Biography of Dr. Robert George Cook

Dr. Robert George Cook, who has devoted his life to the noble profession of medicine, is now (1910) crowned with some of its choicest rewards. He has followed with inflexible and unfaltering courage and ardent and unremitting toil in the pathway trodden with such eminent success by his famous father. Dr. George Cook was born in Cayuga, New York, November 20, 1824, and died June 12, 1876. In 1847 he entered the service of the Utica State Hospital, then under the supervision of Dr. Brigham, and was actively engaged there in the discharge of his medical duties for a period … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Captain Thomas Hart

Captain Thomas Hart, son of Stephen Hart, was born in 1643, died August 27, 1726, and was buried with military honors. He was appointed in the state military organization, ensign, 1678; lieutenant. 1693; captain, 1695. He represented the town in the general court at twenty-nine sessions, 1690-1711, and during this period served several times as clerk and speaker, served as justice for Hartford county six years, was one of the leading men of the town, and executed important trusts. He and his wife were members of the church at Farmington. He married Ruth, daughter of Anthony and (Wells) Hawkins, and … Read more

Biography of Hon. John Raines

Hon John Raines, eldest child of Rev. John and Mary (Remington) Raines, was born in Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, May 6, 1840, and died December 16, 1909. His early education was received in the public schools, and he then became a student at the Albany Law School. from which institution he was graduated. For a short time he taught school, then established himself in the practice of his profession in Geneva. He abandoned this toward the end of 1861 in order to raise a company of volunteers for the war, and was commissioned captain of Company G, Eighty-fifth New … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Merritt Crawford Wilcox

Merritt Crawford Wilcox, whose birthplace was in Alabama, came to Canandaigua with his parents at fourteen. His father, Lucius Wilcox, married Frances A., born in Demopolis, Alabama, daughter of Andrew Jackson Crawford, a southern planter, and a minister of the Methodist Church South. Merritt C. Wilcox was born in Demopolis, Alabama, June 6, 1842. He acquired his education in the public schools of Canandaigua and in the Canandaigua Academy. He married, in Canandaigua, in 1867, Caroline Frances, born in Cortland county, New York, daughter of William rod Caroline O. (Heaton) Richardson, who came to Canandaigua from Cortland county. His father, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Oswald J. C. Rose

Oswald J. C., son of Robert Selden Rose, was born in New York City, January 30, 1852. He received his elementary education in the schools of Geneva, New York. and was graduated from Hobart College with the degree of Master of Arts. He established himself in the hardware business in 1894, forming a partnership with P. J. Dorchester, the firm name being Dorchester & Rose. this name having been continued to the present time (1911). Upon the death of Mr. Dorchester, his son, Edward G., assumed the interests of his father. Mr. Rose holds many responsible offices, among them may … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Addison H. Wheeler

Addison H. Wheeler, grandfather of Heber E. Wheeler, was a farmer by occupation, conducting his operations in East Bloomfield, New York, where he was recognized as one of its representative citizens. He married Lucy Remington; children: Oscar F., Thaddeus R.. Edward R.. Ulysses M., Heber E., Robert II.. (sheriff of Ontario county. 1886-88) : Ellen and Lillian.

Biographical Sketch of Oscar F. Wheeler

Oscar F., eldest son of Addison H. and Lucy (Remington) Wheeler. was born in Bristol, New York, February, 1831. His life was devoted to agriculture, in which he was most successful. He was a member of the Congregational church, a Republican in politics, and a man of marked resolution and sturdy character. He married, February, 1859, Lucy Rowley, born in Rush, New York, April, 1833, daughter of Simeon and Lucy (Hayward) Rowley. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar F. Wheeler: Heber E., Dr. Stoughton R., Oscar F., Robert H., Lucy S., Ellen E.. Jennie, and AIice, deceased.

Biographical Sketch of Heber E. Wheeler

Heber E., eldest son of Oscar F. and Lucy (Rowley) Wheeler, was educated at the East Bloomfield Union School and Canandaigua Academy. In 1886 he engaged in mercantile business at East Bloomfield, where he has continued up to the present time (1911). In 1904 he took into partnership Roswell M. Lee and Robert H. Wheeler, a brother, the firm name being changed to that of Wheeler Bros. & Lee. its present style. The business has been prosperous during its entire period of existence, twenty-five years, it being so conducted as to win and hold a large patronage. Heber E. Wheeler, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Calvin Beecher

Calvin Beecher, the first of the line here under consideration of whom we have definite information, was born in New England. July 13, 1802, died in October, 1864. He was a cousin of the celebrated Henry Ward Beecher, who was a son of Lyman and Roxana (Foote) Beecher, grandson of David Beecher, and sixth in descent from John Beecher, the first American ancestor, who came with his mother, the Widow Hannah Beecher, to Connecticut from Kent, England, in 1638. These ancestors were of sturdy yeoman stock, noted for their physical strength, honest, God-fearing men. Emeline, wife of Calvin Beecher, was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rollin L. Beecher

Rollin L., son of Calvin and Emeline Beecher, was born in Owego, New York, April 30, 1844, died February i, 1908. He was connected with the Northern Central Railroad of New York as general agent for forty-six years, this fact amply testifying to his integrity of character and his ability and efficiency. He married Mary F. Brink. born in Owego. New York, daughter of James and Ellen (Savage) Brink. Children: Frank R.; George R., married Gwendolyn Virginia Weinheart, and they reside (1910) at Los Angeles, California.

