Biographical Sketch of Zebediah Williams

Zebediah, son of Arthur Williams, was born in Windsor, in 1649. He came with his father to Northampton and evidently was somewhat lacking in Puritanical piety, for he was fined ten shillings at Northampton, March 8, 1672, “for laughing in meeting, this being unseemly and prophane carriage.” He was fined, evidently on general principles, two shillings, sixpence. at Northampton, May 16, 1673, “for mispence of tyme at Mudge his house.” He sold his property at Northampton, in 1674 and come t0 Deerfield. A soldier in King Philip’s war he was killed with Captain Lothrop, September 18, 1675. He married, December … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Zebediah Williams

Zebediah (2), son of Zebediah (1) Williams, was born in 1675 at Deerfield. In 1692 the court ordered his grandmother, Patience Miller, “to take him and educate him or get him out (apprenticed) for an education.” Godfrey Nims, his stepfather, objected and the case was postponed. He was wounded by the Indians in 1695 and was allowed fifteen pounds by the general court for loss of time. The Indians captured him and his half-brother, John Nims, October 8, 1703, at Frary’s Bridge and carried them to Canada where he died April 12, 1706. His “house partly finished” was on a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ebenezer Williams

Ebenezer, son of Zebediah (2) Williams, was the third generation in which but one son had been left to preserve the surname. He was born December 10, 1702. at Deerfield, and removed to Amherst, Massachusetts, an adjacent town, about 1735. He owned land there and a highway by his place was laid out March 18, 1754. His name was on the tax list in 1760 and as late as 1776. He married, May 16, 1728, Mehitable Fowler, daughter of Samuel Fowler. of Westfield. Children. born at Deerfield: 1. Zebediah, born September 18, 1729, soldier in company of Captain Moses Porter … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Justus Williams

Justus, son of Ebenezer Williams. was born about 1737 in Deerfield and came to Amherst with his father. in infancy, or was born in what is now (1910) Amherst. He was a soldier in the French and Indian war in Colonel Williams’ regiment, from January 24 to November 30, 1757. He was also a soldier in the revolution on the alarm at New Providence, and served in Lieutenant Noah Dickinson’s company. In 1783 he was one of the petitioners for the incorporation of the second parish of Amherst. Both he and his son of the same name were voters in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ebenezer Williams

Ebenezer (2), son of Justus Williams, was born in Amherst, Massachusetts. in 1779 (Amherst history gives 1783). He was educated there in the district schools and followed farming. A prominent and influential citizen for many years, he was selectman of Amherst in 1818, 1823. 1828, 1829, 1832 and 1843, a period of six years and he also represented the town in the general court. He married, January 21, 1808, Philomela Dickinson, who was born in Amherst about 1990 and died in 1854. He died in 1860. Children: Elijah; William; Mary; Margaret; Enos D.

Biographical Sketch of Enos D. Williams

Enos D., son of Ebenezer (2) Williams, was born at Amherst, in 1822 and died in October, 1866. He was educated in the public schools and at Amherst Academy. He began life as a merchant in a small way and became a wholesale flour dealer, owning large flour mills. In politics he was a Republican in his later years, and he represented his district in the general court in 1856 and 1857. He was a director of the First National Bank of Amherst for many years. He married in 1846, Caroline Ruth Hawley, who was born in Plainfield, Massachusetts, in … Read more

Biography of William H. Williams

William H., son of Enos D. Williams, was born at Amherst, Massachusetts, October 31, 1853. His early education was received in the public schools of his native town and he was graduated from Amherst College in the class of 1876 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. At once. after completing his course, he entered the employ of a large lumber company in Chicago, Illinois, and a year later embarked in the lumber business on his own account at Springfield, Missouri. After continuing in business in Missouri for thirteen years, he came to Nelsonville, Ohio, and continued in the lumber … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Whitney

John Whitney. of Watertown, Massachusetts, was born in England. died at Watertown, June 1, 1673, aged eighty-four years. His first wife Elinor died at Watertown, May 11, 1619, aged fifty-four years. He married (second), September 29, 1659, Judith Clement, who died before her husband. Although the Whitney family is quite numerous in this country, a very large share of them are descendants of John and Elinor Whitney of Watertown. John Whitney was third son of Thomas Whitney. “gentleman,” and dwelt for several years in the parish of Isleworth, near London, England. He was baptized in the parish church of Saint … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Whitney

Benjamin. son of John Whitney, was born June 6, 1643, in Watertown, and married (first) probably at York, Maine, Jane -, who died November 14. 1690, and he married (second), April 1t, 1695, at Marlborough, Mary Poor. The first record of Benjamin, in York, is in 1662-6-8, when he witnessed an agreement of John Doves. He was at Cocheco, Maine. near Dover, in 1667-68. April 13, 1674, the selectmen of York laid out ten acres of upland to Benjamin, and in 1680 he had a second grant. After the death of his first wife, he returned to Watertown and settled … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jonathan Whitney

Jonathan, son of Benjamin Whitney, was born in 1681, and married in 1700, Susanna , born 1681. In 1721 his name is found on the list of those taxed for the minister’s rate in Sherborn, Massachusetts, at which time he paid one of the largest taxes. In 1723 his name was first on a petition to be set off as a separate town, afterwards called Holliston. In 1727 he was one of a committee in the latter town in relation to land for the minister, and in 1730 he deeded his interest in the land to the first minister. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jonathan Whitney

Jonathan (2), son of Jonathan (1) Whitney, was born October 17, 1704, and married, January 26, 1727, Lydia Jones, born September 15. 1705, died March 4, 1783. He owned lands in Hopkinton, Holliston and Mendon. He was a prominent citizen and influential member of the church and assisted in establishing the town of Milford. He died intestate, in 1755. Children: Susanna, February 12, 1728; Jonathan, October 18, 1729, died October 19, 1729; Jesse, November 24, 1730; Lydia, November 18, 1732; Jonathan, July 26, 1737, mentioned elsewhere; Ruth, baptized April 11, 1742, died young; David, baptized September 21, 1746; Sarah.

