Biographical Sketch of Burrus Osgood

Burrus Osgood, son of Elihu and Amy (LaMunion) Osgood, was born in Manchester, June 27, 1818. He owned a farm and obtained good results as a reward for his labor, using much of his leisure time for the benefit of his fellow-townsmen. He served with marked ability in many positions of responsibility and trust, invariably discharging his duties in an upright and satisfactory manner, and owing to the implicit confidence inspired by his sterling integrity, he was frequently called upon to act as executor and trustee of estates, a business which absorbed much of his attention for more than fifty … Read more

Biography of Carlos Pierce Osgood

Carlos Peirce, son of Burros and Sarah (Peirce) Osgood, was born at the family homestead in Manchester, March 11, 1857. His studies in the public schools were supplemented by a course at the Canandaigua Academy, and graduating from that institution, he taught school for some time. At the age of twenty-one he went to Iowa, and jointly with W. H. Wilson, who had accompanied him thither, he assumed the management of a large tract of wild land owned by parties in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He also engaged in farming on an extensive scale. In the spring of 1883 he went to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Blossom

William, son of Joseph Blossom, the first member of this family of whom we have definite information, was born in Amsterdam, New York, and was probably a descendant of the Cape Cod, Massachusetts, family. A number of Blossoms are mentioned in the records of Barnstable and Sandwich, and the name is associated with Wells, Vermont, through a descendant of the Cape Cod Blossoms. William, son of Joseph Blossom, was in Manchester, New York, before 1837. He had been educated for the Presbyterian ministry, but did not enter it. He engaged in farming in the town of Seneca township, and in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Blossom

Joseph, son of William and Polly (Benham) Blossom, was born in the town of Seneca, Ontario county, New York, April 8, 1837, and is now (1910) living at Port Gibson. He was brought by his father to Port Gibson, when he was ten years of age, and received his education in the public schools of Seneca and Port Gibson. He then for a number of years acted as clerk in his father’s store, and for the last two years of his minority bought goods for a New York firm. In i860 he engaged in boating on the Erie canal and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Lyon

William Lyon, the founder of this family, was a mason and a native of Holland, who emigrated to America in the first half of the nineteenth century. He died in Williamson, New York, aged seventyeight years. He married Jane Rosencran, who died in Manchester, New York, aged eighty-two years. Children: Jacob; Kate; William, referred to below. William (2), son of William (1) and Jane (Rosencran) Lyon, was born in Rochester, New York, February 4, 1861, and is now (1910) living in Port Gibson, New York. He was taken from Rochester to Williamson, while yet a young child, by his parents, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Daniel Kirtland

Daniel Kirtland, the first member of this family of whom we have definite information, was a native of Durham, Greene county, New York. Owing to confusion in the existing records and paucity of dates, it is uncertain whether this Daniel is the Daniel Sr., who married Lovisa Lord, and is the great-grandfather of Caroline Kirtland, or his son, Daniel Jr., who married Huldah Stevens. The family belongs to the border clans of Scotland and is found in Durham, Yorkshire and Cheshire, England, whence members of it emigrated in early days to Durham, Woodbury and Wallingford, Connecticut. About 1784, a number … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dorrance L. Kirtland

Dorrance L., son of Daniel and Huldah (Stevens) Kirtland, was born in Durham, Greene county, New York, December 16, 1818, died in Phelps, Ontario county, New York, August 11, 1885. He received his education in the public schools and at the high school in Honesdale, Pennsylvania. He came to Phelps in 1839. and after working on a farm there for a short while, returned east, where he remained until 1842. He then came to the western part of the town of Phelps, where he bought a farm on which he lived for seven years, when he settled on his final … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Dixon

The late John Boynton Dixon, of Geneva, an expert tile and brickmaker, and the inventor of valuable improvements in the manufacture of clay products, belonged to an English family which for upwards of a century was identified with that business, both in England and America. His grandfather, James Dixon, a gallant soldier in the British army, holding the rank of sergeant, had the honor of serving tinder the renowned Duke of Wellington, and participated in the famous battle of Waterloo, which decided the fate of Europe and effectually terminated the imperial aspirations of the greatest military dictator of modern times. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Dixon

John, son of Sergeant James Dixon, and the father of John Boynton Dixon, was born in Rellington the latter part of the eighteenth century, and died in early manhood when his son John B. was an infant. He married Hannah , born in Rellington in 1790, died in 1880, a nonagenarian. Left with the care of an infant by the untimely death of her husband, she subsequently became the wife of a Mr. Clark. The children of her second union are: 1. James, who resides in Canada, married and has four children. 2. George, a resident of Canada, married and … Read more

Biography of John Boynton Dixon

John Boynton, only child of John and Hannah Dixon, was born in Rellington, England, February 3, 1812, died in Geneva, New York, March 4, 1890. He was reared and educated in his native town, where he also served an apprenticeship at tile and brick-making with his grandfather, and in 1832 he engaged in that business for himself at Leeds, England, remaining in that city about twenty years. Arriving in New York in 1851, he proceeded to select a suitable place in which to locate, and being favorably impressed with the inducements offered at Geneva he established a tile and brick … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Adam Turnbull

William R. Turnbull, assessor of Seneca township, Ontario county, New York, is a member of a family which was among the pioneer settlers of the county, and the various generations of which have been closely identified with its agricultural interests. Thoroughly conversant with the details of farming and sheep raising, honorable and highminded in all the different phases of life, he occupies an enviable position among his fellow townsmen, who willingly accord to him a place in their first ranks. Adam Turnbull, grandfather of the above mentioned, came to Seneca township in 1801, and settled on the farm which is … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alexander Turnbull

Alexander, son of Adam Turnbull, was born on the homestead in 1818, and died there in 1895. He married Elizabeth Burrell, who died in 1901. Children: Mary J.; William R., see forward; Thomas E.; Margaret Elizabeth, married John McCartney, and resides in Rochester, New York.