Biographical Sketch of John Watson Griffith

John Watson, son of John Griffith, was born in Phelps, died there in 1897. He married Charlotte Malette, who died in 1894, daughter of Isaac Malette. He was also a farmer in Phelps. Children, born in Phelps: I-Ion. Frederick W., resides at Palmyra, New York. a state senator from his district; John C.; James M.; Willie W.; Mary E., married Carlton T. Chapman; Helena May, married Harry Wing, of Palmyra; Frank Allyn, mentioned elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of Frank Allyn Griffith

Frank Allyn, son of John Watson Griffith, was born in Phelps, August 17, 1873, and was educated in the public schools of his native town and of Clifton Springs, New York. He commenced his business career as shipping clerk in the office of the Clifton Springs Manufacturing Company. After two years he returned, in 1893, to his native town and since then has followed farming there. In politics he is Republican, in religion a Methodist. He married, January 16, 1894, Christine Bennckenstein, born in New York City, daughter of Edward Bennckenstein, of New York City. Children: Charlotte, born March 12, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John N. Brown

John N., son of Jesse and Roxanna (Grant) Brown, was born in Milford, Otsego county, New York, August 10, 1818, died August 4, 1895. After pursuing a classical and theological course, he became a minister of the Methodist denomination and held the following charges: Big Flats, Hector, Mecklenburg, Lodi, Dundee, Palmyra, Rochester, Phelps and Clyde, in all of which his services were highly appreciated and were instrumental in the saving of many souls. He also served for three years as private and chaplain in the One Hundred and Eleventh New York Volunteer Regiment during the civil war, and after the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles L. Brown

Charles L., son of John N. and Eliza (Graham) Brown, was born in Lodi, New York. March 25. 1852. He attended the public and high schools of Rochester, and the knowledge thus acquired was supplemented by attendance at the Rochester Business University. ‘He followed commercial pursuits for a long period of time, these proving highly remunerative, and in 1890 engaged in the drug business in Victor, New York. continuing in the same up to the present time, achieving a large degree of success. In addition to his business career, he has been active in the political life of his adopted … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Prichard

James Prichard, the first of the line here under consideration of whom we have definite information, was a native of London. England, where he was reared and educated, and from whence he emigrated to this country, settling at Poughkeepsie, New York, prior to the revolutionary war. He was a silversmith by trade, which line of work he followed throughout his active career. He married, and among his children was Benjamin, of whom further.

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Prichard

Benjamin, son of James Prichard, was born at Poughkeepsie. New York, in 1804. He was reared and educated there, and upon arriving at a suitable age engaged in agriculture, from which he derived a comfortable livelihood, and became an affluent land holder. He lived eighty-three years. He married Jane Ann Stoughtenburg, who bore him six children, among whom was George C., see elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of John Parmelee

John Parmelee, immigrant ancestor, was one of the first settlers of Guilford. Connecticut, and one of the twenty-five signers of the Plantation Covenant, June 1, 1639. He died in New Haven, November 8, 1659, leaving property inventoried at seventy-eight pounds, thirteen shillings. His will was probated January 3, 1659-60. His home lot in Guilford was on the site of the present Congregational church and contained two and a half acres. He married (first) Hannah (second) Widow Elizabeth Bradley, who died in New Haven, January, 1683. After his death she married, May 27, 1663. John Evarts. of Guilford. Children : John, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Parmelee

John (2), son of John (1) Parmelee. was born about 1620. He was a drummer in the train band and was sworn as freeman, February 14, 1649. He was sexton for many years, and “warned” the inhabitants to town meetings. He married (first) Rebecca , who died September 24. 1651; (second) Anna, widow of William Plaine, who died March 30, 1658; (third) February, 1619, Hannah Through his second wife, he obtained Plaine home lot of four and a half acres of marsh land. Child of first wife: Nathaniel, born 1645, killed in King Philip’s war. 1676; children of third wife: … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joshua Parmelee

Joshua, son of John (2) Parmelee, was born in Guilford, in 1661, died in June, 1729. He was a farmer of Guilford, and was a taxpayer of considerable estate in 1716. He married (first) July 10, 1690, Else Edwards, of East Hampton, Long Island, and she died July 10, 1714; (second) in 1716, Hannah, widow of Benjamin Stone, of East Guilford. She afterward married Benjamin Hart, of Wallingford. Children of first wife: Daniel, born June 28, 1691; Susannah, June 19, 169J: Timothy, August 20, 1695; Ann, May 8, 1696; Samuel, March 31, 1698; David, July 31, 1699; Jonathan, mentioned elsewhere; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jonathan Parmelee

Jonathan, son of Joshua Parmelee, was born June 21, 1701. He resided at Branford and Chatham, Connecticut. He married Sarah Taylor. Children : Bryan, born 1733; Oliver, 1735; Ann, September, 1737; Sarah, November j, 1739; Jonathan, October 7, 1743; Asaph, mentioned elsewhere; Jared, August 1, 1748; Lucy, January 15, 1752.