Biographical Sketch of Elias J. Gooding

Elias J., son of Edwin and Fidelia (Crooker) Gooding, was born in Bristol, Ontario County, New York, April 9, 1862. His education, which was acquired at the district school and Canandaigua Academy. was an excellent one. From his early years he has assisted his father in the cultivation of the home farm and he was thus employed until 1894. when he purchased his father’s farm, which since that time has been under his sole management and is in a most flourishing condition. As an active member of the Republican party he has always taken a serious and beneficial interest in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cephus Clark

Cephus, grandfather of William Frederick Clark, was born in Keene, New Hampshire, and was engaged in agricultural pursuits. He was an active participant in the war of 1812, and at the close of that conflict returned to his rural occupations. He married Deborah Wilbur, a descendant of one of the eighteen original purchasers of Rhode Island. They had children : Frederick P. A., see forward; Caleb A.: Amasa F.; Alva W.; Cephus C.; Nathaniel E.; Ezra L. ; Deborah; Alfreda; Abigail; and Candice.

Biographical Sketch of Frederick P. A. Clark

Frederick P. A., son of Cephus and Deborah (Wilbur) Clark, was born in Glover, Vermont. May 2l, 1819, and was engaged in farming throughout the active years of his life. He married, December 9, 1845, Eliza J. King, who was born in Glover, Vermont, November 6, 1823. Her great-great-grandfather was the son of a slave owner in the south, migrated to the north and took part in the revolutionary war, during the progress of which he was killed.

Biography of William Frederick Clark

William Frederick, son of Frederick P. A. and Eliza J. (King) Clark, was born in Glover, Orleans county, Vermont, January 7, 1849. His elementary and college preparatory education was received at the Montpelier Seminary and the Orleans Liberal Institute, in his native town, and this he supplemented later by taking up the study of law. His first actual business occupation was as a farmer, and he then entered into general business. It was at about this time that he engaged in his legal studies, which, however, he abandoned in favor of the real estate and insurance business, with which he … Read more

Biography of Frank E. Rupert

Frank E. Rupert, owner of a well established nursery business and dairy farm in Seneca township. Ontario county, New York. has brought to the conduct of his line of work the thrifty habits, and the many years of farming experience which have been collected by generations of his family. The ancestry of the Rupert family is to be found in Germany, where they were an ancient and respected family. Members of the family emigrated to America in the early days of the colonization of this country, and branches of it may be found in all callings throughout the United States. … Read more

Biography of Reinhold A. Schnirel

The successful building contractor and real estate dealer of this name residing in Geneva, possesses the traditional integrity, thrift and industry characteristic of the Teutonic race, and these essential elements of sturdy manhood were developed to a high degree by his thoroughly German training. Coming to America a bright and courageous young man, strong and vigorous as the result of a term of service in the German army, he readily adapted himself to the manners, customs and business methods prevailing in this country, and ere long found opportunities which ultimately placed him upon the high road to prosperity. The Schnirel … Read more

Biography of Rev. Marvin Sisco

Rev. Marvin Sisco, a native of Vermont, was a minister in the Methodist Episcopal church. He preached at Bangor, Franklin county, and in other towns in Central New York. He married Melissa Manfling. He died in 1892 at Brandon, Vermont. Children: Mary; Harrison, died in the service in the civil war; George H.; Cyrenus; Ella, married Frederick Frost; Charles M., mentioned elsewhere. Charles Marcellus, son of Rev. Marvin Sisco, was born in Bangor, Franklin county, New York, April 19, 1845. He received his education in the public schools and during his boyhood worked on the farm and helped to clear … Read more

Biography of Matthew T. O’Brien

Matthew T. O’Brien, president of the village of Phelps, New York, and prominently identified with all the important measures for the improvement of that section of the country, traces his ancestry to Ireland, and has been richly endowed with many of the admirable traits of the Irish. Terrence O’Brien, the father of Matthew T. O’Brien, was born in county Clare, Ireland, and was a very young lad when he came to this country with his parents. For a number of years he was employed on the railroad, and by his thrift and industry acquired a sufficient capital to enable him … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Francis Brayton

Francis (2), son of Francis (1) Brayton, died January 30, 1718. He married, March 18. 1671, Mary, daughter of Thomas and Mary Fish, died April 4, 1747. He was a freeman, April 30, 1672, and lived in Portsmouth, Rhode Island. His will was proved February 10, 1718, and mentioned wife, sons Thomas, Benjamin and Francis, daughters Mary and Mehitable. The inventory amounted to eight hundred and seventeen pounds sixteen shillings ten pence. Children: Mary, born January 1, 1676; Thomas, June 14, 1681, mentioned elsewhere; Francis, March 17, 1684; David, October 23, 1686; Mehitable, January 12. 1693; Benjamin, September 8, 1695.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Brayton

Thomas, son of Francis (2) Brayton, was born June 14, 1681, died in 1728. He married, August 23, 1704, Mary, daughter of Gideon and Mary (Boomer) Freeborn, born August 24. 1679, died in 1761. He lived in Portsmouth, and East Greenwich, Rhode Island, and was deputy in the first place, 1719-21, and in the second, 1725-27. His will was proved April 19, 1728, and mentioned his wife Mary, sons Thomas, Gideon and Francis, daughters Mary and Hannah. In his will, besides his property, he disposed of two negro servants. The inventory amounted to nine hundred and thirty-four pounds five shillings … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Brayton

