Biographical Sketch of William L. Crothers

William L., only son of Oliver and Mary (Ridley) Crothers, was born in Phelps, New York, April 25, 1865. He was very young when his parents removed to Newark, and received his preparatory education in his native town, upon their return to it. He then attended the Rochester Business College, from which he was graduated in 1883. For a year and a half he was employed as a clerk in a dry goods store, and in the fall of 1886 became associated with his father in the malting business, and in 1895, upon the retirement of his father, assumed the entire control of these interests until 1905. January 23, 1906, he was appointed postmaster of Phelps, an office he filled with such entire satisfaction to the government that he was reappointed in 1910. He served as president of the village in 1900, was a member of the county committee for a period of nine years, secretary of that committee for four years and a member of the town committee. His fraternal affiliations are with the following organizations: Sincerity Lodge, No. 200, Free and Accepted Masons, of Phelps, of which he has been the master three years; Newark Chapter, No. 117, Royal Arch Masons; Geneva Commandery, Knights Templar.

Mr. Crothers married, 1892, Georgiana, daughter of Garrett and Jennie Frisbie, of Phelps. Children: Oliver F., born April 7, 1893; W. Everett, February 26, 1895; Frisbie E., September, 1898, deceased: Gertrude, February 27, 1905.



Ontario County NY,

Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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