Biographical Sketch of Charles D. White

Charles D., son of David and Melissa (Van der Mark) White, was born in Phelps, Ontario county, New York, September 21, 1882, and is now (1910) living there. He received his education in the union school of Phelps, and in the Rochester Business College. He then for a time, held a position as clerk in a dry-goods store in Geneva, New York. After his marriage he spent five years in farming, and in 1906 came to the village of Phelps, where he worked for one year as a teamster, and in 1907 engaged in the coal and produce business with … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David White

David White, the founder of this family, was the son of George White, a sea-captain, and was born in Scotland, in 1844. Emigrating to America, he settled in Phelps, Ontario county, and engaged in farming. He was elected road commissioner at one time. He married Melissa Van der Mark, who died in 1884. Children: Edith, married Myron D. Crozer; Lillian, married George Peirce; Charles D., referred to elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of Zina Bushnell

Zina Bushnell, the first member of this family of whom we have definite information, was an early settler in Lakeport, Madison county, New York. The surname is prominent in the annals of several New England places, including Saybrook and Norwich, Connecticut. There was also another Bushnell in Lakeport, very early in the last century. Zina Bushnell, as early as 1815, built the first brick house in the northern part of the town of Sullivan, making the brick on his own farm. The name of his wife is unknown. Among his children was Almanza, referred to below.

Biographical Sketch of Almanza Bushnell

Almanza, son of Zina Bushnell, was born at Lakeport, Madison county, New York, January 18, 1831, and died January 10, 1905. He was a farmer and one of the representative men of his town. He married Emma Ransom, who died in 1877. Children: Harriet, deceased; Lena, married A. C. Hess; Clifton; Wendell K., referred to elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of Wendell K. Bushnell

Wendell K., son of Almanza and Emma (Ransom) Bushnell, was born at Lakeport, Madison county, New York, July 14, 1870. He was educated in the public schools and in 1888 he found employment as a clerk in a general store at Chittenango. There he remained until 1890, when he came to Shortsville, where he worked in Mr. Bidwell’s store, and after two years in this position, he traveled for a school-supply house. He returned to Shortsville in 1900, and entered into partnership with his old employer, Mr. Bidwell, under the firm name of Bidwell & Bushnell. June 4, 1910, he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Cavanaugh

James Cavanaugh, the founder of the family at present under consideration, was born in Dublin, Ireland, and was killed in a railroad accident at Phelps Junction, Ontario county, New York, February 15, 1888. At first he was destined for the Roman Catholic priesthood and he began his studies with that end in view. Finding, however, that he had no vocation, he ceased his studies and took a position as bookkeeper and overseer to a large estate. Later, he emigrated to America and settled in Auburn, Cayuga county, New York, where he worked for forty-three years for the New York Central … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Francis Cavanaugh

James Francis, son of James and Rose (Burns) Cavanaugh. was born in the town of Phelps, Ontario county, New York, December 27, 1868, and is now (1910) living in that place. He received his education in the union school of Phelps township and then began life as a farmer. In 1887 he went to Phelps junction and learned telegraphy, obtaining a position with the New York Central Railroad, February 22, 1888. In October, 1891, he returned to Phelps. being appointed telegraph operator for the railroad station there. This position he held until October 7, 1908, when he entered into partnership … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William H. Van Valkenberg

William H., son of Glen and Theodosia (Lobdell) Van Valkenberg, was born in Columbia county, in 1836, died in Ontario county, in 1905. He came with his parents in 1841, on the packet boat to Wayne county. They were farmers. In 1870 he came to Ontario county, where he bought the old Flower farm and lived on it until his death. He was one of Phelps’ representative business men. He was a member and trustee of the Methodist Episcopal church, and a member of the grange. He married, in 1861, Charlotte A., daughter of Jonathan and Mary (Finch) Sheldon. Her … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nathaniel Page

Nathaniel Page, the first member of this family of whom we have definite information, came from Conway, Massachusetts, to Seneca, New York, in 1812. His father or grandfather may have been Theophilus Page, who was born at Wallingford, Connecticut, about 1745, and died at Conway, Massachusetts, about 1825.

Biographical Sketch of Levi A. Page

Levi A., son of Nathaniel Page, was born in Seneca, October 6, 1816, died in 1865. He was educated in the public schools and in Cazenovia Seminary, and was a farmer. He married (first) Deborah, daughter of Thomas Ottley of Seneca, who died in August, 1850, and (second) Mary Winters, of Seneca. Children, all by first marriage: Levi A., referred to elsewhere; Joel; Harriet J.

