Biographical Sketch of Samuel Preston

Samuel, son of Roger Preston, was born at Ipswich, in 1651. He went to Andover with his mother and there passed the remainder of his life. He married, May 27, 1671, Susanna Gutterson, who died December 29, 1710. He married (second) September 24, 1713, Mary (Rolandson) Blodgett, widow of John Blodgett. Samuel died at Andover July 10, 1738. Children, born at Andover: 1. Samuel, born March 16, 1672, mentioned elsewhere. 2. William, March 30. 1677. 3. Mary, January 5, 1678. 4. Jacob, February 24, 1680-81. 5. Elizabeth, February 14, 1682. 6. John, May 1, 1685. 7. Joseph, January 26, 1686-87. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Preston

Samuel (2), son of Samuel (1) Preston, was born at Andover, March 16, 1672. He married Sarah, daughter of John and Sarah (Howe) Bridges. She married (second) William Price. Children of Samuel and Sarah (Bridges) Preston, born at Andover: 1. Sarah, February 5, 1694-95. 2. Levi, October 25, 1696. 3. Mary, March 31,1699. 4. Jemima, 1701. 5. Samuel, mentioned elsewhere. 6. Child, born October 1, 1710. 7-8. Phoebe and Isaac, twins, born 1711. 9. Ruth, July 25, 1713. 10-11. Caleb and Joshua, twins, April 3. 1716.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Preston

Samuel (3), son of Samuel (2) Preston, was born in 1708. He settled in Littleton, Massachusetts, and was captain of the Littleton company in the Crown Point expedition in the French and Indian war, ill 1755, being accompanied by his son, Dr. John Preston, afterward of New Ipswich, New Hampshire. He married. April 8. 1728, at Andover, Hannah, daughter of James and Sarah (Marston) Bridges. She was born in 1702, in Andover, her father afterward settling at Littleton. Children, all but the eldest born in Littleton : I. Samuel, mentioned elsewhere. 2. Dr. John, married Rebecca Farrar. 3. James, January … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Preston

Samuel (4), son of Samuel (3) Preston, was born and baptized in 1728, at Andover, and was a child when his parents removed to Littleton. He married Elizabeth Whitcomb. Children, born at Littleton: 1. Elizabeth, September 4, 1750. 2. Abel, October 2, 17533. Abner, mentioned elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of Abner Preston

Abner, son of Samuel (4) Preston, was born at Littleton, July 31, 1756. He was a soldier in the revolution. He enlisted in the Continental army for three years in the quota of New Ipswich, New Hampshire, in April, 1777 (vol. i, p. 375, New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls.) He was in Captain Isaac Farwell’s company, Colonel John Stark’s regiment, October 20, 1778. He was on the pay roll of the New Ipswich company in February, 1778 (vol. i, p. 583.) He was a drummer in the Seventh Company, First Regiment, Colonel Joseph Cilley (Roll dater January 1, 1780, vol. ii, … Read more

Biography of George W. Preston

George W., son of Abner Preston, was born in Hancock, New Hampshire, December 13, 1804. His father was in his younger days an industrious and successful man, but after his life in the army he lost his property. The son was bound out to a farmer, after the custom of the times, to serve until he cane of age, when he was to receive a hundred dollars and a suit of clothes. He had scarcely any schooling, insufficient clothing, and no shoes. He used to tell of going to milk the cows in the pasture when the ground was white … Read more

Biography of George H. Preston

George H., son of George W. Preston, was born in Ontario, November 13, 1837. He attended the district school on the Ridge Road, Ontario, passing thence to Macedon Academy and Walworth Academy. At the latter institution, while still a student, he was employed in teaching classes. He also taught two terms of district school, working on his father’s farm during the summer months. At the age of twenty-seven he was married to Ellen F. Graham. and the year following removed to Shortsville, and entered the service of the Empire Drill Company. He was gifted naturally with mechanical skill and made … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ward H. Preston

Ward H., son of George H. Preston, was born at Shortsville, New York. May 24, 1867. He was educated in the Shortsville public schools, at Brockport Normal School, and at the Medical School of Buffalo University, but on account of ill health was unable to complete his course in medicine. From 1891 to 1895 he was engaged in farming, and from 1897 to 1903 carried on the coal and lumber business at Manchester, New York. He then moved to Lima, New York, to become manager of the Papec Machine Company. In 1909 this concern was moved to Shortsville, New York. … Read more

Biography of William Bushnell Osborne

William Bushnell Osborne, ex-sheriff of Ontario county, New York, has been an earnest worker in the interests of the Republican party since his early manhood. In addition to having been instrumental in furthering plans for many improvements in that section of the country he has been one of the most successful and enterprising farmers of the vicinity of the town in which he lives. He and his children are eligible to membership in the society of the Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution, several members of the family having borne their share bravely and gallantly in the famous Revolutionary … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Woolston

Joseph (2), son of Joshua Woolston, was born in New Jersey. With his wife and two children he came from New Jersey to Ontario county, New York, in 1806. He married Elizabeth Bell, who was also born in New Jersey. At that time it was a journey of three weeks from their old home in New Jersey and much of the country was still a wilderness. Children: William, mentioned elsewhere; Joshua, John, Michael, Jane, Wesley, David, Ann.

