Biography of George H. Preston

George H., son of George W. Preston, was born in Ontario, November 13, 1837. He attended the district school on the Ridge Road, Ontario, passing thence to Macedon Academy and Walworth Academy. At the latter institution, while still a student, he was employed in teaching classes. He also taught two terms of district school, working on his father’s farm during the summer months. At the age of twenty-seven he was married to Ellen F. Graham. and the year following removed to Shortsville, and entered the service of the Empire Drill Company. He was gifted naturally with mechanical skill and made many patterns for the Empire Drill Company. In 1873 he entered a partnership with the firm of Pettit & Darling, manufacturers of carriage wheels at Littleton. This company began the carriage wheel business in this section. In 1875 he sold his interest in the firm and on account of ill health removed with his family to Denver, Colorado. After living in the vicinity of Denver for two years and receiving no material benefit, he was advised to try camp life. In May, 1877. he took his wife and son and went to Shortsville, a distance of eighteen hundred miles, making the journey in a covered wagon. They lived and slept in the wagon, arriving in Monroe county, October 20, 1877. The journey was one of the pleasantest and most fortunate experiences of his life, and resulted in the recovery of his health. While living at Denver he had engaged in the grocery business, and in 1890, at Shortsville, he entered into partnership with C. M. Clark for the manufacture of wheelbarrow seeders, securing a patent for a seeder of his own invention. After six years he bought out his partner and continued the business with much success. On December 21, 1891. his wife died. In 1901 he built a factory and continued in business until July 30, when, he sold out to Frederick A. Titus, and retired. He was then seventy years old and had well earned the rest and leisure that he has since enjoyed.



Ontario County NY,

Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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