Biographical Sketch of Levi A. Page

Levi A. (2), son of Levi A. (1) and Deborah (Ottley) Page, was born on the homestead, near Seneca Castle, January 1, 1841. He was educated in the public schools and Lima Seminary, and has always been a farmer. He was one of the assessors of the town for five years; supervisor of the town fourteen years: chairman of the board for a number of years; overseer of the poor for thirteen years; and one of the directors of the hospital at East Bloomfield. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and one of its trustees, and has … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John A. Page

John A., son of Levi A. (2) and Margaret F. (Benham) Page, was born at Seneca Castle, September 11, 1877. He was educated in the district school and Canandaigua Academy. He then engaged in farming, making specialties of fruit growing and of raising blooded stock. He was path master for a number of terms. He is a member of Castle Grange, Patrons of Husbandry. For three years he was secretary of the Ontario County Fruit Growing Association. Mr. Page is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, of Seneca Castle, secretary of its Sunday school and president of the Epworth … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Oliver Crothers

Oliver Crothers, son of William Crothers, was born in Phelps, December 12, 1819. He was engaged as a farmer until he removed to Newark in 1867, when he established himself in the malt business in which he was engaged until 1895, when he sold it and returned to his farm near Phelps. Two years later he again established a malting business with which he was identified until his retirement in 1895. He was active in public affairs of the communities in which he lived. He served as supervisor of the town of Arcadia and as president and trustee of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William L. Crothers

William L., only son of Oliver and Mary (Ridley) Crothers, was born in Phelps, New York, April 25, 1865. He was very young when his parents removed to Newark, and received his preparatory education in his native town, upon their return to it. He then attended the Rochester Business College, from which he was graduated in 1883. For a year and a half he was employed as a clerk in a dry goods store, and in the fall of 1886 became associated with his father in the malting business, and in 1895, upon the retirement of his father, assumed the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Luther Flood

Luther Flood was a farmer at Coldwater, Michigan. He married Ruth Caldwell, who married (second) Nathan Porter. Children of Luther and Ruth Flood: Ella, who died aged three years, and Herbert C., mentioned elsewhere. Children of Nathan and Ruth (Caldwell) (Flood) Porter: Ellsworth and Elmer (twins) ; Olive and Marguerite Porter.

Biographical Sketch of Herbert C. Flood

Herbert C., son of Luther Flood, was born in Coldwater, Michigan, February 18, 1860, and was educated there in the public schools. He came to Phelps, New York, when a young child and received his education in the public schools. He commenced his business life as a farm hand. Afterwards he leased a farm on shares and in 1903 bought it. He is one of the most industrious and prosperous farmers of the town, making a specialty of his dairy. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church of Phelps, and a member of its official board. In politics … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Case

William Case, father of Theodore Case, was born March 6, 1813; married Lydia Haigh; children: Rachel Ann Case, born September 20, 1836, married, March 13, 1868, Charles L. Bigelow, and she died December 17, 1904; Mary Frances Case, born June 22, 1839, died March 28, 1856; Thedore, mentioned above, married, December 20, 1863, Eunice Cobb, who died January 26, 1910; Wilbur B., born August 18, 1848, died April 23, 1864.

Biographical Sketch of John Barker

John (2), son of John (1) Barker, was born in England in 1801. He came with his father to the town of Phelps, Ontario county. New York, in 1815, attended school there and assisted his father on the farm. When a young man he went to New York City and engaged in general contracting. Thence he went to Lexington, Kentucky, where he was in the millinery business until after the civil war. Re turning to Phelps, he bought a farm on which he lived the rest of hip life. He died there in 1874. He was a member of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas W. Barker

Thomas W., son of John (2) Barker, was born in Lexington, Kentucky, April 4, 1850, and was educated there in the public schools. At the age of sixteen, after the civil war, he came with his parents to Phelps, graduated from the high school in that town and completed his education in a commercial college in Canada and at Wesleyan College at Bloomington, Illinois. He returned to Phelps and followed farming for two years. In 1887 he was one of a company that organized the Van Vrankin Company, which conducted a banking business at Clifton Springs, New York. After the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry H. Goodman

Henry H. Goodman, son of John Goodman, was born in England in 18-, and came with his parents to Phelps when he was only two years old. He was educated in the public schools of Phelps and during his boyhood worked on his father’s farm. He went to Saginaw, Michigan, when he was twenty years old and remained in that town during the next twelve years. He followed lumbering for an occupation. In 1882 he returned to Phelps and settled on a farm there. He married in 1870, at Saginaw, Ella Gifford. Children : Charles H., mentioned elsewhere; Bert J.; … Read more