Biographical Sketch of Charles Goodman

Charles H. Goodman, son of Henry H. Goodman, was born in Saginaw, Michigan, August 9, 1872. He attended the public schools of his native town, and after coming to Phelps with his parents, when he was ten years of age, he completed his education there in the public schools. He assisted his father on the farm at Phelps during his youth and has always followed farming. He has been prosperous and successful in business. He is prominent in social and public life. In politics he is a Republican. He was elected highway commissioner in 1904 and 1906, and town superintendent … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Le Roy

James Le Roy was born in Dutchess county, New York, September 10, 1820. His father was of the family mentioned above and a descendant in the fourth or fifth generation from Francis Le Roy, the first settler. His father lived and died in Dutchess county. James Le Roy was educated in the public schools in Phelps, Ontario county, whither he came when a boy. He followed farming all his active life and became one of the substantial and representative men of the town. He was active and prominent in the Methodist Episcopal church. He married (first) Fanny Palmiter and (second) … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William J. Le Roy

William J. Le Roy, son of James Le Roy, was born in Wayne county, New York, May 25, 1852. He moved with his parents to Phelps, Ontario county, when he was a small boy and was educated there in the public schools. He has always been a farmer. He has been enterprising, industrious and progressive and commands the respect and confidence of all his townsmen. He has traveled extensively in the western states and is a man of wide information and liberal ideas. He is a member of the Methodist church, of which he has been a steward since 1903 … Read more

Biography of Andrew J. Short

Andrew J. Short, owner of “The Maples,” at Clifton Springs, Ontario county, New York, has been identified in a prominent manner with the matters connected with electrical engineering and kindred branches, for many years, and is the originator of many novel ideas in this field of industry. His family have been settled in the state of New York for a number of generations, and were connected with agricultural interests. Andrew Jackson Short, his father, was born in the town of Phelps, Ontario county, New York, in 1837, and lived for many years on the family homestead, “The Maples,” where his … Read more

Biography of John Klopfer

John Klopfer, of Freidabach in the kingdom of Wurtemburg, Germany, was a cooper by trade and plied his calling at a time when Central Europe was practically demoralized by the Napoleonic wars. He had a son, John Michael, born in Freidabach, July 26, 1823, who adopted his father’s calling. In Germany the cooper’s trade is closely allied with the wine industry, and for a number of years John Michael Klopfer was engaged in distributing the product of the vine all over Southern Germany, and collecting the revenues therefrom. This was before the advent of railroads and the butts were transported … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Young

William Young, the first of the family in this line of whom we have record, was of Providence, Rhode Island, and served in the continental army during the revolution. He had eleven sons.

Biographical Sketch of Stephen Young

Stephen, son of William Young. married Betsey, daughter of Captain Edward Greene, of the Rhode Island Militia. Captain Greene settled on the Unadilla river immediately after the revolution and there erected a church on his own farm, bearing the entire costs of construction. The edifice is still standing in a good state of preservation and is a lasting monument to the excellent qualities of its builder, Captain Greene.

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Young

Arthur, son of Stephen and Betsey (Greene) Young, married Laurinda Stull, who was born April 23, 1818, and died August 20, 1906. They had seven children. Mrs. Young’s ancestors came from Holland in early colonial days. Her father was Joseph Stull, and her grandfather Captain Jacob Stull, settled in Elmira in 1782, served as a captain during the revolutionary war and was an active participant in many of the most important engagements, among them being: Three Rivers, Van Nest Mills, Long Island, Trenton, Princeton, Germantown, Springfield and Monmouth. For a part of this time he served directly under Washington’s command; … Read more

Biography of Dr. Gardner B. Young

Dr. Gardner B. Young, son of Arthur and Laurinda (Stull) Young, was born in Farmers Valley, McKean county, Pennsylvania, December 21, 1859. His first step in his business career was as a clerk in a store at Larabee, Pennsylvania, where in the course of four years he rose to the position of manager through his energy and executive ability. He then bought out the business, which he continued for the period of one year on his own account and then closed out. During this time he had handled trade to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, the greater part … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Elisha W. Gardner

Elisha W., son of William (2) Gardner, was born at South Kingston, Rhode Island, and followed the occupation of farming. He married Sarah, born in Amenia, Dutchess county, New York, daughter of Thomas Pattison, who came from the north of Ireland and settled in the colony of Connecticut, and a granddaughter of William Utter, who was of German descent, and whose family was almost entirely wiped out by the Indians during the French and Indian war. In the “Memoirs of Sunderland Pattison Gardner” we read : “His wife, eight children, one white man, and one colored servant were scalped, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sunderland Pattison Gardner