Thomas (2), son of Thomas (1) Brayton, was born at East Greenwich, July 21, 1713. Under his father’s will he inherited lands and housings at Portsmouth and a negro boy Pero and he shared in his mother’s estate under her will, dated July 27, 1756. He married (first), January 17, 1732, Mary Phillips, (by Thomas Coggeshall, Esq.) ; she died at Coventry, December 18, 1771 and he married (second), apparently July 8, 1772, Amy Colvin. He apparently settled early at Coventry, Rhode Island. Children : Thomas, mentioned elsewhere; Gideon, died February 28, 1739: Rebecca, born March 16, 1734-35; David, May … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Brayton

Thomas (3), son of Thomas (2) Brayton, was born at Coventry, February 17, 1733. He married at Coventry, Deliverance Knight, daughter of Captain Robert and Prudence Knight (by Thomas Matteson, Esq.), April 13, 1752. The birth of two children is recorded at Coventry and Warwick, Rhode Island. He emigrated from Rhode Island to Clarenden, Vermont (now (1910) East Rutland), and purchased a hundred acres of land located in the present city of Rutland, but being dispossessed by another claimant to the land, he removed to New York, and settled in the town of Kingsbury, Washington county, in 1775. In 1790, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Brayton

John, son of Thomas (3) Brayton, was born about 1770-75 and came with his parents to northern New York. He settled in Queensbury, Washington county, adjoining Kingsbury, where his father lived, and followed farming. He married Mary Harris and they had twelve children.

Biographical Sketch of Moses Brayton

Moses Brayton, son of John Brayton, was born in Queensbury about 1798; he married (first) Hannah Jenkins, (second) ——– . The following matter in quotations was written by Rev. J. J. Brayton: “They were both very young and without unnecessary delay began replenishing the earth with another large family.” The wife died in 1836 and the father in 1846. Most of his ancestors were Baptists in religion but he was a Methodist. “My father’s occupation was that of lumberman and farmer. I include his religion with his business, because he `worked at it’ strenuously and all the time. He was … Read more

Biography of Rev. Jay J. Brayton

Rev. Jay J. Brayton, son of Moses Brayton, was born April 29, 1829 “in the midst of the beautiful scenery of the lovely Lake George. Yes, I am now (1910) an old man. And yet I cannot but remember that my childhood and even the beautiful world into which I was born were beclouded and embittered by terrible religious beliefs which took too deep a hold in my young heart and mind. However, at a later period I was able to throw them aside and accept a more rational and congenial religious belief. It was a conversion which made all … Read more

Biography of Richard Warfield

Richard Warfield, immigrant ancestor, located west of Crownsville, Anne Arundel, “in the woods,” in 1662. An old Warfield record claims that he settled near Annapolis in 1639, but there was no settlement there at the time, and he was not among the first settlers in 1649. His estate reached back to Round Bay. of the Severn. The rent rolls show that he held, during his life, “Warfield.” “Warfield’s Right,” “Hope,” “Increase,” “Warfield’s Plains,” “Warfield’s Forest.” Warfield’s Addition,” “Brandy,” and “Warfield’s Range.” He married, 1670, Elinor Browne, heiress of Captain John Browne, of London, who, with his brother Captain Peregrine Browne, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Warfield

John, son of Richard Warfield, was born about 1670. He was the eldest son and lived upon “Warfield’s Plains,” the homestead of which stands just opposite Baldwin Memorial church, half-way between Waterbury and Indian Landing. “Warfield’s Plains” extended up to Millersville, and “Warfield’s Forest” was near the Indian Landing. In 1696 John married Ruth, eldest daughter of John Gaither, of South River. Their sons all located upon the frontier out-posts. John Warfield, like his father, spent his life in developing his estate, but died in early manhood in 1718, before completing his surveys and transfers. Children : 1. Richard, who … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alexander Warfield

Alexander, son of John Warfield, was granted about 1725 with brothers John and Benjamin adjoining tracts on “Warfield’s Range,” five miles north of Laurel, extending from Savage Factory two miles west. John settled on what is known as the Marriott Place on which is the old Warfield burial ground; Benjamin on an adjoining tract on the north and west: Alexander on the north and east on what was afterward the Jerome Berry place, later owned by United States Senator Gorman. Senator Gorman’s “Fairview” is part of the original grant to Benjamin, the youngest son of Richard (1). He married Thompsy … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Brice Warfield

Brice, son of Alexander Warfield, married Sarah Dickerson and lived near Dayton. He had two sons and several daughters, all legatees of his bachelor brother, Alexander Warfield, of Unionville. He was a soldier in the revolution. His tomb is marked by a Scotch granite monument in the Warfield cemetery, Frederick county, Maryland. Children: 1. Zadock, mentioned elsewhere. 2. Surrat Dickerson, inherited from his Uncle Alexander several farms in Frederick county and a large undeveloped tract at Clifton Springs, New York; was state senator from Clifton Springs.

Biographical Sketch of Zadock Warfield

Zadock, son of Brice Warfield, was born in Frederick county, Maryland. He came to Clifton Springs, New York, with other heirs of his uncle, and he located at what is now (1910) Hopewell in Ontario county. He married Rachel, daughter of William and Dorcas Chambers, whose family came to the Genesee country in covered wagons in 1828, after sixteen days on the road. They built a log cabin without a floor. The country was then a howling wilderness. Children, born in Frederick county, Maryland: 1. Nathan, 1802, married Catherine Worthington Burgess. 2. William, 1804, married Lucinda, daughter of Leonard and … Read more