Biographical Sketch of William Woolston

William, son of Joseph (2) Woolston, was born in Victor, Ontario county, New York. June 13, 1807. He received his education in the public schools and by private study at home and qualified himself to teach school. For several terms he taught in the district schools of the neighborhood. His main occupation through life, however, was farming. He died in March. 1888. He married Laura L. Andrus, born in Roxbury. Delaware county, New York, May 28, 1812, died in September, 1887. Her father’s farm adjoined the farm of Jay Gould’s father. Children: 1. Franklin, born April 24, 1836, on the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John A. Woolston

John A., son of William Woolston, was born in Victor, January 6, 1838. He attended the public schools and Fairfield Classical Academy, and for several years taught school in the winter terms. His life has been devoted chiefly to farming. The farm comprises some two hundred and fifty-six acres of land in Victor, and the buildings are substantial and attractive in appearance and the farm is very productive. e was assessor of the town of Victor. In politics he is a Republican. Mr. Woolston is a member of Mendon Grange, No. 83, Patrons of Husbandry. He married. April 6, 1864, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Franklin Woolston

William Franklin, son of John A. Woolston, was born at Victor, December 31, 1864. In his boyhood he worked on his father’s farm and attended the district schools of his native town and Canandaigua. He began to study the veterinarian’s profession in the Toronto Veterinary College, but afterward entered the American Veterinary College of New York City, graduating there with the degree of D. V. S. in the class of 1892. From that time until 1909 he practiced with unbounded success. On account of failing health, he altered his environment and, returning to the homestead, devoted himself to the management … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Colonel Seth Lafayette Lee

Colonel Seth Lafayette (2) Lee, son of Major Seth Lafayette (1) Lee, was born in East Bloomfield, in 1823, and died March 20, 1875. He was a farmer, owning two hundred and thirty-eight acres of land in East Bloomfield. In politics he was a Republican. He married Sarah Peck, born in 1824, at West Bloomfield, daughter of Reynolds and Nancy Peck, and is now (1910) living at Canandaigua, New York. Children: Roswell Munson, meutioned below: Reynolds Peck; Willis E.; Cynthia: Josephine; Lillie; Sarah and Inez. All of the children lived in Ontario county.

Biographical Sketch of Major Seth Lafayette Lee

Major Seth Lafayette Lee, son of Captain George (2) Lee, was born in Taunton, in February, 1792. He came to East Bloomfield, in 1802, a year after his father, and became a well-to-do farmer and miller. He served in the war of 1812 and rose from private to the rank of major. In 1818, he joined the Baptist church and supported it liberally with money and with strong moral convictions. He married Sallie M., daughter of Benjamin Wheeler. Children: Seth Lafayette, mentoned below; Phebe: Loraine and Cynthia.

Biographical Sketch of Captain George Lee

Captain George (2) Lee, son of George (1) Lee, was born at Taunton or Berkley, Massachusetts, May 6, 1768, and died at East Bloomfield, New York, June 28, 1853. He came to Bloomfield, among the early settlers in 1801. He owned about a thousand acres of land, a grist mill and saw mill at Bloomfield, and was a successful wool grower. He was true to his country, just to his neighbors and a friend to man. For forty-five years a member of the Baptist church, he was a devoted and exemplary Christian, a liberal, benevolent, hospitable and good man. Leaving … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. William Marion Cotton

Dr. William Marion Cotton, son of Leonard Cotton, was born at Farmington, November 25. 1851. He attended the district schools of his native town. In early life he followed farming. Having studied veterinary surgery he engaged in practice at Mendon, New York, in partnership with Thomas Gardner. After the partnership was dissolved he continued in practice alone at Williamson, New York, for two years, at Wolworth. New York, for five years, and at Victor, New York, for the past eleven years. He stands high in his profession and is well known and greatly esteemed in the community in which he … Read more

Biography of Lieutenant Ephraim Cotton

Lieutenant Ephraim (2) Cotton, son of Ephraim (1) Cotton, was born at Springfield, later called Longmeadow, February 8, 1672, died September 12, 1753. He married, December 29, 1699, Mary Noble. Children, born at Longmeadow : Mary, December 25, 1700; Ephraim, May 9, 1705; Deborah, February 25, 1708; Jerusha, February 22, 1711 ; Son, born and died November 7, 1712, and twin son died November 13, 1712; Demaris, August 18, 1714; Job, July 20, 1717; Hannah, February 21, 1724; Samuel, mentioned elsewhere.

Biography of Captain George Henry Bell

Captain George Henry Bell, believed to be son of Frederick Bell, married a sister of General Herkimer and was a man of considerable note in the revolution. He was well educated and wrote a neat, compact hand with much rapidity, we are told in an account of him in the old history of the Mohawk Valley. Although not among the officers of the militia appointed in 1775, he commanded a company at the battle of Oriskany and was wounded. In later years he was pensioned for this service. He remained on the field with General Herkimer until the battle was … Read more

Biography of Dr. James Carlton Carson

Dr. James Carlton Carson, youngest child of Robert (2) and Rebecca (Rippey) Carson, was born in Seneca, Ontario county, New York, January 23, 1847. His preparatory education was received in the public schools and the Canandaigua Academy, and he then became a student at the University of Michigan. Subsequently he studied at the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City, from which he was graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Prior to taking up his medical studies he had assisted for a time in the cultivation of the homestead farm. In 1870 he served as assistant physician in … Read more