(V) Sunderland Pattison, son of Elisha W. and Sarah (Pattison) Gardner. was born in Rensselaerville, New York, July 4, 1802, and died February 13, 1893. He was a farmer. but the chief work of his life was as minister in the Society of Friends. He was a temperance advocate and a staunch Democrat, and as a young man served for several years as a school commissioner. He was married according to the Friends’ ceremony. May 28, 1863, to Annette Hannah Ben, who was born at Richmond, Crawford county, Pennsylvania, August 24, 1836. She was the daughter of William and Sarah … Read more

Biography of Anson Lapham Gardner

Anson Lapham, son of Sunderland Pattison and Annette Hannah (Bell) Gardner, was born in Farmington, Ontario county. New York, February 7, 1873. His preparatory education was acquired in the district school of Farmington and the Macedon Center Academy, and he then became a student at Columbia University, New York City, from which he was graduated in the class of 1896. During his earlier years he assisted in the cultivation of the home farm and was engaged in teaching in district schools for a period of two years. He commenced the study of law in the office of his uncle, Elisha … Read more

Biography of James S. Carson

James S. Carson, while not a native of this country, has borne his share so bravely in defence of the rights of the Union, that all right-thinking citizens must inevitably feel proud of so honorable a record. He is a native of Scotland, and from that land of thrift and wisdom brought many of the admirable traits which characterize her inhabitants. He has also been of service to his country in a number of public offices, and may with truth be considered a model citizen. James Carson, father of James S. Carson, and a son of Samuel Carson, of Scotland, … Read more

Biography of E. A. Griffith

E. A. Griffith, a well-known attorney and counselor at law of Geneva, Ontario county, New York, has, by his honorable efforts and moral attributes, carved out for himself friends, affluence and position. The strength and force of his character have overcome obstacles which to others have seemed well nigh insurmountable, but with boldness and enterprise he has conceived and executed projects while others were considering the means necessary to carry them out. Wellington Griffith, father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Pike, Wyoming county. New York, in 1835, and died in April, 1896. He was a farmer … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Cotton

George Cotton, immigrant ancestor, was the ancestor of all the Cottons in Massachusetts and Connecticut. He is said to have come from Suttancofield, a town in England. He came first to Windsor, Connecticut, was at Hartford early, and about 1644 removed to that part of Springfield called Longmeadow, where he became one of the first settlers. He was a proprietor there in 1645, and one of the chief citizens. He was deputy to the general court in 1669, and quartermaster of the Hampshire county troop. He did important service in King Philip’s war. In 1670 he was one of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Young

In 1859 Samuel Young, who was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1829, emigrated to the United States, accompanied by his family, and settled in Geneva, New York. He was a carpenter by trade, an able mechanic, and possessing the requisite amount of energy and business ability, his services as a building contractor were in constant demand. He was a thoroughly reliable business man, winning and maintaining the confidence of all with whom he had dealings, and he was identified with building operations in Geneva until his death, which occurred February 11, 1899. In politics he was a Democrat. He attended … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Young

George, eldest child of Samuel and Jane (Arnott) Young. was born in Yorkshire, England, July 10, 1854. Coming to America when a lad of five years he attended school in Geneva, and having graduated from the high school at the age 0f nineteen he proceeded to familiarize himself with the carpenter’s trade and the contracting business. He was associated with his father until the latter’s decease, and his death occurred ten days later, February 21, 1899. Politically he was a Democrat. His religious affiliations were with Trinity church. Mr. Young married, November 28, 1889, Emma M. Beard. Children: 1. Ruth … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Beard

Mrs. Emma M. (Beard) Young was born in Detroit, Michigan, July 12, 1855. Her father, Thomas Beard, who was born in Kingston, England, October 12, 1831, learned the baker’s trade with his father in the old country and emigrating to the United States he followed that calling for a few years in Mount Clemens, Michigan. He later returned to England, where he spent three years and then returned to the United States and settled in Geneva, New York, and engaged in the trucking business; later added the coal business with his son, John. He served three years in the civil … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Pets

John Pets (as the name was then spelled), founder of that branch of the family of which Andrew Peirce was a representative, in April, 1637, left Norwich, county of Norfolk, England, and settled in Watertown, Massachusetts. His son Anthony (II) had a son Joseph (III), who was the father of Benjamin (IV), whose son Benjamin (V) was the father of Ensign Andrew Peirce (VI).

Biographical Sketch of Calvin L. Judd

Calvin L. Judd, son of Levi Judd, was born in Geneva, New York, January 4, 1821, died September 20, 1889. He was a contractor and builder, and removed to Clifton Springs, New York, in 1866. There he followed his calling with great success, one of the most prominent buildings erected under his supervision being the Clifton Springs Sanatarium. He was subsequently appointed to the office of steward in this institution, a position he filled for a period of twenty-five years. He was a member and trustee of the Methodist church and a member of Geneva Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. … Read more