to overcome obstacles which, to others less hopeful and courageous, would have seemed insurmountable. He has been gifted with a quickness of perception and a fertility of invention which enable him to carry his projects far on the road to success, while others meditate upon … Read more

Biography of Patrick Henry Leahy

Patrick Henry Leahy, who is clerk of and counsel for the board of supervisors of Ontario county, New York, in addition to attending to his large legal practice, is a fine example of what may be achieved by earnest and unremitting striving, when heavily handicapped by adverse circumstances. He owes his present high standing in his profession and in the community entirely to his own unaided efforts, and his inflexible and unfaltering courage in every relation of life have won for him the respect and confidence of all with whom he has come in contact. Judging from the success which … Read more

Biography of Fayette Taylor

Fayette Taylor, one of the younger members of the farming fraternity in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, is not by any means the least of those to be considered when the value of practical and progressive methods is taken into consideration. Those farmers who are ready and willing to adopt the modern and scientific methods of cultivating the soil whenever these methods can be readily adopted are the ones whose farms produce the largest crops in proportion to the acreage tinder cultivation, and it is these farmers who raise the general prosperity of the country, which depends in a great … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. Livingston L. Taylor

Rev. Livingston L. Taylor, who enjoys a well earned reputation as a forcible and eloquent preacher, and whose life is a consistent and unvarying example of the doctrines he preaches, is the son of William J. 1. Taylor, D. D., and Maria L. (Cowenhoven) Taylor. Rev. Livingston L. Taylor was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 16, 1860. His education has been a varied and thorough one at the following named institutions : Newark Academy, Newark, New Jersey; Rutgers College, from which he was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1881, and which conferred the degree of Master … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Stubbs

George S. Stubbs, member of one of the largest lumber firms in the state of New York, is an energetic and enterprising man of business, ready to adopt all progressive methods and improvements which have proved their practicability. He is of English descent. (I) William Stubbs, the first of this family to come to America, was born in Yorkshire, England, 1798, and died in New York state, 1858. He emigrated to this country in 1824, settled at first in Oneida county, New York, then migrated to Ontario county in the same state, and there made farming his life work. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Watson E. Stubbs

(II) Watson E., son of William and Elizabeth (King) Stubbs, was born in Oneida county, New York, 1837. He was educated in the public schools of the town of Phelps, Ontario county, New York, and assisted his father in the cultivation of the home farm from a very early age. He was thus engaged until he was about twenty-eight years of age, when he took up carpentry, which he followed for about nine years. In 1886 he established himself in the lumber trade, organizing a retail and wholesale business in Geneva, New York, for lumber and all the materials connected … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George S. Stubbs

(III) George S., only son of Watson E. and Martha E. (Louw) Stubbs, was born in Halls Corner, Seneca, June 13, 1867. He resides in Geneva, New York, and is a man endowed with unusual executive ability. Under his capable control, during the past twelve years, the business with which he has become identified, made rapid forward strides, and has taken a high rank in the commercial world, in addition to its former prestige. He is an earnest supporter of Republican principles, and a member of the North Presbyterian Church. His fraternal affiliations are with the following organizations: Past master … Read more

Biography of William A. Cornell

William A. Cornell, secretary and manager of the Geneva Brewing Company, appears to be one of those fortunate individuals, the right man in the right place, if we may judge by the results he has achieved in the industry with which he has been connected for a number of years. He has inherited, and understands how to make the best use of, the admirable traits which have descended to him from his English and Scotch ancestry, and to these he has added the best that is to be found in our own country. Both his grandfather and father were brewers … Read more

Biography of Dr. James J. Collie

Dr. James J. Collie, who has for a number of years been engaged in the practice of the medical profession in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, is descended from an old family whose original home was in Scotland, and he has inherited the habits of thrift, determination and perseverance which characterize the natives of that favored land. Honorable in every relation of life and earnest in forwarding the good of his fellow men in every possible manner, he has gained the respect and confidence of all with whom he comes in contact. As a physician he has won a distinct … Read more

Biography of Allen Becker Richards

Allen Becker Richards, a native of Pennsylvania, who served in a New York regiment during the civil war, is now (1910) a retired business man of Geneva where he has resided for nearly sixty years. Michael Richards, father of Allen B. Richards, was born in Maxatawny, Pennsylvania, in 1800, was a lifelong resident of that state and died in 1880. His wife, Ada Richards, was also a native of the Keystone state, born in 1809, died in 1899. Children: 1. Allen Becker, see forward. 2. Azuilla, born in 1832, now (1910) the widow of Unie Zeigler, who died in 1901 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edson T. Case

Edson T., only child of Isaiah and Mary (Totman) Case, was born in Bristol, Ontario county, New York, January 23, 1865. He was a student at the Union high school, from which he was graduated, and then took a course in the Canandaigua Academy. At an early age he engaged in farming and dealing in live stock and wool. Too much cannot be said of the energy, combined with integrity and a high standard, which Mr. Case displayed invariably in the conduct of his business, and these measures did not fail to produce the deserved amount of success. Mr. Case … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Burrell

T. William Burrell belongs to that class of citizens who have been very generally overlooked by the biographers of modern times in favor of those whose paths in life he in the learned professions. Yet it is a fact that no class is more worthy of the respect and esteem of all their fellows than those who labor earnestly to bring from the earth the best that it can yield, and improve and advance the methods of cultivation. The Burrell family has been engaged in agricultural pursuits for many generations and came to this country in the eighteenth century from … Read more