Biographical Sketch of Captain Jonathan Whitney

Captain Jonathan (3) Whitney, son of Jonathan (2) Whitney, was born July 26, 1737, in Milford. and married (both being then of Mendon), November 7, 1760, Esther Parkhurst, born June 22, 1741, died December 6, 1812, in Milo, New York. Soon after his marriage he removed to Conway, Massachusetts. and in 1789 he went with his son Joel to Ontario county, New York, and settled on the “Old Castle” farm near Geneva. Here he put in four or five acres of wheat, cut a stack of hay, erected a log house eighteen feet square and returned to Conway in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nathan Whitney

Nathan, son of Captain Jonathan (3) Whitney, was born at Conway, October 18, 1761, and married there (first), November 1, 1780, Olive Whitney, daughter of Lieutenant Jesse, born February 19, 1758, died November 17, 1828. He married (second) Thankful Caldwell. He lived in Conway until 1792, when he emigrated to Seneca Castle, New York. one of the first pioneers. He was a farmer by occupation. Nearly all his children were remarkable for their longevity. He died April 19, 1838. Children: 1. Luther, August 20. 1782, married Hannah Witter and Hannah L. Smalley. 2. Theodore, March 4, 1785, died June 29, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cheney Whitney

Cheney, son of Nathan Whitney, was born in Seneca, New York, April 21, 1795. He was educated in the public schools and followed farming in his native town. He married Olive Colwell, born March 19. 1801. Children: Daniel H., born October 19, 1809, died January 1, 1910; Hackaliah, August 30, 1822; Sidney, August 20, 1824, deceased; Clarrisa, December 16, 1826; Sophronia, October 26. 1828: Byron, September 4, 1830; Emma, October 24. 1833; Cheney P., mentioned elsewhere; Anna, March 25, 18-.

Biographical Sketch of Cheney P. Whitney

Cheney P., son of Cheney Whitney, was born in Seneca, June 10, 1836. He attended the public schools there and the Phelps Union School and the Oswego Business College. He then engaged in farming, and in 1872 purchased his present farm on which for many years he raised thoroughbred horses, cattle and hogs. In later years he has made fruit culture a specialty and has taken first prizes on fruit at all the county fairs of this section. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church of Seneca Castle and for forty years has been elder. He is a member … Read more

Biography of Thomas Sawyer

Thomas Sawyer, immigrant ancestor, was one of the nine persons in 1653 who organized the town of Lancaster. He was a blacksmith and farmer, and was one of the prominent citizens. His farm was on the present ground of the Seventh Day Adventists, between North Lancaster and Clinton. His house was in the most central part of the Indian raid, but he seems to have escaped with all his family, except his son Ephraim who was killed at or near the house of his grandfather, John Prescott. Thomas Sawyer’s garrison was a safe defence against the French and Indians, and … Read more

Biography of Thomas Sawyer

Thomas (2), son of Thomas (1) Sawyer, was born in Lancaster, Massachusetts, July 2, 1649, the first white child born there. When he was about fifty-five years old, he was captured by the Indians, when he was living at the garrison during Queen Anne’s war. On October 16, 1695, he. his son Elias, and John Bigelow, of Marlborough, were at work in his sawmill when they were surprised and taken by the Indians, and carried to Canada, where Bigelow and Elias Sawyer were turned over to the French for ransom. The Indians kept Thomas Sawyer, intending to burn him to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Sawyer

Joseph, son of Thomas (2) Sawyer, was born about 1675. He died before March 31, 1739, when his eldest son Joseph deeded to his brothers Thomas. of Bolton, and Abner. of Lancaster. a quarter of his double share of the estate of his father, Joseph, but “not my right in the thirds.” Children, baptized together June 22, 1718, in the First Church of Lancaster: Joseph, married Tabitha Prescott; Sarah; Thomas, mentioned elsewhere; Abner, born 1711, married. April 8. 1736, Mary Miller; Aaron, died aged forty-three, (his name not given in the list of those baptized) ; Asenath; Mary.

Biographical Sketch of Ephraim Gooding

Ephraim Gooding, the first of the family of whom we have detailed record, was born in Dighton, Massachusetts, and removed to Bristol, New York, in the early part of the nineteenth century. He made the entire journey on foot, and upon his arrival purchased a large tract of land. He married Corintha Spencer, who was born in Bristol, New York, daughter of Abijah Spencer, who came from Massachusetts, and one of the first settlers at Bristol, Ontario. and she was one of the first white children born in Bristol.

Biographical Sketch of Edwin Gooding

Edwin, son of Ephraim and Corintha (Spencer) Gooding, was born October, 1820, in Bristol, Ontario county, New- York. and was engaged in farming throughout his life. He was a staunch supporter of Republican principles, and at one time served as justice of the peace for the town of Bristol. He married Fidelia Crooker, also a native of Bristol. Children: Albert F.. died September 22, 1892; Eva C.; Sarah I.; Elias J., see elsewhere.