Biography of William R. Turnbull

William R., son of Alexander and Elizabeth (Burrell) Turnbull, was born on the family homestead in Seneca township, Ontario county, New York, December 5, 1857. He was educated in the district school. and after being graduated from this, spent two years in the old Canandaigua Academy, and left it excellently equipped for business as well as farming life. Until his marriage he, his brother and his father worked hand-in-hand in making the homestead farm as productive as conditions would permit; upon his marriage, however, one hundred acres of this land were set out for his special portion, and he devoted … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Pieter Stoutenburg

Pieter Stoutenburg, the founder of this family, who died March 9, 1698-99, was one of the early Dutch immigrants in New Amsterdam, now (1910) New York. He arrived probably before 1649. He was a schoolmaster. The marriage connections of his family and the offices held by them, show that his family was one of good standing, and he had a house and a large garden on the east side of Broadway, just north of Wall street. He is stated to have been aged eighty-six at his death. His name is sometimes spelled Stoutenburgh. He married, the banns being recorded in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Tobias Stoutenburg

Tobias, son of Pieter and Aefje (van Tienhoven) Stoutenburg. was baptized January 18, 1660, died about 1716. He lived all his life in New York. He married. July 2. 1684, Anneken, daughter of Jan Joosten van Rollegom, from Haarlem, Holland, who was baptized July 15, 1665. She survived him many years. Children: Pieter, baptized April 26, 1688; Jan, baptized October 27, 1689; Lucas, baptized September 20, 1691 ; Jacobus, baptized December 31, 1693; Johannas, baptized February 13, 1695; Jacobus, referred to below; Tobias, baptized March 4, 1698; Tobias, baptized December 22, 1700; Cornelis, baptized May 23, 1703; Eva, baptized October … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacobus Stoutenburg

Jacobus, son of Tobias and Anneken (van Rollegom) Stoutenburg. was baptized June 7, 1696, and died about 1772. At some time after his marriage, he removed from New York City to the Philipse Manor, Westchester county. In 1741 or 1742, he moved to Dutchess county, in the present town of Hyde Park, where he had long owned land. Here he built a stone mansion, very fine for that day, with spacious rooms and handsomely finished paneling and woodwork. He was for some time county judge. He married in New York, May 25, 1717, Margrietje, daughter of William and Rachel (Kierstede) … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Stoutenburg

William, son of Jacobus and Margrietje (Teller) Stoutenburg, was baptized June 3, 1722. He received from his father a large homestead farm, and built on it in 1765, a large stone house, near Union Corners, New York. He married, July 5, 1753, Maria, daughter of Abraham and Maria (Kip) Van Vleck, baptized July 25, 1725. Children: 1. James, died in 1807, married (first), December 31, 1782, Mary Moss and (second), December 30, 1790, Hannah Marshall and (third) Comfort Bell. 2. Abraham W., married Margaret Van Vleck. 3. William W., born about 1759, died August 19, 1829; married, January 28, 1783, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Tobias W. Stoutenburg

Tobias W., son of William and Maria (Van Vleck) Stoutenburg, in 1820 advertised for sale his property at Union Corners and other lands. With part of his family, he removed in 1825, to Hopewell. He was a farmer. He married Mary Hill. Children: Barbara, born June 29, 1792, married James Hall; George, married three times; William, married; Mary Van Vleck, born November 4, 1797, died unmarried: Abraham, died unmarried; John T., born September 21, 1799, married December 3, 1823, Mary Van Wagner; Sarah, born September 19, 1801, married Peter Reese; Isaac, referred to below; Jane, married Benjamin Prichard; Eliphalet, born … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Stoutenburg

Isaac, son of Tobias W. and Mary (Hill) Stoutenburg, was born in Dutchess county, June 6, 1806, died April, 1881. He also was a farmer. Coming to Phelps, in 1866, he engaged in the manufacture of plaster. He was an elder in the Presbyterian church. He married Ann, daughter of Peter Reese, who died in March, 1863, and whose father was a native of Maryland. Children: George B., born November 13, 1832; Frederick, referred to below; Angenette, born July 22, 1836, married Van Buren Wheat; Mary Jane, born September ii, 1838, married J. F. Salisbury; Angeline, born April 22, 1840, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Stoutenburg

Frederick, son of Isaac and Ann (Reese) Stoutenburg, was born in Hopewell, August 17, 1834. He was educated in the district school and the Wesleyan seminary at Lima. Then he engaged for a number of years in farming. In 1867 he sold his farm and went to Brooklyn, New York, where he entered into the flour, feed and grocery business. Selling this business, he manufactured doors, sashes and blinds for a year and a half. He sold out this business and returned in 1870 to Phelps. Then he was engaged for five years in the plastering business. Later, he worked … Read more